Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

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its fake honey

David Hogg


>redditors in denial


who's that

Real human bean and an real hero

At least get some new shill techniques you fucking retards.

Thanks for the confirmation though.



The video is fake af.
There's a very long pause between him placing the gun to shoot himself, and him pulling the trigger. It's to make the transition as smooth as possible. He placed a dummy there and shot it. Notice how the video blurs at that point too. He also wore a mask so that it would be easier to conceal the dummy.

El goblino....

Dude has better special effects that all of Hollywood combined. The actress playing his mom is also kino as fuck.

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this is from a live stream

His mom is a textbook example of la creatura... too.

How do you explain the part where his family comes in and starts crying and then the EMT's come in?

>There's a very long pause between him placing the gun to shoot himself, and him pulling the trigger.
You mean he hesitated for a second before blowing his brains all over the fucking wall? Yeah, thats so suspicious you autistic retard.

bye guys

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he looked so cute when he waved too

Nobody that shit head doesn't deserve an attention.

no u


Thinking its impossible for a teenager to kill himself because that would make Sup Forums too scary is reddit as fuck.


Thinking that some weeb faggot wouldn't create a fake video for attention is pure reddit

You should go back.

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will forte

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Making random leaps of logic with no evidence just so you can feel unique, special and smart in your opinions is reddit as fuck, you have to go back.

Completely fake. Whywould you even wear a mask if you chose to livestream your suicide? Makes no sense.

False flag they're attempting to shill.

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it's too late for you, you're not even human anymore.

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sorry I accidentally your posts

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Weren't you just posting this camwhore in another thread as well?

this spamming only makes sense if you are a mtf or want to be

post cooter

only since 2014

what about OP's spamming? he wants to kill himself too?

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If I pull that off, will you die?

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Why don't you post some of her nudes then, old fellow?

Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask

you're really not funny shills

post the absolute 100% lewdest picture of alice you have!

shills....lame as always

>what about OP's spamming? he wants to kill himself too?

Being a faggot is prime reddit.
Really, go back now. You will get no upvotes here.

i want to take a nap, I've been awake for 36 hours

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Shouldn't there be a news story about this ? Guy killed himself on a livestream
At least his local paper would have Obituary


Stop spamming this ugly goblin prostitute.

'''They''' needed the mask for the special effects to look more believable.

-Sup Forums bad
-guns bad

Same old shit

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ok, this is probably the absolute lewdest

good bye frens

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This is some practical effects bullshit.

>this is what Sup Forums unironically believes
always cracks me up

>Shouldn't there be a news story about this ?
There would be if he was a crisis actor :^)

wowww more?



>At least his local paper would have Obituary
what's his name though?



It's fake retards

jk...I know you're a bunch of '''shills'''

why do so many weebs kill themselves?

They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother

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Mental ilness

Mental ilness

lack of self awareness and shallow emotions/ convictions about life