ITT: Actors who remind you of yourself

ITT: Actors who remind you of yourself.

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Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver
Ryan Gosling from Drive
Ryan Gosling from Only God Forgives
Ryan Gosling from Bladerunner 2049
Tyler Durden from Fight Club
Alex from Clockwork Orange

Adam Driver from Star Wars (especially shirtless! :P)

Why does he look like he just got ridiculed by a local weather girl?

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Love Joe Pesci

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Does he remind you of yourself because he's hideous?

Tony Hale

Danny Devito

I was going to say Michael Fassbender, but then I saw who he's married to. That's a no-no.

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>being a racist
Perhaps Mel Gibson is more your speed.

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Here's your (You)

you're an abused brainwashed former Disney child actor?

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You're a retard?

you're a dead gay mob boss?

Me on the left

You're a retard?

I look classic

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