Do a thing

>do a thing
>a character from a popular movie or TV show does the same thing
>suddenly, people think you only do that thing because you're trying to copy the character

Does this ever happen to you?

Here are mine:

>enjoy wearing a suit ever since the tenth grade (autistic, sure, but I don't mind)
>How I Met Your Mother becomes popular
>"Haha, user, now I know why you're wearing a suit, it's like Barney from HIMYM. Haha, SUIT UP!"

>be anti-big government and often criticize it
>Parks and Rec becomes popular
>"Haha, you're JUST LIKE Ron Swanson, you even sound the same!"

>like to put a toothpick in my mouth when I'm done eating or drinking
>while Drive never was THAT popular, a lot of my friends saw it on my recommendation
>"user, put that thing away, you can't pull it as well as Ryan Gosling did."

>local theater shows The Big Lebowski on the occasion of the movie's 20th anniversary
>next day, go to a bar and order a White Russian, my personal favorite
>bartender asks me if I saw the Big Lebowski at the theater the day before

I can't fucking stand it.

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>be me
>do a thing or say a thing from a movie
>nobody gets it because they never saw the movie and they think I'm original and quirky
Every. Fucking. Time.

>hanging around other people
Who even does this!?

What movies/things are you attempting to imitate?

>Parks and Rec becomes popular
What the fuck is that

>like to put a toothpick in my mouth when I'm done eating or drinking
What a fucking faggot.

Most of those were from people in my school/uni classes.
Apart from that, I do have a close circle of friends. We play D&D and not do much else, honestly. We sometimes meet up at bars for a drink or two.


>be a pet rat enthusiast
>Ron fucking Weasly

I wonder how many rat normies killed because of that retarted cunt

>like to put a toothpick in my mouth when I'm done eating or drinking

Are you ~80? My grandfather used to do that.

Nice blog, fren.

I was also a toothpick guy. Had to stop after Drive.

I'm 26, but I don't think it's an exclusively old men thing to do.

>do a thing
>eventually so others do the same thing
>think somehow I mist have influenced people and created a chain effect or popularized something even though I know rationally I didn't

80s classics mostly
sometimes a line or two from a very well known older movie like Casablanca or Gone With the Wind
The closest I got to someone recognizing a quote was a guy who (he was not joking) thought "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" was a Shakespeare quote.

>thought "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" was a Shakespeare quote.
Absolute madman
I guess it was all greek to him

This, only I end up making an ass of myself

>at a bowling alley with friends
>the guy at the desk asks us to pick names
>tell him Lebowski with a stupid grin
>he doesn't get it
>my friends don't either
>it there like an ass and repeat it like 3 times for him
>up next: Leebowsky

I wanted to fucking kms

Made me laugh out loud.

>OP rants about the government with a toothpick in his mouth while drunk in a suit at the bar

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When you put it like that... it sure don't sound good.

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>go with friends to bowling alley
>"I guess we're gonna score tonight... get it? Score tonight... like the song in the movie?"
>*crickets chirping*
>"It's from the sequel to the musical movie Grease? With Michelle Pfeiffer? They're all at the bolling alley and they sing an ensemble song about scoring both at bowling and scoring with their girlfriends and boyfriends? It's a rock song? It's good. There's an english student who wears goggles as a disguise and is like cool mystery guy by night and nerd student by day? C'mon guys? Anyone?"


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Who are you quoting

Unironically KINO

>OP is a high school libertarian who wears a suit, fedora and suitcase to school and no one in this thread see's a problem with that.

I've finished highschool 8 years ago, I never wore a fedora and I don't own a briefcase.

That being said, I doubt my drunk ramblings could really be considered KINO.

>always piss with my hands on my hips or just hanging at my side (it doesn't always go well, I sometimes piss on my pants something fierce, rogue streams and all that)
>constantly make small talk with people while pissing
>they either don't answer or only answer in one word sentences
>ever since last year the rate of answers went up by hundreds of percents and it's because people often just say something like "I saw that fishfucking movie too"

Myself quoting myself for yourself by myself.

I am pretty sure i did this in the early 2000s, i made a very naughty version of 'happy birthday to you' in my homelanguage at school and nowdays i see the same word by word vandalized version being sang everywhere.

Nobody will ever know it was me who invented it besides a few classmates.


have you tried gum?