Alright, so what's the catch?

Alright, so what's the catch?
Is this some money laundry scheme?

Black Panther isn't even well known like Spider Man or Captain America...

Attached: Black-Panther-TChalla-poster.jpg (1404x2048, 653K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's based.

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Black 'activists' and disney and others literally bought millions of tickets for black kids to see this under the banner of 'charity'

i always wanted to see blade in the movie theaters as a kid, if only nice rappers could've bought me a ticket woowee

Well if anything it shows that

1) black people actually go see movies (maybe because they can't figure out torrent or pay for fast internet)

2) black people would rather see a fun movie where the character is cool than some overdone slave shit.

Who likes slave movies? Nobody, that's who.

When will you people get over the "tier" meme. It's starting to matter less and less. People want good movies. The success of GotG and the struggling DCEU should prove that. Black Panther was introduced in a billion dollar film, Captain America: Civil War, just two years ago and was one of the most well-received elements in it. This is the first black led capeflick in over a decade, first good black led capeflick in over 15 years, and the first big budget predominantly black film period. It was released in the middle of black history month in a climate where people are craving for better media representation of minorities and had literally no competition for an entire month. On top of that, it's one the best movies in the MCU. Is it really that difficult to figure out why it's so successful? The lengths you people go through sometimes.

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The MCU itself is the biggest movie brand in the world right now.

Fake new is fake news

It's just a good enjoyable flick, surrounded by flopping failures. Literally that's it.
What stages of grief are poltards at now?

Right, it's the perfect storm. But can't they see how blatantly they're being pandered to? The whole idea behind this film and release was "not enough blacks are watching capeshit, how do we get Black shekels as well as whites?" There is no good intent behind this film.

The more money the MCU makes, the lower quality of shitposts emerge, mainly because the original shitters gave up trying to shit on the MCU while the new breed of shitters just rely on baseless theories with zero creativity or nuance.

We deserve a better breed of shitposter... and I hate shitposters, but this is just getting boring and making me miss the shitposting back when before BvS was released. It was obnoxious shitposting, but at least it was clever about it.

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Why are you so obsessed with niggers?

>Is this some money laundry scheme?
literal retard. Iron Man was about as popular as Black Panther when Iron Man came out and jumpstarted the entire MCU. The characters that were popular in the comics aren't automatically the ones we love on screen. Iron Man was perfect for 2008. A futuristic hero that uses amazing tech instead of having powers. It was the right time. Now, in 2018, it's the right time for the story of Black Panther and Wakanda.

What are the chances we'll see actual mechanised ironman? Or is it full bore CGI now?

Basically black people wanted to 'stick it to whitey' by seeing this movie

Now imagine a movie with an all white cast and white people celebrating

If that's what you took away from my post, then you are a retard and a SHEEP

BP wasn't as popular as the Guardians of the Galaxy a few years ago.
Guardians weren't as popular as Captain America a few years before that.
Cap wasn't as popular as Loki a few years before that.
Loki wasn't as popular as Iron Man a few years before that.
Iron man wasn't as popular as Superman or Batman before that.

It's almost as if there's 2 important reasons why this is. It probably has nothing at all to do with a cameo and recognizable franchise branding.... naw, that couldn't be it at all. It's probably something entirely different.

....fuckin' tryhard pretend retard.

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>is actually a success and makes a billion dollarydoos
>Is this a scam?

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I found it so hilarious the shear amount of crippling insecurity in black panther

>worst most underdeveloped continent on earth
>ahaha we are actually the most developed on earth with the best technology we were just hiding it from u white devils!

>poorest continent on earth
>ahaha we actually have more money than u white devils!

>least military presence/completely got raped and owned by whites every time they tried to fight
>ahaha we actually are the strongest fighters with the best weapons!!

if you werent laughing the whole way through we didnt watch the same movie

Avengers: $1.5 billion
AoU: $1.4 billion
Iron Man 3: $1.2 billion
Civil War: $1.153 billion
Black Panther: $1.117 billion

Black Panther is pretty much guaranteed to pass Civil War and Iron Man 3 before the end of its run. The two Avengers movies are probably too far out of reach at this point.

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Disney's marketing team making it seem like Black Panther is this generation's Do The Right Thing as well as capitalizing on white liberal's insecurities and fears of being deemed racist.

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>Now imagine a movie with an all white cast and white people celebrating.
Gave me a chuckle.

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OK so why did wrinkle in time and the last jedi flop? Aren't those "leftist propaganda" too?

Who were the hacks that made them, Mansley?

No, but seriously, though. Propagandism is maybe 10 percent of the issue. Ryan Coogler was able to operate on Feige's guidelines and even despite that one end portion being a bit too reliant on highlighting the vibranium cache and used weaker CG than Civil War's, the effect didn't harm the film much at all to a loss in box office numbers. they made at least more than triple back what they spent and those numbers aren't flukes considering the MCU batting average keeps rising, especially during phase 3.

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It's just the corporations (Disney) finding a way to make people give them their money by shaming them.
It's working too. Consume our blnad all-ages product or you're a racist sexist pig and you'll be hanged in the court of social media!

Wrinkle In Time didn't get a tenth of Black Panther's ad budget and Last Jedi made more than a billion. It was a shit film that probably harmed the franchise beyond recovery but it wasn't a flop.

Take note Sup Forums.

Black Panther 2 will do significantly worse at the box office.

Whatever you say, kiddo.

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Now that's a kind of movie that would make billions easily

That's the same premise from 50 years ago

>money laundry scheme

In contrast to TLJ, this one actually had good WoM

Neither was Guardians of the Galaxy.
Fuck GotG wasn't even a popular or even good comic. But marvel gave all their rights to other studios to avoid going bankrupt so they went "well, we have these guys? Could do a movie with those" and it went off. So your premise of "has to be well known" goes right out the window. And in the grand scheme of things, more people have probably heard of black panther than they have of the Guardians. (pre-movies of course).

Suicide Squad made 750 million dollars while being a shitty movie and having no previous introduction and being hot-topic edgy mess.
Like just the title of the movie probably made a lot of disneymoms stay home with their kids.
And it didn't even run in China.

Suicide Squad had a mega hype cannon, Jared Leto & will smith and super beloved characters The Joker and Harley Quinn. It was a sure thing that tons of people would at least check it out for ANY of these four factors alone as each of those have pretty big fanbases on their own.
It turned out to be pretty shitty, but in my opinion at least slightly better than Batman V Superman, but that's not saying much.

you forgot to call it "The Academy Award winning film Suicide Squad"

are you serious?

>What is 12 Years A Slave
>What is Amistad

>giving a shit about oscars
It's bullshit anyway. It's a bunch of old fucks who only care about certain types of movies giving awards to those. In a year where some great japanese anime films came out, they fucking nominated "the boss baby". It's a shitshow and caring about who gets and doesn't get oscars is pointless.

HOWEVER despite me disliking suicide squad, I have to defend it a bit here. Because when people complain about "suicide squad winning oscar for best makeup" they always show pictures of harley quinn with a white face and some blue in it and I think that's disingenuous. The flick is already shitty, you don't have to lie to generate even more outrage. OBVIOUSLY they won best makeup because of Killer Croc as well as probably also the Mexican guys tattoos and the enchantress. And not because of Margot Robbies outfit, or the jokers stupid fucking "damaged" tattoo.

When will normies get tired of all this capeshit?

>disney identity a lack of a certain demographic seeing these movies
>decide to make a money targeting that demographic and make it marketed towards them
>know that MCU fans will see it anyway regardless

they did the same shit with star wars, they see that women don't really like it that much and the hunger games was super popular. manchildren will see anything with star wars in the title anyway, so they make the character female to appeal to the hunger games audience.

its not hard to understand.

was 2017 a good year for anime though?

Black Panther actually made more domestically than AoU or Avengers. If they had international numbers to match they'd be number 1.

I don't think so, but I'm sure they had something that was better than the fucking boss baby. I'm not huge on animu myself, but this guy on youtube did a pretty decent video on why the oscars suck with animation:
while the first video I linked kinda shows how the oscars suck at picking decent stuff in the first place.

>Black Panther isn't even well known like Spider Man or Captain America...
Neither were the Guardians of the Galaxy and that turned out well. If you can't innovate capeshit, trick people into thinking you're doing something new by bringing in more obscure characters. Who ever thought there would be a fucking Luke Cage or Jessica Jones tv series?

yeah, I had to stop when he tried to argue that the king's speech is worse than the social network and inception
that was a genuinely great film and people still watch it to this day

Kendrick Lamar

I haven't watched a Marvel movie since Ultron so this may have an answer.

If Klaue was made a billionaire in Ultron whats he still doing sperging around fighting superheroes?

What are you getting at? You want them to make an actual working iron man suit?

Well, while I enjoyed the Kings Speech, but cut him some slack here. His full quote is:
"in 2011 was the kings speech, a mediocre period drama from a hack music video director that nobody has watched since that oscar season REALLY a better, more important film than the social network, black swan, true grit, the fighter or even inception?"
And he does have a point there. The Kings speech was not a very memorable, or influential movie. some of the others he named objectively were just that. Nobody is saying inception is a masterpiece, but it surely has made more waves.

Iron Man wasn't well known before they made a movie about him and he's more popular then Spiderman now days.

maybe it's a matter of taste but I def think The King's Speech is more memorable and influential than The Fighter, True Grit or The Social Network. The Social Network aged like milk in my opinion.

Not that he's wrong about Oscars often having bad picks, but the members of the academy have an anonymous vote system, they don't sit near a table and talk about what movie should win. So whoever wins at the time is whatever movie was trendy with the academy at the moment, not because they made a conscious decision to pick shitty films.

Well, then see it as him picking a bad example for a larger problem. The other video had better examples anyway. Dark Knight wasb't nominated for best picture but frost/nixon was? Milk? The Reader?
2001: A space odyssey was not nominated but "funny girl" was?
Psycho was not nominated but "The Sundowners" was? It's a shame and it happens again and again and again. And like the Basement guy points out in the rest of the video: Anime doesn't even get NOMINATED unless it's Ghibli. Even in years where they only had 3 movies in the best animated category. It's a joke.

it'll only get worse
Disney has the manchildren audience
The former kids from the lad decades who never grew up
The new gen of kids and their parents
We'll probably watch the kid from spiderman playing this role for 20 years