How is it

how is it

Attached: Lake_Mungo_Official_Poster.jpg (220x316, 17K)

boring shit

that one scene freaked me out
other than that meh 4/10


Probably my favorite horror movie.

Prime soy horror, garbage drama marketed as horror

Attached: Jay.jpg (310x318, 11K)

Just a drama sold as horror

I just wasn't horrified watching it and there was too much drama.


horror fans hate it though. because they're brainlets

Please don't watch it. You will be so angry you actually sat through it. Legit 3/10 film.

Jay has shit taste

It's really good unless you're watching it expecting one really scary scene because every fucking cunt and their dog posted about how scary 'that one scene' is, so you end up disappointed by the film, which you aren't even really watching, just waiting through, and disappointed by that one scene, which would be fantastic if it just happened, but is inevitably anti-climatic when it's hyped to this extent.

Attached: Peter Jackson_Braindead.jpg (1084x732, 130K)

Isn't there an awful sex scene in it? And hes complaining about B movie tits?

Yes there is

It's amazing and this board is full of plebs

just finished it. it was conflicting

of course. half this board or more consider "boring" and "nothing happens" as legitimate criticisms

Those are legitimate criticisms.

those are legit



In this case, they actually really are. This didn't need to be a feature film.

name any moment where something happens

Attached: mark.jpg (849x756, 33K)

prove us wrong

I liked it but i wasn't expecting it as a horror movie. I recommend it

I really enjoyed it.

People will say it's boring and whatever, but it kept me engaged the whole way through as a slow burn horror and the pay off was pretty damn effective.

Also additional immersion for me being an Ausfag, some of the scenery made me feel nostalgic.