Why is no one watching his new show ????

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what is that

because its shit

i watched the first episode
it was alright

AP Bio , dennis plays a sociopathic teacher in Toledo

Because of the implication

I'll fall on a sword for IASIP but I seriously don't care what those assholes are doing in their spare time.

I'm not watching network TV, period. Sure as hell not Horrible Bosses 2. I'm glad they are making $$$ because they deserve it but I really don't give a fuck about what they're doing outside of IASIP

I am on episode 4,Gets better I like the absurd flavour. Some jokes makes no fucking sense

Always Sunny is fucking garbage though

>Patton Oswalt
I don’t watch movies made by wife murderers.

Is it basically his Dennis character? Or is it not worth watching?

I hate how at the start of every episode he states the purpose of the whole show. Fucking annoying.

Does anyone feels like Glenn is purposely giving Dennis complicated scenes in always sunny so he can get more roles?
And now he got this shit instead

Oh damn I forgot the wife killer was in this

it's slightly more work safe Dennis but they are very similar.

the Dennis character only works when he has morons to play off though. ie when Dennis does something creepy and autistic and Mac/Charlie are too retarded to call him on it. thats the funny part, that it's not acknowledged

it doesn't work when dennis is put into a school with normies who are reacting like normies to his dennis shenanigans. its as jarring as a laugh track

Wew (you)

The female teacher trio needs to go. Every plot they've had sucks and brings down the rest of the episode. Feels like they're from a different much worse show.

Prove me wrong

But after the first episode everyone but Sarika pretty much just rolls with it.

I get that they are the but of the joke, being from toledo and all, but like why would they know who gauguin is ?????

It's shit m8. I gave it fair shake, but nah. It's too late for your career, dude. Just embrace Dennis and finish the show strong.

>finish the show strong

We are way past that point

i wanna bang the nerd girl and her nerd mom

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You hate fun.


Gets much better by the 3rd episode, it somehow drastically improves

I don't, that's why I don't watch Always Sunny

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This show is not easy on the eyes. Bright, washed out pastels and something else offputting I can't put my finger on.


she's super ugly without the glasses

PS i like this show

patton oswalt killed his wife


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how is he not in jail
did he poison her secretly or leave under a fridge after it fell on her or something

This show should have nudity and ... penetration

He didn't check on her for a while and it turned out she took a few too many sleeping pills. Not intentionally (as far as we know)

Wait, what?

>Basically gets caught not teaching by the students parents
>Admits it and says "I have not, nor will I ever, attempt to teach AP Bio
>"Your children are just going to be props in my wacky adventures! lololol

Next season he's going to start dating one of the students in front of everybody hahahaha so funnie and believable

Always Sunny died when Mac got skinny again. Not *because* he got skinny again, but Mac getting fat was the logical conclusion to the show's journey and by the time they went back they were in permanent "The Gang Recycles Their Trash" territory and there was nothing left but rehashes and character assassinations.

I kinda like what they did with the Ponderosas but that's it. Everything else was forgettable or rehash or just out-of-touch with what made the show great.

That's not their fault. No great show works past season 8, period.

Since the NBC stream says its content is unavailable, do you know where to download episode 4 all the downloads I keep finding are actually another copy of episode 3?

They tried to make it standout from bland homogenous network entertainment with a blue palette like Minority Report pioneered 15 years ago. I strongly applaud the effort but yeah it is pretty forced "originality"

Since Rob is willing to deform his body for comedy, he should start legitimately taking female hormones, so Mac can transition, it just seems like a natural character progression at this point.

It's a forced meme by Kekistan kiddies. Patton Oswalt criticized Republican horseshit on Twitter, and incel teenagers on Twitter kept firing back. When his wife died they did the obvious thing and created the "Why did you murder your wife" thing. There's no backstory to the joke, just bitter teens that can't be real-life bullies tried to bully a celebrity with a broken family because he didn't give a shit about then so they could feel tough by "meming" without actually being in the danger that actual bullying entails

download episode 3
that's episode 4

FUCK! I saw the first 3 episodes and forgot about it!

It got better after ep3

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>when you can't take being cucked by Chris Pratt a third time and desperately accept an offer from Patton "it's time for a walk, now she won't ever talk" Oswalt

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Patton remarried like a year after his wife died. He's a horrible person.

I don't want to say it's shit because Glen is fucking great in it but...yeah none of the other characters are any good. I fucking hate those 3 female teachers and that little goblin Patton Oswald

Wrong answer, they are the same episode, Burning Miles instead of Overachieving Virgins.

download episode 3 hdtv that is episode 4
episode 3 webdl is episode 4 hdtv

If the jokes are funny i dont care id thats the premise

If they were super sincere about it I'd like this. But they need to drastically reduce the episode count per season and stop trying to tear down the show's logic. "Boy fucks his decade-long crush and immediately gets sick of her being in his life" is a funny concept for an unrelated movie plot, but it's too huge a character assassination of Charlie to work as a plot. They should've kept that plot for some unrelated project and it could've been good. It just seems like they're sick of "Scheme of the Week" and now they want to have episodes entirely about wrecking the framework the show existed in. And it's sad, because unlike current sitcoms, this show has always been low on concept and high on strong characters. It was a character-driven show with a unique background and extremely clever writing. Now it's a plot-driven show on an LA soundstage full of gimmicks whose characters can change their entire backstories and motivations on a dime to support a random plot idea. It's too bad.

Mac and Charlie do call Dennis out on his creepy shit, like all the fucking time dude, what are you talking about? One of the most famous exchanges of the show is Mac questioning whether Dennis was planning on hurting the women they planned to bring onto their houseboat

Series.top it ll change your life playa.

ap bios getting better each ep but its still meh. it went from bad to well i guess i can play this in the background

>the logical conclusion to the show's journey

I bet you enjoy the smell of your own farts

>people should pay taxes to send these creatures to college

Well it's not like she died randomly and tragically "in her sleep." She was on a cocktail of opiates.

>Two weeks at 0.7 in the 18-49 demo
That's "a likely cancellation" range
Plus it's in a pretty good time slot with decent support on both sides

Thanks I wasn't looking at the hd since I figured it was the same as webdl version.

How did Dee, the one who was once a teacher, end up on another show raising a family, while Dennis, the one who went off to raise his family, ended up on a show as a teacher?

I'm convinced he moved into a dead old woman's house & is getting off by stepping into another guy's skin again

Might have worked if not for that video the kids found online of him getting denied tenure.

hate to agree with this, but outside the occasional gem of an episode, 7 is where it peaked
although, if they'd gone through with Rob's original plan of all of them getting fat as shit while Devito loses a shit ton of weight, this show would be LEGENDARY

The best way to finish the show would be an entire season dedicated to just killing off all the characters.


life's funny

you say that like faking a video like that isn't within Dennis' character or ability


Its not within his character to make himself look like a failure and besides, the gang only has the one tape, it would have given him away since you would have seen all their other commercials and shenanigans at the end of the video.

wow you showed him


Surely you people don't go a full year without female companionship. jesus christ.

This was my headcannon after watching the first couple episodes and I started enjoying it twice as much.

Any scenes without Glen Howerton are still shit though.

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Obviously he simply planted some fake evidence around so that if someone background checked him, they would find something.

The Mick is better

Glenn is the only thing saving this show from being completely obscure, forgotten and barely considered, let's be real

Now it is but seasons like 1-8 are kino

Why do they make the Asian one talk black

>show cuts to Sarika rolling her eyes for the 100th time
It’s only been 3 episodes but they do it at least 2 or 3 times per episode

Always sunny is the only show in existence that never got worse, you absolute faggot

>Why is no one watching his new show ????

Just watched it,
It's consistently getting better and better.
I dig it.

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Why do they constantly make all three of them talk over each other, so you can't tell what any of them are even saying?

It got pretty bad

I’m assuming because they saw always sunny and wanted to emulate that but forgot the characters had to be like able and funny. I agree the 3 female teachers are the absolute worst part of the show and add literally (literally) nothing of value

They don't actually talk and converse over each other in sunny, they just grunt, groan, and yell obscenities simultaneously to cap off a conversation.


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Is there a better comedy airing? I don’t get the hate for this show

The Mick


The Mick is actually a great show. Kaitlyn Olson is legitimately funny and the supporting cast is great. The only character I would trash is the fat Mexican cleaning woman

She's funnier than the dweeb wigger teen boy.

Yeah but at least he always gets shit on. I like how he describes everything as “frickin” though

always sunny fans are just as bad as rick and morty fans.
deal with it.

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nah chip is funny. it's seriously got one of the best casts on TV, not a character who is wasted

Yeah, a lot of people will say Sunny never got bad because are the exception who get better once they're flanderized. Those people are wrong though. The characters getting worse did make the show get funnier, but it hit a point of diminishing returns. The show's steadily gone downhill over the years and the last 2 or 3 seasons were the worst yet.

Dee and the Waitress still need to bang though. Dee's the only member of the gang to not bang her, or at least try.

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>Dee and the Waitress still need to bang though. Dee's the only member of the gang to not bang her, or at least try.
You’re right. I wouldn’t mind an episode like this

They need to show more of the sexy daughter in bikinis.

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