*completely flies over radar of Sup Forums plebs*

*completely flies over radar of Sup Forums plebs*

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You mean under?

Raiders have an upper limit too.

Don't you guys have threads for the show anymore? I watched the first season with you guys

>still might have to slap a trick, shoutout colin kaepernick

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The cold open of S2 jumpscared me twice. The long takes lulled me into a sense of security, then the shot where it's revealed the guys have the masks on and the AK both got me. Kino though.

What the fuck was that all about?

I fuck with that beat from earlier. The one where the recorder fucked up


dude niggers lmao

I would say nice to meet you, but I don't believe in time as a concept so I'll just say we always met.

Are the writers Jews and they they purposely make the guy seem miserable?

>calling raders raiders
lots of retards itt

Shouldn't those faggots be happy Earn is giving them $100?

Florida Man

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Yeahhh. I'm ready

This is a very jewish black club.

African immigrants are incredibly Jewish

I won't watch anything with Donald Glover in it, period


i wonder if he still hangs out with the guys from derrick comedy or if he's just a complete fame-eaten narcissist now

>"Can I turn the music back on"
fucking killed me


Was that actually Michael fucking Vick?

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guys wait i can't watch the new episode until torrents come out don't say anything about it :((((

>child lock man

i felt the sequence with paper boy getting robbed was a little weak, he's meant to have good criminal instincts like we see in The Jacket
i was expecting him to grab the guy's arm when he pointed the gun away

Watching Episode 2 now, the radio station part is soyboy cringe kino

>still misspells radar


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Waiting for the season.

the sad thing is how true it is

these videos are intensely uncomfortable

> gay black faggot writes sjw hiphop show


*isn't even funny just it's donald glover pretending he is a real black and wasn't raised by upper class white people*

>i have no idea what i'm talking about
>i also love reddit spacing

it's mostly shit. donald glover is awful, and darius is just a ghetto version of seth green. paperboy is alright i guess. the only time i actually laughed was when the guy spit the toilet water at the prison guard.

it's like some kind of elaborate slave auction

It's an awkward show to watch. Everything with Paper Boi and Darius is great but everything with Doland Glover and Van is dreadful. It keeps going from black kino to a show about whiteys pretending to be blacks because they are tanned.

are you talking about the background wiggers or you calling Donald a hapa?

>do you need those in a different size sir?
nah im fine *walks out*

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hi my name is donald glover i grew up in the suburbs and was in a show where i play a funny lovable black guy, but at some point i finally realized i was black so i had to become a shitty hip hop artist and then wrote a show about poor people, weed, and rappers. im totally black now guys.

The only show that i'm watching now desu

nah dude he's totally black

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I'm calling out Dong Lover and Zazie Beetz for doing blackface.

had to have been 8 years since I've seen this shit

I wish Sup Forums were still as based

"B.A.N." was the GOAT episode

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Atlanta is niggerkino

PLEB? nigga this "critcally aclaimed" piece of shit series is pleb BAIT faggot, first off lets start with how i was memed by high praise from "intellectual critics" to check this steaming pille of shit.

The main character is the litterally the Black Michael cera, minus the self awareness, the guy is a pretentious faggot who walks around trying to manage some made up rapper, oh that adds another tab to the on going topic since you KNOW these movie/tv made up musical artists don't deserve the praise they are getting in that world since you can hear their music and straight out suck, but lets label the audience reaction as emotional cgi and go on with defiling this dead horse, and he alters between very incompetent to lucky, the whole series is him and his gf being a jackass then doing weed, some minor humorous bits in it make it slightly watcheable but everything else sucks fisherman balls.

Absolute fucking garbage, but since nerdwriter and some other youtube video essay cancers praised it you gonna see a lot of brainlets swarming to it pretending its good, its not, stay away if you haven't seen it.

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you are actually autistic

dude the show's just funny, I know the award shows are bullshit damn

>the show's just funny
yea maybe if you're 15 years old

hurts to admit but this is why i identify with him and like the show

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>attacking the person not the argument.
Oh gee thanks reddit very good post buddy you sure proving me wrong there faggot holy fuck everything i said was invalidated, thank fucking jesus you showed up to show us what a real intellectual rebutal looks like mother of fucking god i love this shit show now, you really proved me wrong, i will march west into the forest where i engage on deep phylosophical thinking then proceed to give free lectures to poor trees that can't afford college and when they graduate i will look at the clouds and see your stupid fucking post and thank you for making this piece of shit world better by refusing to apply basic level communication logic to civilized discussions.

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big deal, you grew up in the suburbs, you dont need to turn into a fag like donald and try and be a thug just to be 'more' black. that's like a white guy trying to be more white by acting like some walmart white trash hick in a pickup truck.

Superior negro-kino reporting in senpai.

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man, black people have issues. i don't think they can ever live around white people en masse. the victim complex is too baked in. not saying the audition video isn't fucking weird. a lot of things about the rap industry seem to be. can we get instruments back in black schools and get them making great pop music again? that was the problem in the 70s right? or are we too far down this road

Slightly funny, not every episode features comedy in them and the ones that are pure drama are just absolute garbage.
The black bieber episode was ok, the tv episode was great, but then we have shit like that awful restaurant episode and that other bloody RETARDED episode on the black socialites party, that one was a special kind of bad i felt like my brain was being scooped out of my skull, i felt dumber when i was done with it, i had to just go do something else to forget it and i still can't, it was so bad i actually cleaned my house after.

somebody assembled their camel incorrectly

Oh what are you, camel tech support?




It's on cable. Who the fuck pays for cable anymore?

This is what i felt while watching desu. fucking piece of shit show.

First ep I watched, and that was primarily because I knew they were using the “We’ll Be Right Back” music from Eric Andre.

Gave me some weird expectations for the show but I fucking love it all the same

I may not be an expert but I know the hump doesn't go on top of the head. page missing from the instructions or something

It doesn't feel like anti white propaganda because it also criticizes black culture, that plus it's also entertaining.

Does anyone else feel like donald glovers character feels kind of minor or unnecessary? I don't know why he's the main character of the show

scenes without him are better, but it doesnt really follow a traditional pattern the way other shows do so idk it mightnt be as good if it just followed darius and paperboi all the time

he's not even a character, he's just...in the show....doing pretty much nothing. i mean really, what is his character?

white guys in the midwest do that all the time

and they are just as pathetic

there's nothing actually wrong with driving a truck and shooting guns/hunting for fun. what exactly do those guys do that you look down on so much

>complete fame-eaten narcissist now

i bet he angsts about friendship but ultimately chooses to buy into his own hype

uncivilized behavior

Its his fucking camel you nazi faggot, maybe he likes it with the lump on the head (smarter camels walks safer routes)

lots of things necessary for maintaining civilization are uncivilized. I'm happy to have those guys around. they keep to themselves anyway

Louie for black people

driving trucksand shooting raccoons is necessary for maintaining civilization ?

a guy who has a lot of potential but is ultimately a burnout fuckup

they don't keep to themselves. they are the white people's version of ghetto hood rats.

I forgot he smashed (((lena)))
poor thing.

vast majority of them have day jobs which wouldn't lend themselves to anyone other than those types of people. construction, maintaining infrastructure, farming, forestry, mining/oil, truck drivers. not to mention the potential necessity of those skillsets in case of catastrophe. which is far more likely than many appreciate. almost inevitable at least within a couple lifetimes imo. and those rough bastards are the ones who tamed the country for the rest of us, make no mistake

maybe I haven't encountered the same sorts of people you have. but the poorest and most dysfunctional white hicks don't hold a candle to the deleterious effects of inner city blacks. you can talk a lot about why that is but it's a statistical fact. I guess I find the 1:1 comparison you're drawing ungenerous to the hicks

i'm not doing a 1:1, just saying the fat walmart jimbobs are the white version of ghetto blacks. ghetto blacks are much worse though.

>fat walmart jimbobs
fair enough I guess

>white white white white white white
Hey least his black show is kino.

Is this show any good? I was hearing her NPR interview and she sounds like the girl you dont wanna talk to but get stuck talking to in an elevator.

I tried watching the first episode.
Turned it off after the first scene.

Like Glover..but hate the fuck outa black culture..so. Yeah, not gonna support this sorry.

no argument there, I'm pretty sure his brother is the true talent there tho

Lmao, lena is the reverse weinstein.
minus the charisma.

Is this on Hulu? Lotta FX stuff on Hulu. Also, is this just a black Entourage?

it's on hulu
donald glover has described it as the black twin peaks and curb your enthusiasm

literally had no idea season 2 is already out


He has a pregnant Asian wife lol

based staples

she's too pure for this world. so cute and a little sad

where my niggas at hAhAA

Problem is, every time they focus on Earn, they want us to believe he's a smart black man who's just unlucky (compounded by a racist system.) And they overdo it

But the guy's a fuckin' loser. He got four thousand dollars last episode and immediately put it all on a mall gift card because some nigga he barely knows told him he could double it. And he only got that four thousand in the first place because he listened to some other nigga he barely knew when he traded in his phone and gave him all the money he had in the world.

He's got a kid. He was too proud to live with the kid's mom or his own mom, so he curled up in a storage unit. Yeah, it's bullshit he got popped for half a blunt. But it's not the system's fault he had that half a blunt, or that he sucks at life. Plus, he has every right to be scared that Al's gonna drop him as a manager. The only thing he's ever really done for Paper Boi is get his song on that one station in the first episode.

Earn is that guy who acts like he's above all this nigga shit, but he's the first one ready to take the blunt and the Henny and the chance to make a stack, because he thinks that'll help him be a success.

>Problem is, every time they focus on Earn, they want us to believe he's a smart black man who's just unlucky (compounded by a racist system.) And they overdo it
>But the guy's a fuckin' loser. He got four thousand dollars last episode and immediately put it all on a mall gift card because some nigga he barely knows told him he could double it. And he only got that four thousand in the first place because he listened to some other nigga he barely knew when he traded in his phone and gave him all the money he had in the world.

I kinda imagine that's the whole point of the show. Yeah, Earn is a fuckin' loser, but we can't say he isn't smart. He know places that can promote his cousin's music and can make connections. Al could drop him, but they are in a better position because of Earn. I think he knows that too low key. There are days when Earn losses out on shit, but there are times when something good pops up for him and his family. The episodes really juggles his life. But really, Earn just needs time to adjust. He needs more confidence, more money, and know how to be a better manager. All that will take time.

I really love how the other rapper mentioned that his manager was giving him all these connections and yet it didn't lead to anything and wasn't even acknowledged. In any other show, that would lead to manufactured tension between Earn and Alfred, but it doesn't matter to Al because that's not what he's focused on.
That's why I like Atlanta more than any other TV show right now, it subverts expectations in a good way. It doesn't set up generic plot hooks to deliver some big payoff for the finale later, it just goes on like life with a lot of bizarre situations along the way.

I dunno man I find niggers repulsive to look at at the best of times. Seems like this would be torture.