Psuedo-Intellectualism within 2049's try hard esque plot

Did anyone else feel lied to watching 2049? How much longer will simulation physics rendered as proto bioshock aesthetic be praised as affecting art? (Especially when the only audience responding to 2049 are the neurotic vilenueve sycophants high on neo imdb idoltry?)
Vileneuve vandalises art to peddle pseudo avant garde video game hysteria, it appeals to the emasculated neuroticism of vileneuve sycophants, whilst 'pulling a fast one' on its aesthetic authenticity, result in a garish makeup of style over video game subterfuge.

Attached: blade.jpg (1920x1195, 664K)

Other urls found in this thread: gen/

Is Villeneuve Jeff Koons ?


i want to throat you

He's not wrong, you know.
This board worships soy and then uses it as an insult.

>If grug use big words, grug will appear smart

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it's just a movie
then again, i am a brainlet. thank god i'm not smart enough to care about whatever it is you just said.

When will you people stop giving this retard (you)s?

But I enjoy his threads.

Shit nigger, you're still at this?

OP is a bitter lefty cuckboi

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Is this the Doug Harris AKA ACfag of Sup Forums?

How the fuck is BR2049 not a lefty movie?

It’s difficult to parody this kind of word salad since at first glance it looks like actual criticism. Your eyes flit over the paragraph and see words like “neuroticism” and “authenticity” and assume this is a scathing takedown of Blade Runner 2049. It may not be your cup of tea, but you can respect it.

Then you look closer.

Like a terrifying Frankenstein creation, the flaws stick out like tendrils where there should never be tendrils, teeth grafted to thighs and ears grafted to arms. “Neo imdb”. “Proto bioshock”. “Video game subterfuge”. Your mind struggles to comprehend the ravings of a psychotic, autistic madman, who’s sole purpose is to try and communicate why he doesn’t like a movie through the filter of YEARS of internet film criticism.

He can’t quite do it. Nothing is stitched together in the right way, his words are jumbled. You stop, and you wonder, what could drive a man to such lengths, to have no critical mouth or tongue and yet scream, so loudly, over and over.

because bitter lonely alt-right bois like it

I didn't watch it because I thought it was going to be smart. I watched it because i expected quality.

Based grammar poster

nice projection

and you got neither

Imagine being THIS unwell

Somebody help this man gen/

Attached: 1519483531747.jpg (1000x868, 1.06M)

Kill yourself, moron. You got destroyed by
Go back to letterboxd.

>No PoC characters with any significance
>Main character is a white male
>All the women in the movie are good looking
>Only black dude with any real screentime is a scum child slaver that gets beaten with a gun by the white MC
>Many women die, some brutally
>Film has a message about becoming special through your own actions, not from leaning off of others

It portrays revolutionaries in a negative light. Unironically, Lt.Joshi of LAPD is shown in better light than the resistance. Every characters have their flaws though.

why is he so obsessed with video games

Boards still down?

Because it's the superior medium and having wasted his twenty something years in some last century pop entertainment will always make him feel inadequate and intimidated.

Soy consumers utterly btfo

How can 2049 even be soycinema like this brain dead op suggests

Attached: 1517324714314.jpg (2049x1828, 1.42M)

I hope OP posted this too and is just larping multiple personalities. these two bits of pasta are call-and-response shitpost beauty.

There was zero reason for the resistance to be in the movie in the first place.
What exactly did that 5 minute scene accomplish other than be an annoyance?

thread theme

I wish I was that clever

>proto bioshock aesthetic
>neo imdb idolatry
OP's posts are more aesthetic than BR2049 itself.

They exist to show that the grass is greener on the side. They are there to show that even the rebel group that advocates for fighting for replicants aren’t much better for K than the corporation and the government that enslave replicants. They are also important factor to make K realize that fact. They also was behind separating Deckard from his daughter and responsible for their current circumstances and eventually interlink their fate with K. Tbh, the short moment they are on screen had a bad shot that turn people off the resistance side completely when they offer significantly to the story beneath the surface

I mean they exist to show that the grass is NOT greener than the other side

>just because a movie has white characters and attractive females in it, it's anti-leftist
The absolute state of this board. Why don't you look at the emasculation of K instead?
>literally a sterile, sexless replica of a normal human male
>not only that, but he's also an inferior copy created for no reason other than to serve the needs of a woman (Deckard's daughter)
>relies on a virtual waifu and is completely incapable of interacting with a real woman without her
>dies as an instrument in the fate of another instead of finding his own fate

good points OP

>post this
>poster counter won't go up
Stop samefagging, it's pathetic.