What does Sup Forums think of this character?

What does Sup Forums think of this character?

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lame character but the actress seems nice


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fucking retarded. should have died in her sistedr's place

Paige then gets bleached by Ben, Rey gets hatefucked by Ben, as for Finn...

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I'd eat her dim sims

I think you should go away with your pointless star wars threads

No one cares.

I hope you use the money Disney gives you to shill here to buy a gun and blown your brains out

Although they can't be paying much so save up for it .

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I think she's a better love interest than Rey would have been. A more interesting character too, and in my opinion a more skilled actress

Funny stuff. We got a real funny guy over here, everybody

She literally raped Finn

She was boring

The fact she "saved" Finn completely tanked her character

>character is ex-stormtrooper that ran away and joined the rebellion
>can't commit himself to actually join and help out
>tries to run away from the conflict in this movie to find Rey
>eventually realizes to confront problem head on for the great good
>gets character-arc-blocked by this bitch

How anyone could approve this is beyond me

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Funny how?

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Cute, but everyone hates her for being pointless and the forced romance subplot with Finn. It would have been better for her to be a shy, sad girl that came out of her shell and did something on her own to avenge her sister rather than just tacking her onto Finn, who is another wasted character in his own right.

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Where'd those tits come from?

>Now witness the power of these fully armed and operational battle milkers

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wtf i want to fuck rose now

They were always there, user, just buried under unflattering costume and make up.

She makes Finncucks cry because she's a better character than him and her actress is nice so she's cool.

Thicc Asians are the god damn best. Fuck me, how did they even make her not hot in the movie when she's this qt irl?

finn deserved much better. that's fucking racist

How come no cute alien girls in the new star wars movies?

Terrible, ugly and unnecessary

i hate niggers and especially that ugly ass motherfucker but him and poe are the only likeable characters in the new movies

She looks better as she's not got a stupid looking hair style and purposefully frumpy fitting clothes.

The CGI on the new Shrek is fucking amazing