Season 10

>season 10

Who the FUCK is watching this?

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women, faggots, soyboys

my gf unironically

straight men that like seeing men in drag, obviously.

I hope you don't have kids.

Obnoxious gays.


Kill yourself faggot

The fact that faggots can do this is horrible. They got to comfortable. We need a Jeffrey Dahmer like figure to show faggots fear again. Someone needs to start mutilating their bodies after they kill them. All faggots will die on the day of the rope.

These. All the roasties on FB are always posting videos squeeing at some minstrel show faggotry from that show.

Is there a link for the finale?

I've met lots of gay people, but ironically never met a gay man who likes this show. It's nothing but hetero women and their hipster nu-male type boyfriends.

I read this as "I hope you don't have aids"

I think it's great because it actually makes millennial tranny faggots really uncomfortable and feels it undermines their "struggle" because some faggots can just put on a dress whenever they want and pass as women 10x over them

Is a regular not-trans guy who dresses up and acts as a woman for show kind of like the tranny equivalent of white people dressing up in black face?

I know a few fags who watch this shit.

>Tfw this homo told me he had Amazon Prime Video so he could watch this fag shit

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If you have Hulu its usually up to date on there. I think the Logo TV website has them too.

If you think Drag is just about "passing" you have remotely no idea what it's about.

>If you think Drag is just about "passing" you have remotely no idea what it's about.

Drag is about attention whoring, just like being a tranny is. The only difference is that men doing drag aren't completely insane.

Well yeah no shit if you're on a show like Drag Race you like some amount of attention. It's called having
Nerve, and


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yes, and has been compared to as such. it's awesome.

all things which real millenial tranny faggots have literally zero of.


When are we going to finally clear the Weimar Republic stage of this century? It's all just so tiring.

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I would if it was about tying up trannies to the back of cars by their legs and dragging them around with the winner being the one that dies last.


It's a forgone conclusion at this point.
