Obvious Hollywood closet cases

Obvious Hollywood closet cases.

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hes just decadent, not homo.

He literally fucks (female) models nonstop.

I would too with his money. Imagine the trove of secret sex tapes he has on his phone.

>He literally fucks (female) models nonstop.

Is there any evidence? He is photographed with models. The agencies actually pay him to hang out with them. Why would a man need to be PAID money to hang out with women?

Has there been any evidence of him having sex iwth them?

hugh jackman

I'm pretty sure the Rock is a homo.

Idk man, any of the countless hundreds of kiss and tell stories from some of the thots he's fucked? Apparently he's a very selfish lover, gets himself off and doesn't care if she gets any pleasure from it.

Did Leo flip?

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I'm also pretty sure the Rock Hudson is a homo.

he doesn't NEED to be paid obviously, but he can be and still fuck hot chicks, so why not?

Looks that way

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Leo is gay and it's something I know for years
/also/ Hugh Jackman, Michael B. Jordan, Vin Diesel, Zac Efron, Tom Cruise, Taron Egerton, John Travolta and more I can't recall right now, unless you ask me.

what do u mean ?


hes known for going after models who are just about to turn 18

this + Bradley Cooper & Jamie Foxx unironically though.

And I would let all of them fuck me for as long and hard as they wanted. And?

>Michael B. Jordan
I've heard of the others but what's the deal with this one?

>Bradley Cooper
yes, I forgot about him
>Jamie Foxx
don't know him that well

+ Will Smith

Dann I wish I could pull that kind of ass.
Or any kind of ass
Or holding hands
You know, whatever's available


>closet case

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not a single one of these surprises me

lol you all are saying this like it's a bad thing. Are yall straight or something? Fucking losers

Ding ding ding

no one here implied it's a bad thing, we just talk about actors we know or think are gay/bi

I would agree with all of the but jackman and diesel

For sure

There were signs

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Based Leo?

>Leonardo DiCaprio “is selfish, lazy and downright rude,” says a source whose BFF bedded the 41-year-old Oscar winner. “She told me that during the act, Leo put on headphones and even started vaping! Then he signaled her to keep going while he just laid back and zoned out. The woman was so confused by the situation that she just carried on, embarrassed and hoping for things to change. But Leo continues to lie there, listening to MGMT, while his “date” was left wondering what was in this for her.


Hi shill

So....based Le



You got to fuck Leo, so stop your bitching.

I did this with my ex once I read about it.

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He flipped

Like Joaquin, Mel, Katt Williams, Owen Wilson, Brendan, Wahlberg etc.


No one cares what you want, filthy little mudblood.


alpha as fuck

>selfish lover
What are you, a 15 year old girl writing in her diary?

How can you read these scripts and not let some of it sink in?

Tarantino, Pitt..

Real question, with all the women he's supposedly fucked, wouldn't you worry about STD's after the amount of partners you had? Or do you just stop caring at a certain point?

I want newfags to leave already

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Are they actually going to tell the truth about the Manson murders?

What a time to be alive


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>the truth
which part?

lol. You fucking idiots.
You pretend that you have some secret language.
But that's erroneous.
You act as if your precious echochamber is penetrated by someone speaking in a normal tone.
Your contemptuous attitude only hurts yourself and further submerges yourself into the sad reality that you find yourself in, browsing this board.
Change yourself.

Not any of the parts the media has reported on in he last 50+ yeas?

I honestly don't know, my man. That's why I asked.

Leo/Pitt/Tarantno flick might be a massive redpilll

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>the guys I'm jealous of are gay

Did they? My god, I'd give anything for one night with Basketball Diaries Leo.

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Unbelievably based

ywn ravage prime twink leos hairless and supple asshole

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he's a real life Patrick Bateman

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Go poz some more kids you worthless faggot.

>John Travolta

Oh yeah good thing I don't get laid ever

>The agencies actually pay him to hang out with them.



What did he mean by this?

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God I wish he was gay. I would let him fuck me.

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Leo reminds me of a teenage aquaintance/friend.

Was the kind of guy who could be extremely dramatic and was changing his life goals every other day.

>He's friendly, charismatic, and likes theatre.
>He must be gay.

What about actors that seem queer but are actually straight?

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Legend has it, Burt did so much ass fucking for roles, he had to get a siphon implanted in his asshole. Rumor has it, that's why he's addicted to painkillers and he's gonna release a tell-all book when he dies The Longest Yard, indeed

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there aren't enough image slots left in the thread to accommodate that many manscaped metrosexuals.

Laurence Olivier used to host ass fisting parties in his living room with Danny Kay. They say he perfected the lines of Hamlet's Soliliqoy while Danny's fist formed every verbal beat. The history Kino books say Kaye pulled his browned fist out of Laurence's stretched ass as he perfected the following lines...

"Please, give me that goblet, if you love me. Let go of it!"

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>no proof for any of these claims besides "blind items"
Lmao you guys really believe this shit?

Blind Items are Authentic and Verifiable

kill me

>Apparently he's a very selfish lover
why are you phrasing that like it's a problem.

Matt Damon. You can't see his face b/c he's too busy blowing an exec for an inclusion clause.

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