Could this nigga be anymore based?

could this nigga be anymore based?

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When he Office was airing and I saw random episodes on TV I didn't like it but when I downloaded them and watched from the beginning I liked it. I stopped watching when Michael left and then only watched the series finale years after it was done.

you missed out on spader kino

>we want the black weaboo audience

not really since it was deleted
also black weeabos are not really a thing

I saw this for the first time yesterday and I knew that's what the link was

How fucking new could you possibly be

shit, i'm in the third season and keep being told to stop watching after some wedding or when Michael leaves. Should i keep going if Spader is good?

are you fucking serious

>black weeabos are not really a thing
Jesus fucking christ the state of nu-Sup Forums

checking in

>also black weeabos are not really a thing

some of the biggest weebs ive ever met were black

Robert California is the best thing about that season, but that's not saying a whole lot, because it definitely gets worse. The last seasons with Carrell were already a noticeable downgrade, though. I stuck with it all the way, but it was in decline even before Michael left, and I'm not sure what changed.

I'd say finish that season, and if you like Spader enough in the finale, give season 8 a try.

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i thought niggers liked rap music and drawing steel on the asses of old ladies.
i never met one nigger who liked that weeb shit ever.

I know from anecdotal experience that all my black friends I grew up with love Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, and all that anime shit. They also love karate films with Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan because of Rush Hour with Chris Tucker

t. Los Angeles 90s kid

Leslie is pretty based.

Do you know how I can tell you only came here in the last two years?

lol based a black person loves anime

someone needs to move out of the ghetto

i cam here in 2015 so 3 years but yeah close shave user

serious. you wanna talk faggy weeb shit? get a negro friend

wew lad some kino in here

>2015 was three years ago
What the fuck

>Start watching this show
>Recognize everyone in the opening except for BJ Novak
>No idea who he is in the show at all
>Ryan shows up for like five minutes over the course of three episodes
>Wonder why he's in the opening credits when he has less plot relevance than fucking Kevin
>Turns out BJ Novak is a writer

Mmmmhmmmm, I see you.

Are you a woman? You write like one

Hello black lady

Never seen this clip before. Seems completely out of character for Stanley.

Word to the wise - series 2 - 3 are based. 4 - 6 are decent. Rest ditch that shit.

thanks user

It's really not that good
It's like all the good writers quit and the ones left are desperately trying too hard to be funny

You're much better off just skipping it

>Seems completely out of character for Stanley.
Does it?

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>i never met one nigger who liked that weeb shit ever.
Kanye's got a fucking scale model of zaku on display in his home

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its shitty cause their office turns into the golden goose and they always find a way to come together thats absurd. erin sucks. andy sucks. pretty much every new chartacter sucks.


Erin's character literally made no sense, they just did whatever they felt like with her

Kanye is a nut.

Season 3 Andy was excellent. Whenever they decided to make him more endearing, they lost what made him so worthwhile. IIRC, that happened even before Erin showed up , but then they decided to pair them up to rehash Jim+Pam, and it was dogshit.

I am black, but I just sit at my computer with Sup Forums open on one screen and Factorio on the other in a closet. I have no black friends because all the ones I know are like how you described.

Pic related is where I'm sitting right now and have been for 7 hours.

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>You're special card
What, did your mother give that to you?

at the end of the season, stanley's living the introvert life, after 2/3 wives, only accessible by boat, making shit out of wood.

he's the ultimate weaboo introvert, assuming one could handle 30 years of work until pension lmfao.

No I'm literally retarded

>people think this self-parody of a show is superior to the groundbreaking art of the UK version

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Oh, sorry. I thought it was a nice gesture from someone who loves you.

>The Office thread
>41 replies
>0 pamposting
Get your shit together Sup Forums

Can you not use the "n-bomb" when talking about persons of color? Thanks. I'll let you by with a warning this time but don't do it again.

wish i had a picture of a fedora saved to reply to your post with

You have to go back.

Ryan is his own little saga

I liked Dwight Jr. Erin and Plop are gay, Andy is an annoying fag. RIDIDIDIP DEE DOOOOO!!

Some black weeb football player or something rekt a bunch of nerds on /vp/ with a honchcrow

I saw some video where about 30 black guys were doing a naruto dance routine in the hood last night

and he literally made a live action Akira starring himself for a film clip

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>forgetting /ourguy/ MAD THAD

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>2015 was 12 years ago

Lol I am one of them faggot

Bud, this hole is deep, weeb nignogs have been a thing since forever, now nazi weeb nignogs are on the rise, thats the new thing.

Kanye is LITTERALLY one of us.

t. insider

Didn't this dude get arrested at a public library for having CP on his flashdrive?

A lot of black people play YGO.
Used to play at tourney level a decade ago and waste my evenings on gay forum war games with Yugioh Virtual Desktop (YVD) and a good portion of the people playing on these sites (Pojo, duelistgroundz, etc) were black weebs.
They're just like most weebs but they don't wear the fact that they're black on their sleeves.