Anime is the most degenerated form of entertainment

There has been more anime threads than usual since Sup Forums was down, but (you) can't deny the fact that anime is the most degenerated form of entertainment. Of course western also has shows and films for cheesy entertainment to get a cheap vicarious satisfaction, but anime as a form of motion picture is the worst branch of it. Most anime, at least the vast majority of it, are about MC molesting, dating, and banging hot girls with big tits, or cute but retarded girls doing stupid things, and every other element that constitute a fictional story is there only to explain these situations. They usually don't have any real plot, character, or message which are truly well written and make the show worth watching, but just an arrangement of various cliches, such as tsundere or MC accidently groping a girl's boob. So technically the whole anime industry is for sexually starved and feminine asian '''men''', and western soyboys. This fact makes anime far worse than the most degraded western capeshits.

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it really is pathetic and creepy how the whole genre is the characters, animation style and tropes of childrens cartoons made for stunted development adults

also very funny how it literally turns viewers trans, they should do an experiment where they try and cure FtM trannies by getting them to watch anime and see if they turn back into girls

That's why I moved to kdramas.


>MC molesting, dating, and banging hot girls with big tits
Most of the time the MC is a huge beta afraid of girls. He doesn't fuck them. It's still creepy because there is a lot of sexual fanservice usually based on non-consensual situations (MC tripping and falling on girl's breasts).

I won't deny that anime is a very cliché-heavy medium, but there's still the occasional gem that is worth watching.

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My problem with weebs is that they become obsessed. They will be extremely soy, beta and faggy cunts. They won't be like any normal person who likes Studio Ghibli movies but instead will develop crippling yellow fever, become pedo and have numerous other faggy traits.

The majority of works in any medium are objectively shit, brainlet. You don't judge the "worth" of a medium exclusively by the most entry-level, accessible works

In anime many of the entry level ones are unironically some of the best in anime (I would say that the works of Ghibli are more emotionally nuanced and have more depth than 99% Hollywood films including even the Oscar contenders)

>anime is degenerate
>western movie makers try to remake some of the best animes
>it's pure dogshit

I'm sorry to cut it to you, but even if there are several retarded animes coming out year by year, there are some, that have more substance, you will ever get from western media.
You can call it the rule of big numbers, but it has been a while, since hollywood has produced anything that is worth mentioning.




Prove that any anime has more depth than Batman v Superman.

Absolutely. I really enjoyed anime, but unfortunately 99% of it is liquid shit and finding the gems became hard, considering that I watched most top-tier 1% stuff.

>STILL insecure about what he's fapping to
Someone get a load of this guy

Obviously you never watched a good anime.

>there are some, that have more substance, you will ever get from western media



great """argument"""

That can said about Hollywood as well and films from Europe.

Do you actually think your average capeshit or action flick has any more depth than your average shonen?

The only difference being anime doesn't have "critics" who give every Shonen a 9/10 like they do with capeshit.

Don't fall for the bait, mate.

Never said that anime is better than western movies.

t. level 0 troll


In addition to what you said, the best thing about Sup Forums is that they very rarely talk about critical reception or Box office. I mean you don't know refreshing it is to actually discuss the movie or tv series without a faggot trying to prove the superiority of his favourite showing using shit like Rotten Tomatoes or it's box-office success.

>great """argument"""

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Anime is kino

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People who think critical receptions determinate a movies quality, have lost control over their lifes.

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Look at the faggots that obsess over anime on this website. You have to agree that something is wrong with many of these faggots. Like no Family Guy senpai is as autistic as your average weeaboo who masturbates to their "waifu" who is depicted as some thousand year old high school student.

Why would I judge a medium based on its fandom on Sup Forums?



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Rule 34 is a good indicator of quality. The more porn something produces the more juvenile it is. I think anime porn is by far the most popular.

god l wish that(one in discomfort) were me

>when you don't watch anime but still think your opinion matters

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Because it is relatively good representation of them in general. Go to any other weebshit website and you'll see. But I think you already know that,

They have sales threads once in a while. We have RT and Box-office threads for every movie release that has a semblance of marketing.

The absolute idiocy over Black panthers RT score and Box-office is proof.Before every Goddamn major release you have am RT thread. It's fucking sad.

>Implying there is a single place on the internet where civilized, logical and uncensored discussions happen.
If you know such a place, please show it to me. Unironically.

>Because it is relatively good representation of them in general.

Sup Forums isn't good representation of anything in general.

People I know who like anime IRL are just normal people. I have legit yet to meet this week stereotype.

you might want to rethink the veracity of this little rule you made up here

Unironically, reddit.

There's nothing wrong with anime. Too bad anime watchers are retarded weebs.

r/anime is probably the worst place to discuss anime on the internet. Even the MAL forum is not as cancerous.

>logical and uncensored discussions
Please read.

Maybe you guys should stop trying to measure the worth of entire mediums and just watch what you enjoy. Fucking insecure faggotss.

It has potential to be great. It's very artistic and definitely aesthetically more pleasing than anything made by the West while having all the perks of not being physically bound by things like physics and reality - giving the artist seemingly bottomless form of expression that's only limited by his mind.

However like any other form of entertainment industry anime is tightly restricted by budget and expected profit which means 95% of it is utter trash pandering to the human trash - in this case Japanese equivalent of Sup Forums. Because of the fact that majority of anime is garbage with shallow story and no character development that's only bought by thirsty neets fapping to waifus it's discarded by normies who deem it cringy and perverted - and the whole thing goes full circle again. Anime studios try to come up with something that has deeper artistic value, neets don't buy it because it doesn't have 5 minutes of sexualized teeth brushing, normies don't buy it because they assume it's another fan servicing garbage, studios are forced to pander to neets again.

It's a shitty, shallow form of entertainment. Even video games are more diverse.

>Anime is the most degenerated form of entertainment
i thought that was porn

>go to Sup Forums
>they care about the plot
want to talk about the few decent anime with non retarded people

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I'd argue that porn is a more degenerate entertainment than anime.

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Anime is literally, unironically better than any """film"""" or live action television series of recent memory.

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Most people watch anime for cute girls and most doujins are porn, so anime is pretty close.

>of recent memory.
how many years

Porn doesn't hide itself as anything else. It's what it is, majority if not everyone watches it but it's still a taboo that embarrasses people. You don't go around your workplace or school talking to your friends about the porn you watched thorough the weekend. Anime is almost as degenerate except it also somehow makes people think that they don't have to hide their pathetic, autistic, perverted hobby.

r/truefilm is really good for discussion but too bad it isn't as active.

As other anons have implied you can talk about the actual content of the medium instead of RT scores.

Unless you enter Dragonball super threads. Then it's just shitposting.

>You don't go around your workplace or school talking to your friends about the porn you watched thorough the weekend

People don't?

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The naive pseudo-intellectual thinks that Sup Forums doesn't allow discussion because it wants you to think for yourself.
The realistic life grabbing Chad realizes that Sup Forums is simply too retarded or autistic to stay on a single topic for more than 2 minutes.

Anime is for autists and trannies.

i don't like something so let me tell you why you shouldn't enjoy it either
these threads never work out for people op
especially considering Sup Forums is a degenerate autistic weeb site

The reason anime is "bad" is because people have elevated a specific niche (otaku japanese animation) to the point it's considered a new subgenre/medium.
people need to understand that anime as pushed by weaboo dumbfucks from Sup Forums is not even a mainstream thing even in Japan. When japanese people think of animation, they still think of it as fun stuff for kids, like doraemon and sazae-san, this is like their equivalent of mickey mouse and tom and jerry.
Any subculture that is involved around a very specific thing will end up being degenerate and creepy. Imagine if we had a board for Bollywood movies, or a board for raunchy teenage comedy films. That's how ultra specific the weaboo fanbase is. They're just a bit higher than brony faggots.

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If you did and they haven't shunned you away - They should be your friends for life. If one of them was an actual female - that's a keeper.

Why is every single anime so full of clichés? They are not even trying to be original. It's so dumb.

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Isn't majority of anime just bunch of infomercials?

>When japanese people think of animation, they still think of it as fun stuff for kids, like doraemon and sazae-san, this is like their equivalent of mickey mouse and tom and jerry.

Are you retarded? Anime is some of the highest grossing films in Japan.(specifically films like Princess Mononoke and Spirited away).

It very well isn't considered only for kids.

Heh, dude, most of anime is shit. like most of cinema is shit, like most of luterature is shit ets.

Just dont watch the fan service ones you goon. there is good and bad in all situations. Most of the sci-fi stuff is good. There is jjba, gundam (thats real porn, children with tits can never compete), and stuff like legends of the sea of stars is apparently good too.

If you dont like something then its fairly smart not to watch it (like the generic shit you are judging an entire medium by). I haven't watch anime in a long while however.

it says leagues about a person when they only watch pure trash

>Are you retarded?
he really is considering the plethora of anime aimed at adults and mange niches, like manga for middle aged women


but you can talk about it only at the most shallow level

yes, a lot of it is just made to promote video games, movies or their equivalent of YA novels and comics.
Very small part of anime is made for the sake of watching the anime itself, like the movies of Ghibli or the occasional original show (like the stuff that netflix comissioned lately).

manga for middle aged women dont get anime adaptations except in very rare cases

Heh, dude, most of anime is shit, like most of cinema is shit, like most of literature is shit ets.

>being on a website created to talk about jap shit
>calling anime degenerate
Wew lad, gb2 leddit

its ture but my dick gets hard form time to time

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Name one anime where the heroine frequently has sex with black men.

Checkmate, cuck.

>anime is the most degenerated for of enter-

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this looks romantic

Let me guess, still mad about bbc's troy being a failure "despite"?

Hate of anime is 1st world privilege in a nutshell, where some fat amerimutt who shits his pants regularly is complaining that other countries do better animation than they do. But it's okay when their animation is "degenerate", because it's different for some reason.
pic related for example, got a lot of attacks from the west for being "degenerate" even though it's essentially Beauty and the Beast.
So it's cute when western degenerates want to fuck demons and fish-people but cute japanese cartoons is too much.

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The only people who enjoy anime are borderline virgin shutins. This is a fact
>I work with an Asperger who is obsessed with anime

To all the weeabo virgins here, have a fine example of the good western entertainment you're missing out on.

I think the grand majority of art and entertainment made in the modern era consists of advertising. The Japanese are just slightly more direct about it.

Anime is as denerate as capeshit. Avengers, seven samurai, naruto, james bond are all the same plot and motivations

> all these butthurt weebs

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The dumbest Sup Forumsnon is wiser than the smartest Sup Forumsirgin



Anime is proof that geeks have no taste.

Not him but watching faggy anime and becoming a literal fag afterwards is not good for you.

oh my fuck
>the guys taking it out on the black guy and don't fault the woman at all
>the woman flat out cucking her husband right after he says he's still devoted to her

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at least the Sup Forumsvirgin isnt a pedophile


>every day there's a Sup Forums thread where people lust after a 3DPD little girl
>not pedophiles


The only Sup Forums approved animes

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That is select pedophile posters and memers, not the whole of Sup Forums

>gets called insecure
>I'M NOT A FAG!!! I'M NOT A FAG!!! DAMN IT!!! *holds back tears*
Every time.