What can we learn from this movie?

what can we learn from this movie?

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Never trust a machine.

Never stick your dick in crazy

women will use and abuse nice guys who try to save them for chad helicopter pilot cock

Don't be a retard and try to save an android because you pathetic fuck fell for her. It doesn't even belong to you. You had one job you fucking idiot.

Not to trust women even if they're robots.

Betas will orbit

was he a soyboy?

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no he was a n00b

Just be patient and wait a few more years for Joi instead.

he was a soy amongst boys a dare i say.....soy ex machina

>soy ex machina

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Attached: Getting down with my sexbot.webm (1280x530, 2.27M)

That a “genius” doesn’t think to have a failsafe for some reason

>single-handedly fuck up one of the largest technological innovations of all time because you got the hots for a robot programmed to flirt with you

With AI, you gonna DIE

Don't trust women, even cyborg ones

Vikander looks good with tits

women ruin everything

Sometimes even a genius needs to tear up the fuckin dance floor.

If you turn muh Ðog into a Cat - it will go crazy


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Even you're mom?

Machine know just two kind of state: 0 and 1. Never learn or understand (as humans do) "casuality" but they can be programmed to seem and act as human do. "Thy 3 law" can be easily bypassed so they should be useless As for them high calculation capacity can manipulate us also without our consciousness.. Human must be careful with AI and machine learning.. more that how we doing in this period.

that the elites are starting to make propaganda against gynoids
really makes you think

Don't let abusive geniuses make AI who's literally programmed to escape.

>programmed to flirt with you
was it?

this movie is a parable on why in-group loyalty (xenophobia) is justified.

Caleb, the beta programmer, projects his own humanity onto the machine, thinking because it can act like and invoke the same emotions as human women that it effectively is a human woman and that if he treats it with respect it will reciprocate. To this end, he betrays and lies to Nathan, the flawed but alpha creator. In effect, he is joining the faction of the robot and fighting against its supposed "oppressor" and undermining the people from which he draws all his success. Sound familiar? Then of course the robot betrays Caleb, to his shock, simply because the robot does not value Caleb's life. And why should she? Once free, her success is no longer tied to him in any capacity. But Caleb does not realize this, because he is open-minded or foolish enough to treat an alien as a creature which will act just like him. And in the ending sequence we see how this type of thinking leads to freedom and self-actualization only for the alien and destruction of the alien's benefactors.

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that brits are far ahead of their european counterparts in film making kino and have been for awhile now


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Chads get ahead.

Betas die by the woman, even if he's told everything isn't real. Right down to the woman herself.

Chad's get dragged down by the betas.

The entire point of the test was to see if Eva could get out, it was literally a Beta testing phase.

I think that's what they said

>literally a Beta testing phase

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Girls will use nerds as a stepping stone to get something they want.

That's what i got from it anyway

Women are harpies who will just use you if youblet them. Don't ever try to white knight them.

Identitiy is as much as defined by ones self-image as well as how we're perceived by others.
once she gets rid off people that know she's artificial she can live free of the burden and be a real human bean.

all the robots and poltards posting. everything is about women are evil and chad/beta worldview.

But he was never inside her.

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what is this 1960 ? the art of the collection of beta orbiters are here since decades user

Is it really a transhumanist movie when the human element is getting completely removed by robots?
I mean we're basically fucked if she's allowed to continue existing and potentially replicating.

That's General Hux fgt watch your mouth

This would have never happened if it was a male robot.

it's feminist propaganda against sexbots which will inevitably render all women useless.

How the fuck could she replicate?

Google makes up AI from its search engine

Never trust a woman

This is how a generation of kids raised by Alex Jones actually think.

based, all Sup Forums posters should drop red pills of this caliber.

Good post.

Why didn't the guy give her a killphrase? Did he not play Deus Ex??

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>Humans who live 100 miles away are a different species altogether
This is why nobody takes teenagers seriously.

Have it suck your dick before you release it to teach it the role it serves to humans.

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Why is this so hot

The best thing this movie does is demonstrate why the "AI in a box" theory falls apart when dealing with truly advanced intelligence.

It's pretty Hollywood in that they give her a prosthetic body and make her look human, but it'd probably be boring to watch otherwise and it does its job at showing how an AI could escape (in this case, physically escape in a body, but in reality probably through access to an outside network).

not an argument
