Why did he get shot??

Why did he get shot??

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Niggers gonna nig

>be american

He relaxed.


to show the cycle of violence is not perpetuated by a single group.


When did Sup Forums become so racist all of a sudden

They figured out that there's other boards besides Sup Forums

What's this from?

It's the price to pay for not having money to go to a school without poor people.

If you look at how, you’ll find your why.

American history x

The whole point of he movie was that niggers are subhuman.
How did you not pick up on that?

>When the exact thought you had upon seeing OPs post ,word-for-word, is also the first post

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>tell a someone to stop bullying a fat kid
>get shot in the head


>all of a sudden
Please. American History X threads have been like this since forever.

Because both sides of the issue can be irrational in their actions

Honestly, I felt like he deserved it. The bathroom scene has nothing to do with him yet he intervene thus paying the price. I don't feel sympathy for him.

Saying "nig" doesn't make you racist, faggot.

Ghetto thug going to ghetto thug. Same thing.

Why didnt you lurk more?

If someone defended your kid and a nigger shot him would you feel the same way?

>get shot

Because he was going to lead the resistance against skynet and the terminators.

he was woke

You mean normal people started coming to Sup Forums. nobody likes niggers, nigger.

Are you serious? I don't think I'd seen or heard the word nigger until I came to Sup Forums all those years ago. This has always been that kind of place.

i never got the morale behind this movie.

hineo nazi rehabilitated, and the first thing that happens after redemption is that a nig kills his lil bro

wouldnt that make him relapse?

probably some "what goes around comes around" business

third post best post

>all of a suddddd-en

The original cut of the movie has Derek shaving his head at the end after his brother dies.

Kikes cut that part out.

When Sup Forums became overcrowded by dumb edgy kids and some of us migrated to other boards.

Meh, I like the new cut better. It shows Derek finally breaking the cycle of violence and racism. It's a bittersweet ending.
Frankly, Derek going back too being a neo-nazi wouldn't make sense after all the shit he pulled on his former 'friends' and would shit on his love for his brother.
I think Derek's journey is just begnning and he's not Le Cured of his racism 100%. He doesn't have to be. He just knows that violence only brings violence and that actions have consequences.

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>Norton: reeeeee change the ending or the jews won't give me an oscar
>Norton: hey where's my oscar?

The point is the cycle exists outside of Derek's choices, and just as the cycle killed his father it also killed his brother.

So you can ignore it all you like, but it will still take you or your loved ones lives.

Apes gonna ape

"The cycle" being the low intelligence and proneness to violence of the negro race.

>he just knows that violence only brings violence and that actions have consequences.

The tragedy of this realisation is also knowing that breaking a cycle of violence is nearly impossible.
In violent communities - be they nignog infested cities or remote Native Indian Reservations - violence is a status symbol. You survive and rise to the top of the food chain only through violence, not through great achievements, not even a mediocre career in a min wage job. Just violence. It is more important to be successfully violent than it is to be successful in any other aspect of life because anything you gain can be taken from you by an act of violence.

Unwittingly, I stumbled into this never-ending cycle in real life through a career choice that bought me far beyond the last towns and into the sparsely inhabited Beyond. A place where violence is the only type of power to be continually recognised and asserted and I am, every day, struggling against my own instinct to fall into that. To be better than that. I get drunk on bootleg booze and rant and rave about getting a gun and settling things once and for all, I can change this place, with my type of violence. My violence is righteous, my violence is better, my violence has purpose.
All lies. Worse yet, lies I continually tell myself.

Because its normal in the US.

Same here

>nigger kid at the end was a N2000

For being in school in america

The last scene is supposed to tell me that i have to hate niggers, right ? Can´t explain it any other way.

>heard the word nigger until....
Wait a sec.What do you call your negers then?

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You live an extremely sheltered life