Why Did They Kill Pacific Rim 2?

This movie had so much potential, but then Jews and niggers got involved.

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you mean chinks?

No, the first one was good because of the chinks and honkys

A sequel to an already over-the-top movie released just 4 years ago? Where’s the potential in that?

the lore

>Pacific Rim came out 4 years ago

Where has the time gone?

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Reminder Its the amerimutts fault that let the first one flop to a fucking adam Sandler sequel and they are trying to get the transformers audience with floaty bots and probaly quips.
you made your bed now lay on it.

actually almost 5 years

I know it is in vogue on this board to blame and hate John Boyega any time he appears in front of a camera, but it's what he is doing behind the camera that looks to be fucking up Pacific Rim: Uprising.
Boyega is a producer of the movie, and in an intervieew, he listed things he wanted to change from the original. Some changes appear to be genuinely positive, such as making the characters less one-dimensional. Other ones, however, show that he seems to not understand what made the original great. Boyega said that the action in the first movie, with the colossal Jaeger mechs' movements slow and indicative of their size and weight, was too slow. He says he was watching the movie and yelling "Hurry up!" at the screen.
He says that the fighting robots in the new sequel will be much faster, and the skyscraper-sized mechs move swiftly and quickly like in a James Bond or Jason Bourne fight scene. This, along with the transition from the restrictive Jaeger cockpits to less restrictive (ie: easier for an actor such as Boyega to deliver an unchallenging performance) settings are signs that what made the original is lost, just as is its director and creator.

TL;DR John Boyegaa is ruining this movie as producer, not as an actor.

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blame the producers and Guillermo Del Toro.

They brought into John Boyega, hoping to bank off Star Wars. They promised to make him the main character and either kill off Charlie Hunnam's character or reduce his role in the movie. Hunnam left.

They gave Boyega a bigger role in the film and in its production.

Movie turned into power rangers and John Boyega is a horrible lead.

not true dipshit do some research Guillermo had literally nothing to do with this, the nigger used the liberal agenda to attack them saying if they woulnd't cast him as lead he would bomb the twin towers again. WE WAZZ KINGS HE SHOUTED!!!!

honestly seems like forever. if somebody said Pacific Rim came out in 2009, I wouldn't contradict them without looking it up first.


This comment isn't good enough to use as a copypasta, nor is this thread one that needs to keep being made


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Why did he let that murderer live?

I think it's interesting that (major spoilers) Mako dies within 20 minutes which will piss off a lot of fans, especially feminists. And then Newt is the villain of the whole movie, but it'll be fun watching Charlie Day be the villain.

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How is it GDTs fault when the studio cucked him out of his own franchise?

Studio let Daredevils showrunner take control of the franchise, then he went to John Boyega and asked him for his input. J.B. then put his terrible ideas to work. One of his ideas was to make the new Jaegers faster.

Literally thought the old Jaegers were too slow.

>the studio cucked him out of his own franchise
This right here, not Boyega, is why I'm not going to see it.

It looks like it's going to be a mess, but I made up my mind way back when it was announced that Del Toro wasn't going to be involved. You could tell right then that it would be a soulless cash-in made by people who didn't understand the first thing about what was good about the original..

yeah but it is his fault the move was raped by niggers

How so? Del Toro got removed from any meaningful role in the project long before casting began. Sure, he's still listed as a producer, but that means jack shit.