Why do they live up to 1930's antisemitic stereotypes about Jews being rapey and lustful over aryan women?

Why do they live up to 1930's antisemitic stereotypes about Jews being rapey and lustful over aryan women?

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Ain't nothing new under the sun?

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our grandparents knew what was up

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Fun fact

>The Jewish producer of The Wizard of Oz originally wanted to cast 12-year-old Shirley Temple in the role of Dorothy, however, according to Temple when she was alone with the producer he pulled his dick out and chased her around the room trying to fuck her, only for the 12-year-old to fight him off.
>Judy Garland at the age of 14 was given the role, and at that same age and time she was was having sex with Spencer Tracy and was hooked on pills to force her to keep acting.
>The jews at the studio also said she was too fat and ugly to be a leading lady, so they constantly made her starve herself, and once tricked her into getting an abortion and when another celebrity got her pregnant.
>By her mid to late 20's she had tried to commit suicide at least 7 times, including one time where she slit her own throat and had to stop acting for a year, which the studio covered up and said she had injured herself in a car accident.
>The heads of the studio used to make her perform lesbian sex shows for them and sleep with them for work.
>By the end of her 20's MGM thought she was too old and washed up so they kicked her to the curb.
>Her death may have been a suicide, but nobody knows for sure.


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WoO was as ((())) as it gets

>Mannix and Strickling, the studio publicist, had enormous power over MGM’s stars. The two knew all the sordid secrets, which they could bury to head off a scandal, or leak to ruin a career.

>Spencer Tracy bedded Judy Garland when she was just 14. Mannix used that information to keep the alcoholic Tracy in line.


How does it make you feel anons, knowing Dorothy was being forced to ride the cock carousel for work?

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lol, jews are a real hoot

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it makes me angry, fuck you

No wonder Liza came out all wonky

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was it Shirley Temple who has another situation like that where a producer whipped his dick out and she just laughed because it was so tiny?

They went after Jewish, Latina, black, and Asain women as well

It may have been the same incident. I just recall that she she said that she went into the audition and the producer all of a sudden whips his dick out at her when she was 12 and she said she had to fight him off.

I've always wondered if Jewish women are only so over represented as man hating feminists only because many of them grew up in homes with a creepy Jewish fathers and uncles. Could this all be self projection towards the general male population?

I think it has to do with attractiveness
Hot Jewesses are insanely hot but most are rather stocky, masculine types, the semitic features are not kind to females.
Also Jews are low in agreeableness so they like to bitch a lot.

>The book Judy and I: My Life with Judy Garland, written by Garland’s third husband Sid Luft (father of Lorna and Joey Luft) reveals Garland’s bouts of depression, her long-time pill use, an abortion she got during the early years of their relationship and several suicide attempts. (Garland had an older daughter Liza Minnelli, with her second husband, director Vincente Minnelli.)

>The book is based on notes from his autobiography that was drafted and never published before Luft’s death in 2005.

>In one incident in the early ’50s, Luft claimed that Garland’s depression was so debilitating that she slashed her throat in the bathroom of their Beverly Hills home. Luft, who rushed home to find her, writes:

>“Judy had cut her throat with a razor blade….What demons inhabited her soul just when life seemed so rich and productive? It was a gigantic puzzlement that she would poison herself with pills, and that the toxic reaction to whatever she swallowed would create an impulse for self-mutilation.”

>Afterwards, doctors rushed to the scene and saved Garland’s life.

>He also revealed another suicide attempt in a D.C. hotel several years later.

>“When Judy came out in her short white lace negligee, her arms were in front of her and she said, ‘Look, darling, what I’ve done!’ ” writes Luft. “Her wrists had been slashed and she was bleeding profusely.”


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>ywn pray at the alter of Shirley Temple

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The wicked witch of the west will have her vengeance

the shitty part is how that's presumably par for the course and has been continuing and likely getting worse ever since then.

do you think people kept covering it up because they were worried about their careers or just because it was so fucked up that it's easier to just pretend it isn't going on.

>“They were drunks,” she said in a 1967 interview with Jack Paar. “They put them all in one hotel… they got smashed every night, and the police had to pick them up in butterfly nets.”

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Lots of female celebrities go crazy. Bettie Page went nuts, beat up her ex, got arrested then got diagnosed with schizophrenia and became a recluse for the rest of her life.

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As to why they cover it up, people back in the early days of Hollywood were more naive and willing to believe everything was on the up and up. And back then there were no computers or cell phones, so it was easier to cover shit up. They even had Hollywood fixers who would blackmail celebrities.

Thats actually a good point. Probably the reason for all of these jewish social movements just stem from them projecting their view of humanity from their own jewish community onto the rest of humanity, like if marx hated capitalism because the only capitalists he had experience with were jews trying to rip him off.

>Harvey Weinstein (Jew*) (helped by Israeli ex-PM Ehud Barak*, journalist Noah Oppenheim*)
>Bob Weinstein (Jew*)
>Roy Price (crypto-Jew*, fiancée named Lila Feinberg)
>Brett Ratner (Jew*)
>Bryan Singer (Pink Triangle**, Jew* pedophile)
>Gary Goddard (Pink Triangle** pedophile)
>Adam Venit (Pink Triangle**)
>Roman Polanski (Jew* pedophile)
>Woody Allen (Jew* pedophile)
>Oliver Stone (Jew*)
>James Toback (Jew*)
>David O. Russell (Jew*)
>Lars Von Trier (considered Jew* at the time)
>Victor Salva (Pink Triangle** pedophile)
>John Singleton (Black)
>Matthew Weiner (Jew*)
>Andrew Kreisberg (Jew*)
>Mark Schwahn (Jew*)
>Murray Miller (Jew*) (helped by Lena Dunham (Pink Triangle**, Jew* pedophile))
>Dan Schneider (Jew* pedophile)
>Jimmy Savile (Pink Triangle** pedophile)
>Adam Fields (Jew*)
>Jordan Vogt-Roberts (Jew*)
>Max Landis (Jew*)
>Stan Lee (Jew*)
>Paul Haggis (Scientology)
>Chris Savino (Goy)
>David Guillod (Goy)

>Dustin Hoffman (Jew*)
>Richard Dreyfuss (Jew*)
>Jeremy Piven (Jew*)
>David Cross (Jew*)
>Jeffrey Tambor (Pink Triangle**, Jew*)
>Ed Westwick (Crypto-Jew*)
>Robert Knepper (Goy)
>Sylvester Stallone (25% Jew*)
>Jon Grissom (Pink Triangle** pedophile)
>Alphy Hoffman (Pink Triangle** pedophile)
>Charlie Sheen (Pink Triangle** pedophile)
>Danny Masterson (Scientologist)
>Ben & Casey Affleck (Goy)
>Steven Seagal (50% Jew*)
>George Takei (Pink Triangle**, Asian)
>Bill Cosby (Black)
>Russell Simmons (Black)
>Kevin Spacey (Pink Triangle** pedophile)
>Louis CK (25% Jew*)
>Aziz Ansari (Muslim)
>Andy Dick (Pink Triangle**)
>James Franco (Jew* pedophile)
>David Blaine (Jew*)
>Mariah Carey (Black)
>Allison Mack (Pink Triangle**, Jew*, sex cult)
>TJ Miller (Jew*)
>Michael Douglas (Jew*)

>Jann Wenner (Jew*)
>Leon Wieseltier (Jew*)
>Michael Oreskes (Jew*)
>Mark Halperin (Jew*)
>Terry Richardson (Jew*)
>Matt Lauer (Jew*)
>Glenn Thrush (Jew*)

>Al Franken (Jew*)
>Paul Rosenthal (Jew*)
* 2% of population
** 3% of population

your last participle is literally hitler

>LA cheers shriners in gay parade
Lol, the vernacular sure has changed

guys the holocaust definitely happened okay
lets just cool it with the anti semetic remarks

>the police had to pick them up in butterfly nets

hearty kek

World War 2 was the greatest tool for them.

Eddie Mannix was a fucking hero.