So, in the end. Does capitalism beat religion?

So, in the end. Does capitalism beat religion?

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the point was they were both the same shit.

i only watch kinos. is this movie kino? looks like pretentious drivel.

It's quality kino. The movie felt bland yet near the end it makes you want to watch it more.

That fucking priest I want to punch in the face.

It's objectively the most important movie of the 21st century

He spends the whole movie talking like John Huston

>Are you going to kill me, Daniel?
>Oh yes, There Will be Blood

They have polar opposite beliefs within them. They can't be the same.

Buying objects makes me feel as good as praying God. In a narcissic kind of stress if that makes any sense.

they were both frauds and conartists. daniel conned people into allowing him to drill oil and reap all the profits. eli conned people into making them believe he was a prophet of god. it's a bit more than just capitalism vs religion

The whole middle of the film with the fake brother was completely pointless and boring.

No, the point is that they don't have opposite beliefs. They are just two competing businessmen with different business models. Both men hid their true identities from outsides though. The kid pretends to be a preacher, and the oilman pretends to be a father. When the son sees through his dad's bullshit he realizes he has failed and so he takes out his rival so that way neither of them can win.

Daily reminder that Paul and Eli Sunday are the same person, and that directorial intent during the creative process is immaterial to the validity of this conclusion. The Author Is Dead, and it is valid to repair to the work alone, as completed, for interpretation.

He's not a "priest".

Don't be thick with me, Al.


>When the son sees through his dad's bullshit he realizes he has failed and so he takes out his rival so that way neither of them can win.


yes it does.
if youd ask a christfag to sell all his possessions to help the church they would go fedora in 0.00000000001 miliseconds and tell the pastor to fuck right off

Paul was clearly talked about by Eli's dad. He took the money and ran off to do his thing. Daniel even tells Eli that at the end.

I wonder if there's a way to call something an "important movie" without it seeming like a joke


Both capitalism and religion promise bliss and prosperity if you adhere to their rules and both are a lie. Both the preacher and the oilman are the salesmen of a false belief system and empty promises.
But in the end, even the preacher ends up begging capitalism for mercy.

Well, it was a parable Jesus told.

>But in the end, even the preacher ends up begging capitalism for mercy

Didn't he make some poor investments or something?

>Christianity promises bliss and prosperity if you adhere to its rules

confirmed for not knowing anything about religion

BASTARD from a basket

the wall street crash fucked him

uh there's this thing called heaven that you should look into

Yup. Just as people make mistakes in life and ask God to fix them.
And the people that sell you God beg capitalism to fix their problems. The story is about how religion and capitalism are the same evil.
Oh, and spoiler alert, capitalism literally beats religion over the head and kills it in the end.

The church's doesn't have an actually physical cross hang up on the wall, simply there is cross shape hole in the wall where the cross should be.

Was this meant to be symbolic visual critique on religion? Or are negative space crosses just common slight in southern baptists churches?

>capitalism is the new religion

We're just hunting for quail

did anyone else find ddl's accent just too over the top

It's the last film when two decent movies were at a standoff for Best Picture. And it lost, just like Eli in the shake store

>Sources say Paul Dano was originally cast to simply play Paul Sunday, the eldest son of the Dano Family who tips off Daniel Plainview to the fact that Oil is at the Sunday Farm.
>Later on in the shooting however, Dano arrived on set dressed all in black demanding that the cast and crew attend church services. Giving them his firey sermon Dano railed against the sin of Hollywood and promised hell fire for all that would turn away from Jesus - and for all that would turn away from him as Jesus's messenger. "You will refer to him as 'Master' of your soul!"
>Paul Thomas Anderson, director and writer of the film, noted how this performance caused Daniel Day-Lewis to turn red-faced barely able to contain his rage by the time the sermon ended
>Thus Paul Sunday's twin brother Eli Sunday was written into the script.
>Paul never broke character, even going so far as to interrupt meetings by calling the Director a dirty sinner and storming off set. In one such instances he was found in a bathroom flagilating himself with a rope

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“Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”
- Matthew 19:24

But if you become a salesmen of this religious bullshit then you will be adorned in gold, never have to truly work, and spend eternity in heaven when you’re done.

>Thanks for the lesson on Christianity brainlet.

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A classic Paul dano audition

hahaha jesus holy shit
this x 201

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Fantastic rebuttal.

Thank you, m'lady.

>a jew playing a character that hates jesus

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>They have polar opposite beliefs within them.

jesus is a faggot


>the same shit
oy vey

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Reminder that Catholicism originally banned lending money at interest, without which modern capitalism would not be possible.

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shut up you pathetic brainwashed Cuck of Christ.

I'm an atheist. A grown up one, not an edgy teenage one.

you are on Sup Forums.

Am I? I thought this was Reddit.


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It still does. That's why governments used Jews to deal with loans: Jews were allowed to charge interest.

In a roundabout way, the """Jewish Problem""" is a direct result of Christianity's uprising. However it should also be noted that Catholic nations shat on Jewish communities for centuries until WWII when two nations backed/created Israel and immediately went apostate right after.

>You know the Pope doesn't get to sell his gold and go fuck hookers and snort cocaine all night, right?
Yes, he lives comfortably, but he lives in an apartment, has a billion or so people of an opposing religion that would like him dead, can never have sex or get married, spends almost all of his day either asleep or balls deep in religious duties, has essentially devoted his entire life to this one title, and had to be voted there in the first place.
Maybe if you had the balls to devote your life to a cause and follow the tenants of Christianity as best you could, you would also make bank and go to heaven. Give it a try.

DDL's performance is the most kino thing to ever be put on film

Sup reddit

Probably just done for cinematic reasons, but it's an altogether common sight in churches and other christian spaces.

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How's it going Sup Forums

>Maybe if you had the balls to devote your life to a cause and follow the tenants of Christianity as best you could, you would also make bank and go to heaven.

It sounds like you are promising me bliss and prosperity if I adhere to the rules of Christianity. Did you just prove me... RIGHT?

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Capitalism and Christianity are for cucks

America is a cuck nation

Jews invented usury.

The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:

I just want another Boogie Nights.

DDL works with linguistic anthropologists for his accents. They're realistic to the period, it's just that we don't hear them anymore so they sound weird to our modern ears

Agreed, he was at his best when he was re-imagining Martin Scorsese movies.

Fucking plebs I swear to God. Anderson was a little kid playing pretend-Scorsese with that movie. He's surpassed it since.

I wish Dano was my priest so he could molest me

Protestant pastors can get married so they tend to not molest little kids

Isn't the incident rate just as bad with Protestant pastors as with priests?

Fake brother was most important part, the movie is about broken families. Sorry you`re a pleb.


Never heard that before

Of course Capitalism beats religion. Look at Trump. Religious people forgive all of his sins because he has all this money. He's literally like the Anti-Christ. Evil prick that wins over the Christians. Has them thinking his sins are forgivable. Fucking pathetic.

So many pleb opinions about this film screaming muh religion muh capitalism

This guy right here gets it. Discovering that the guy wasn't his brother was the point of no return for Daniel

You must be 18+ to post on this site.

>capitalism is a lie
"for you" haha

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The broken family theme is everywhere. Daniel, his adopted son, the preacher brothers.The movie is about alienation

Jesus is a bread.

It's a companion piece to Magnolia in that way. PTA is obsessed with the idea of the atomized individual in search of a community



>the fake brother was completely pointless and boring.
holy shit youre retarded user

Imagine being this confused.

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But what is your opinion of it almighty wise one?

Right, okay so it's not unheard of them, good to know,

Fucking plebs calling other plebs plebs. PTA is an Altman babby

For the record, Paul wasn't a fix brother. Eli's parents mention him, Daniel mentions that he started his own little oil company at the end to Eli.

Pretentious has become a meaningless word and anyone who uses it is a retard

It destroyed the Church, yes. However, the Synagogue was behind it all along and is doing just fine. PTA is a coward for not addressing the elephant in the room. He is obsessed with the occult and corrupting power organized ideologies hold over the masses, mocks institutionalized gambling in Hard Height, institutionalized pornography in Boogie Nights, Masonry in Magnolia, Capitalism & Church in TWBB, Scientology in the Master, absurdly faceless conspiracies in IV. Yet never addresses the occult Jewish influence present all over these backdrops. Las Vegas? Bugsy Siegel (Jewish) and the Jewish Mafia. Pornography industry? Roth V. United States, Samuel Roth, born Mishillim, "the Smut King" (Jewish) and a completely Jewish-owned and ran industry. IV's "Golden Fang", a smuggling ring depicted as an endless Matryoshka doll of international co-conspirators (including the Aryan Brotherhood)? Sinaloa might be reigning in South-Am but the Abergil Family is considered the biggest """international""" smuggling ring and based in Israel. And protip, Hollywood doesn't supply itself across the border, when they could be stimulating Zion's economy. Wasn't an uncut D who profited off the uncut H PSH OD'd on. How many bags was it again?

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No. Eli's dad never once, not even one time, referred to Paul. You are misremembering the fight between Eli and daddums.

Rather, in the heat of anger, Eli had a classic psychotic break. watch it again.

no because in the end the money couldn't save him

>Maybe if you had the balls to devote your life to a cause and follow the tenants of Christianity as best you could, you would also make bank and go to heaven. Give it a try.

You are a salesman for Christianity. Just like a salesman for capitalism you promise the dream life for anyone that lives the way you tell them to, just like the preachers of Capitalism.

What the FUCK is Manuel Ferrara doing in the middle?

don't see how you can watch this film and think capitalism is bad

the absolute worst way to interpret this film is that it has anything to do with capitalism

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At the expense of sounding like a complete douche and try-hard this movie inspired me to dress like Daniel Plainview and look like a 20th Century oil man. I'm already vindictive, autistic, alone and have a burgeoning lucrative career, so it all comes together

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How could Eli not know what his brother was up to or even was, 20 years later?

That's not drive


Thumbs up from the Vatican!