
I'm not even done parsing all this I'm just going to start dumping caps and let ya'll find the details

Attached: TGWTG.jpg (801x896, 171K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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>caring about e-celeb drama
Kys you're self

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>wonder why someone calls you a trouble maker
>STILL stirring up shit years later
>"like, omg, he's sexist and hates women???"

Are you one of those Eggkara guys I hear about in CA threads?

Attached: F891A06A-596A-467D-91D8-82C19D4952D2.jpg (1024x557, 67K)

Attached: 7959322.jpg (1004x432, 121K)

here we go this one always ices threads

must be okka jannies

Attached: butthurt aussie.jpg (896x632, 177K)

Attached: 8sw3.png (600x576, 157K)

Attached: TGWTG 7.jpg (797x944, 188K)

>finds a year old tweet of spoony
>stirs up shit and gets him fired for being a potential rapist

no just a contributor to these threads like everyone else

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Those little round sprinkles are the absolute worst. Can't they afford the long ones?

I was hoping you were Geoff, Matt, or Boros, either way thanks for the dump, this shits great!

no im just some anonymous eceleb sperg

im in all these threads tho ;)

Attached: TGWTG 10.jpg (793x947, 191K)

wow great memes

Attached: 1505482924412.jpg (500x375, 114K)

>Lindsay and Lewis had to fight them on set to get them to change the Mechakara/7/11 rape scene. 7/11 was originally called 60 of 9 and Lindsay said no

What in the fuck

Attached: TGWTG 11.jpg (798x898, 178K)

>im just like you guys *wrings hands* Fuck those guys

>still has videos on their site

top kek linkara is such a weasel and burns coal like diesel

Attached: TGWTG 12.jpg (798x946, 180K)

It's all so... boring.

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Attached: TGWTG 14.jpg (800x946, 139K)

yeah. I feel retarded for reading most of it.
>tfw no brainlet pics

Attached: TGWTG 15.jpg (798x779, 129K)

I did 23andme and it said I was asian, native american, 1% african, and 70% white.

The meme is real.

This looks like some super autistic shit, who honestly cares about this nonsense

Only person who "matters" at all in these tweet threads you're posting is Linkara and he's barely in them so why do I care? When is Spoony or Nchick gonna pop up and start airing shit out? Will tune in then.


Attached: TGWTG 16.jpg (578x611, 61K)


Attached: TGWTG 17 a wild blob appears.jpg (580x327, 28K)

I don't know what any of this is.

>loud, suggestive thuds beat through the walls. power drill noises and squeaks ensue, punctuated by chick's squeals and moans

Attached: doug.png (231x240, 12K)

I'll try to just grab highlights of what's left

Attached: CA Incompetence 01.jpg (637x415, 245K)

>being new

tgwtg drama has been a staple on Sup Forums since 2008+

give me the cliffnotes op, tldr

You don't want to know.

anyone know what this thread is about?

Doug Walker made one of his interns for his show come in for a "film rehearsal session" and raped her. He was dressed as that Melvin character, which is why Sup Forums always spams that brother of the joker bit.

Apparently he cried when he finished.

its about finding newfags and sending them back to /r/the_dorknald

I don't follow e celebrities, but I also enjoy a good trainwreck

>exposes herself as a sjw bitch
>sets fire to spoony's ultimate downfall
>sets in motion the shit that lead to CAs bullshit being leaked to the public
is Lupa the hero we needed all along?

Is this yet more accusations of sexism?

I never liked any of this shit so it's cool to see it all burn down.


Attached: IMG_7156.jpg (1024x558, 69K)

Bunch of ex-CA's and Linkara swapping stories about how horrible CA was.

Attached: CA Incompetence 02.jpg (633x640, 467K)

Is Linkara not part of Channel Awesome anymore? I've been away for a month. Are he and Doug not friends anymore?

Attached: Latza Lewis.jpg (900x675, 141K)

>mfw I just realized its been at least a year since I saw a latza thread or poopy puffer

jeez, we're dying out.

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doug walker's weird scat fetish manifests at 25:45

Attached: CA Incompetence 04.jpg (631x546, 367K)

not the same guy but I also have no idea what any of this is either, I saw some threads about tgwtg before and I have no idea what they are and never cared to know, because every thread looks 100% trash, just like this one.

Hes gonna teach you all, a lesson you will learn.

deepest lore

holy fuck they don't even know basic formatting

>implying his content isn't sourced from the easily findable shit posted in these threads

nigga plx

Attached: CA Incompetence 05.jpg (621x780, 504K)

where can I find more info about this rape?

Who is alisson and why is she sperging out?

he's gonna show you all where he wastes his sperm

>Mechakara/7/11 rape scene

Attached: 1389650389214.gif (300x332, 2.33M)

There's like tiny, tiny diamonds in the sea of diarrhea that is the TGWTG extended universe and teenage me found those diamonds and now I still care for whatever reason....

you forget these are the same idiots that want baneposting to last forever

he's still part of the site afaik

Funny, because Linkara made Angel Armor books when he was a teen that apparently had graphic rape in it.

>man these dumb idiots wanting to preserve Sup Forums culture and history

Go knock down some more civil war statues nigger

>I'm happy to take their money and publicly talk about how much I don't like them.

Classic Linkara

Attached: Lewis Loves Hogs.jpg (481x411, 56K)

it's new content, these threads are stale af, read it or don't

I'm not even reading this shit myself I'm just saving and posting it here kek

trying to only focus in caps with linkara from here on out

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Who could have predicted that mixing entitled feminists with anti-social nerds without any sexual experience would end badly?


im not sure but Ross got fired and he didn't even notice until like a month later because he's hardly a part of the site anyway

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forget it jake, it's chicago

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No shit, but it's fun to see it put together

>oh boy let's talk to people about m00t and shitposting culture 30 years down the fucking line

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This thread would have probably got more replies a few months ago. No one cares about these dipshits anymore.

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>lindsey ellis, creator of the rape rap, commenting on a rape scene

where is the rape

why do people say that Linkara's ever been one of the "big" TGWTG users? that's something that's always bugged me
the dude's never really done great in terms of views both back in the day & now

Is Linkara going to get fired for this? He is really on a tear.

you're either a woman or a redditfag trying to shape boards you're new to to fit your gay shitty standards. either way, fuck off m8

>lets all just forget the guy that created such a history altering website

just cringing over here my man

>rape rap
for context


and offers nothing of substance as usual

Attached: CA Incompetence 09.jpg (659x723, 502K)

Because of voltage vengers and his fetishes

Back in the day he was one of the big three.