How the FUCK did he get a table at Dorsia on a Friday?

How the FUCK did he get a table at Dorsia on a Friday?

Attached: NoCanDo.jpg (480x360, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>knows people
>made a reservation waaaaaay early
pick one

Dubs are a currency

>book it six months in advance
>act cool and pretend

He's hot shit man, he has his own tanning bed at home and he has the Fisher account, one of the most prestigious financial accounts that was originally 'handled by Rothschild' and somehow Allen managed to acquire it despite only being a VP like Bateman.

Attached: but if i told you.jpg (959x403, 37K)

Common folk and sheeple go out on a Friday. Why would you want to sit amongst them. Tuesdays and Thursdays are where it's at.

simple - had his dubs checked

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Nobody goes there anymore.

>I think he's lying.

I just want to go to a semi-famous restaurant and have a girl recognise it

Getting dubs is a talent amigo. Checked.

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Gee I wonder (((how)))

And we never get to see Dorsia.

>mfw Sup Forums can't even get repeating digits these days

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How does Leto look older here than he does now?

He had a tanning bed at home. You should look into it.

Don’t need one senpai. I’m black

>made a reservation waaaaaay early
This. He probably called months in advance booking back to back weekends.

He didn’t. The whole thing was figmentation of his imagination


Sorry mate, but his apartment had a view to the central park.

Impressive, very nice.

I need to rewatch this

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I only now notice they all hide their cards before showing Paul's card.

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simple, he gave maître d' a head

Shut the fuck up Sean

user's too black sounding for me