Trips decide what kino I'm going to watch tonight

trips decide what kino I'm going to watch tonight

Attached: miracle_mile.jpg (1600x900, 258K)

Bringing Out the Dead

Shoot'em up

Your mom!

that was very close user


Blade runner 2049


Ernest goes to camp

blade runner 2049 :)

death sentence


Enter the Void (2009)

Gay porn. You can pick the title but it must be gay porn and you have cum to it.

Blade______ 2___

Fuck that. Heres 900 films in no particular order. Roll for your kino (or flick)

Attached: 900 films.png (1627x1963, 283K)

OP is too good to mix with the scum of this thread

Attached: ohno.jpg (353x500, 58K)

Gay niggas from outer space

keeping up with the kardashians

I'll roll.


Jaws 3

fuck that, pass.

The Emoji movie

Henry Rollins

Adventures in Babysitting

Lost In Translation

Attached: 0E0tRz8z_400x400.jpg (400x400, 30K)

The Earrings of Madame de...

The Lord of the Rings: Extended Edition at 2x speed on 3 different screens at the same time.

Howard the duck sex scene over and over for 3 hours

The entirety of True Detective Season 1


Attached: was it rape.webm (1280x720, 2.68M)

Attached: MV5BMjU4NDcwOTA2NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjE2OTg4MzI@._V1_UY1200_CR90,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg (630x1200, 122K)


OP, you lucky fucker

The Pest

Could've done worse, but I hope you have some coffee OP.

Attached: Cool_as_Ice_poster (1).jpg (256x390, 24K)

Not OP but I'd be happy if that was me. I haven't done a rewatch.

Attached: 1516744640027.gif (300x169, 1.94M)

fuck you and your normal shit



dis is gino

Attached: brainlet2.jpg (212x237, 8K)

re-roll i just watched trainspotting the other day, i own it on blu ray

OP here.
May your days be long and your night pleasant user.

A Goofy Movie

Attached: bigguy.gif (500x270, 365K)

roll I guess




OP here again:
I'm gonna share some concept art from the OP picture movie while the stream is loading


Attached: 1495480053803-Miracle-Mile-Tar-Pits.jpg (1050x815, 121K)



Attached: 1495492066903-Miracle-Mile-Chopper-Dip.jpg (1050x804, 114K)

Which Rush album is this from?


Attached: 1495487596170-Miracle-Mile-Gas-Station.jpg (1050x807, 97K)



sunset boulevard


Le Corbeau




Is Miracle Mile worth watching? Looks comfy.


Lemme get a quick roll in while it's hot.


Attached: A68618B7-FA67-407D-A7E5-E4B221F238C0.gif (300x225, 1.92M)

So how did the curse work? The kid was a Greek god the whole time? Seems a *bit* far fetched.


fred durst

A Serious Man



give me that fucker


roll again

its comfy for the first 10 mins or so then it ramps the fuck up and gets progressively intense and insane.

great movie

apparently, for some reason, 499 is not on the list


>solaris is 3 hours


I'll roll it

Attached: 1520040729785.png (128x128, 12K)

The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford

One more time


Anybody ever notice Reviewbrah has gigantic hands?


Need kino

ah fuck it

Okay let's roll

Give it to me, baby.

I already know I'm not going to do it, but thanks for posting this image.

It's his head that it's disproportionally smaller in comparison to the rest of his body.
Try watching that gif while you cover his head with your thumb and you'll see what I mean.

Fucking reroll

please let it be something with a black lead

hmm okay.

why not

Very disappointing list, but let's roll one for the sake of it.