Do you consider these two to be the same character?

Do you consider these two to be the same character?

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Other urls found in this thread:^tfw

Much more believable than the Ani from Phantom Menace being the same person as Vader in Rogue One.



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I consider him Luuke

Huge contextual difference in that one is fleshing out an already established character and one is a continuation of a beloved character.
Honestly it's beyond comprehension what they've done to the OT characters, absolutely blowing their chance at any catharsis. I remember being on a high a couple days after the announcement of the new trilogy, realizing we'd actually get to see Luke, Han, and Leia on screen again.
We at least we got a few good Han scenes before the absolute molestation of Luke Skywalker and the Hero's Journey in favor of Jake Skywalker and Jewish moral relativism.
I hate this.

Luke's moment of shame in confronting Ben calls back to when he beats vader and stares at his hand and stops himself before its too late. may even be shot for shot pottery

Hey you have either CGI Leia or killing Leia off screen next to look forward to

You can hit the notes but doesn't mean you know the song. Rian is a poser, through and through, and has no clue what makes Star Wars great.

The original starwars films do not exist in the same universe as the newer starwars movies

sure. one is big luke the other’s small luke. there, you have a canon reason to accept both now.

The only consolation prize at this point is JJ going full fanservice and bringing back Luke (he just projected somewhere else!) and hamming it the fuck up.
Say what you want about that kike but he knows how to pander.

unironically yes, it's the only thing i liked from the the flick and believe its the one criticism normies and plebs go on about constantly.

everything wrong with TLJ has its roots in TFA. JJ stuck the dagger in deep before it ever even got going.

>Luke's moment of shame in confronting Ben calls back to when he beats vader and stares at his hand and stops himself before its too late. may even be shot for shot pottery
That's why it's so bad. All that character development and his epiphany at the end of ROTJ goes out the window.

100% true and TFW is a weak film, but on the surface it's Star Wars popcorn, which is how low my bar is for any Nu-Wars movie.

>Jewish moral relativism
bro, relativism in general sprang in pretty much every civilization one way or the other, the fucking greek skeptics were on this wave and i've never seen any mention of shlomo in any of the texts i've passed through
TLJ isn't morally relative anyway "a jedi uses the force for knowledge and defense, never for attack" in his confrontation with Kylo Luke takes this to the absolute and turns himself completely into a mass legend that inspires hope

you're right, tricking an enemy with a projection to delay him and buy your friends time is a very jewish thing to do, think i read it in a grimoire once

this, it wasn't rian who decided luke was missing.
And im pretty sure jj would just have luke on an island looking for another macguffin to defeat snoke because he is too afraid to do anything outside what is safe and proven.

i do now.

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>what makes Star Wars great.
being the basest most easily digestible vague power fantasy?

Fair enough, I'm no expert on the topic, but the current owners of Star Wars are overwhelmingly Jewish and now this "grey Jedi" stuff is being inserted (not just in the movies but in the new lore, Rebels and what not). It seems to coincide with a greater overall trend to make anything that is righteous and pure seem naive and misguided.

No one said Star Wars is complicated. It's a perfect retelling of a hero's journey done with characters we love. No one wanted a cynical subversive Star Wars, except faggots who were never fans in the first place who can now jump on board with the new """smart""" Star Wars.

>b-but people make the same mistake more than once!
Saved you some time Disney shill

As someone who grew up with him
>minority opinion.
I've re watched the ot countless times over the years and i slowly started to see a similar outcome like this happening in the future.

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All the natural born leaders of any western influenced nation are depicted as fucked up, monstrous, and incompetent, while outsiders, rebels, dissidents, etc are depicted as virtuous and morally good. Its in every movie and series.

>I did it. I trolled my nephew and let 20 people and the girl I didn't bother to train take on the First Order. My life is complete.

The actual shots are nice but the idea of using "force projection" and then immediately dying is just... it's literally making me laugh thinking about it.

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>All that character development and his epiphany at the end of ROTJ
that's not what happens

they mirror each other while having luke in different positions being confronted with different emotions and different goals in relation to where he is in the moment, both relying on him rejecting the dark side of the vague ambiguous fictional metaphysical force that is nowhere near consistent as people make it out to be.

For Luke had to stop himself before he became Vader and became consumed by his rage like his father did
this is a very different situation from being in the position of master that he's in later, where the struggle isn't outward but completely inward, being watchful of every movement of his inner self. TLJ puts this in our face especially through all the slapstick that comes out of Rey fucking up.

There's a consistent thread here and its one that pretty much is the only option given that this new trilogy was started from the standpoint of looking back for some old lost connection to the past

i see it more as just choosing to let go and become one with the force, rather than just dying .

One is Luke, the other is EU Luke

No. One is Luke and the other is Bigger Luke

me and my brother started laughing our asses off in the theatre. was too cringey for us.

why not at least have him raise the xwing out of the water, like in Empire, and actually be there to rescue them while not dying like a faggot?

luke was never great despite his mistakes, he was great because of them.

Nothing in disney wars connects to the real star wars movies, so no.

>perfect retelling of a hero's journey
dude, don't bullshit, the appeal of star wars is the force ™ in a vast fantasy world. that's it, making the protagonist a nobody who comes from nothing who turns out to be central anyway plays on the audience's desire to self insert

Why cant holes understand star wars?

No, Star Wars ended with RotJ

why the fuck is luke skywalker sneaking into his nephew's room in the middle of the night with a deadly weapon with the intent to mind rape him? what the fuck part of his character is that building on?

No. I don't consider anything past the original trilogy to be canon.

The only time I did feel like I was watching luke in TLJ was luke seeing R2 again in the falcon. That actually felt like luke.

The rest, no.

No and the only way I would ever consider seeing the next one is if they reveal that episode 8 Luke was actually a clone or doppelganger and the real Luke hasn't been found yet.

Lmao my brah dont pretend you ever gave a fuck about star wars

I just keep thinking of it and I can't understand it. The force projection shit is just complete edging and leaving me high and dry.

Why did Luke come in force projection in the first place? What did he expect? It being all his keikaku makes no sense.

>he force projects
>turns out there is no exit in the mines
>turns out Kylo senses its not him
>turns out they're all already dead
>turns out they died before they could reach the planet

Why did he even fucking die? Why couldnt he just spare them some time and then meet them in the falcon, the last shot would have had the rest of the resistance with Luke.

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Ones bigger

jedi almost always have their lightsabers on them.
You have obviously never read someones journal or email when suspecting bad vibes.

Because that actuallt would've been a good idea

>I would ever consider seeing the next on
Kill yourself

becomes one with all things after having committed to the ultimate selfless act, thereby becoming an example for all

it was too good for this series

He quite literally just gave up on life, and died a virgin. It's a pathetic end to one of the most beloved film characters.
Put a gun in his hand instead of a lightsaber when Luke is standing over his sleeping troubled nephew and almost kills him. Would you still see him as a good person? The ending of ROTJ established Luke as being wiser than Yoda and Obi-Wan, because he was able to save Anakin from the dark side rather than killing him. JJ certainly made Luke seem questionable, but Rian totally emasculated and ruined him. TLJ could have secretly had him training a new generation of Jedi, for example. The possibilities after TFA were still rather open-ended, but TLJ was the nail in the coffin for Star Wars.

that's the point.

>You have obviously never read someones journal or email when suspecting bad vibes.

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I see Luke Skywalker on the right and Jake on the left, how can you ask if they're the same person?

Thanks for proving his point, Rian.

>the literal 30 seconds of RD-D2 being in the movie
That still ticks me off. Quads confirms.

How much you wanna bet she'll die off screen and they'll announce her death in the crawl

Kill yourself slag

Not really. Left is just a piece of fan fiction.

Having Luke Skywalker "choose to let go" into death as redemption for offscreen actions is perhaps the faggiest notion I've ever come across.

>You have obviously never read someones journal or email when suspecting bad vibes
that's a little different from forcing myself into his mind. not that luke stealing his journal and reading it without ben's consent would have been justified either. or would you try to justify that?

but good job dodging the question.

> I fundamentally disagree with virtually everything you've decided about my character
> edit him out at the end of the movie without even telling Mark Hamill
Yeah nah, nowhere near the same.

that's because anything considered to be righteous and pure is naive and misguided

mein kameraden i used to get made fun of for my interest in star wars. try to let go of identifying your psyche with the projections of light in dark rooms. none of us are any better than anyone else for liking or not liking star wars primo

The appeal of Star Wars is definitely not the force and the fact that you think it is shows your hand.

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No. PT and EU Luke believed everyone could be redeemed and would never stop fighting. Disney Luke is a clusterfuck.

would higher lifeforms be impressed by us if all they had to go by was that first star wars movie?

>who could be behind this post

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>Jabba, this is your last chance. Free us or die
>I just came here to die


>For Luke had to stop himself before he became Vader and became consumed by his rage like his father did
Luke was literally trying to NOT fight Vader until Vader mentioned his sister.
My main beef is as follows:
Why in the fuck did luke not meditate and consult obi-wan, Yoda, or his fucking farther?

Except he knew that he would die. That rumor is bullshit. He actuallt shot down that "edit without telling him" in a tweet. Of fucking course he knew he was going to die.

yeah because after what happened with anakin, the jedi we're super wise for being passive in anakins obvious approaching darkness.


No more than your skull crushed with a brick for being a faggot asking shitty nonsensical questions.^tfw

No, and that's why I'm working on fixing it.

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um, yes? How much of a manchild are you?

No, complete different mindsets, for the actor and the character

>Would you still see him as a good person?
what's the difference? the subtext here is of a master in an immense position of power having a moment of weakness that is the failure that through ironic tragedy causes the realization of his fears.
i don't get why its a killable offense to put this in a star wars movie.

TFA wasn't that open ended either, how many reasons can there be for luke to have gone into hiding for all those years while one of his students wrecks havok on the galaxy?

What will your name be on ifdb so I can follow you?

>"When I realized that that’s where Luke was going to get to by the end of the movie, and when I realized this was gonna be an emotionally rich arc for him, it seemed like if there was a time to give him his moment, this would be it," said Johnson. "I wasn’t looking forward to it. I was kind of dreading it, but at the same time it felt like the right moment. It felt like the right time in this trilogy."
This was Rian's justification for killing Luke at the end of this trainwreck of a movie. There's no 2deep4u significance behind it. Rian just thought it would be a good "moment" for him to subvert your expectations.

Are you doing a 2-in-1 edit?

What a nice guy, doing damage control and uphdoling his contract.

They didn't skip 30 years with him you fucking mong.

Dude, you're a fucking buffoon. Grey Jedi have been around long before Disney got involved, and they can be just as righteous and pure as the Jedi as we know them. You know, arrogant, self-righteous pricks for the most part who effectively brought about their own downfall through a number of different means.

If you're going to try pushing some half-baked political agenda you admittedly know little about, at least do so where it actually fucking applies.

Kill yourself hole

tough guy please don't drop the brick yet and tell me what makes star wars so very special and integral to the continuation of the human race



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because it's unironically too challenging for the setting.
There is a reason star wars has been dying since the 80's.

>what's the difference? the subtext here is of a master in an immense position of power having a moment of weakness that is the failure that through ironic tragedy causes the realization of his fears.
So Luke just repeats the failures of Obi-Wan? How is that good writing?
>i don't get why its a killable offense to put this in a star wars movie.
That movie is called ROTS.
>TFA wasn't that open ended either, how many reasons can there be for luke to have gone into hiding for all those years while one of his students wrecks havok on the galaxy?
Nobody is saying TFA wasn't shit, but the only reason anyone went to see TLJ was because TFA blueballed us with Luke. There is no Star Wars without Luke Skywalker. Why would anyone care to see Episode 9 other than Reylo fangirls?

TFA was on life support but Rian still chose to yank the plug.

I've been a fan since I watches the OT as a kid, and TLJ and KOTOR II are two of my favorite pieces of Star Wars media. While Star Wars is inherently full of hope, it's such a vast universe that it's ripe with potential for subversive, cynical and "smart" stories. Variety is a good thing

Rian was hired because he and kathleen wanted luke dead.

>copying the shots makes it good

because fans want something new but simultaneously don't want anything new.
We all like to shit on star wars.

>until Vader mentioned his sister.
exactly, fear of ultimate, total loss

triggers his anger and he attacks after which stops himself before he can't turn back

same as when he looks into ben's mind and says "muhhh i'll lose everything i care about, everything that makes me happy, oh no"
and he every explicitly describes his dark emotions as a fleeting sensation that's gone as soon as it shows up. the movie follows up on this by being very clear on how huge the consequences for this is.

frankly i'm surprised that this kind of idea is in a star wars movie

did you fucking expect the new trilogy to be focused on people who are on their way to their graves?

Kill yourself faggot grey jedi and disney grey jedi are not the same thing,

I wasn't at first, but since 8 has fuck all for a plot or an ending or any resolution to Leia's character or, fucking point to most of it, I realized 8's best use is actually as extra footage to pad ep 7, which, with the extra footage, can be reworked into a true epic.

So, I'll have a shortened R1, 4, 5, 6, (thx Harmy) and this 7/8 sequel, and that will be my star wars collection.

...ok and also the animated sequences from the Holiday special but I'm not admitting shit.

>moment of weakness
Why do idiots keep saying this? Kylo’s apartment was pretty far away from the main temple. Luke walked over there in the middle of the night with his lightsaber in hand to what, teach Kylo Form VI?