Why is this so shit now?

Why is this so shit now?

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are you a fed

Concerned citizen

cornered citizen

showtime never cancel anything
they would have so much kino if they kept everything 1-2 seasons long


huh? it was a one season show and it was pretty good, liked the ending where Brody blew them up

Show ended when Brody died.

You're acting like it was ever good.

I watched the first season up until the point they revealed the black guy was still alive or something, and then I just stopped watching.

I'll never know how people watch schlock like this for 5 seasons.

>I haven't seen the show but its bad

You're a special kind of retard.

They shit the bed at the tail end of last season but honestly i'm still enjoying it, it goes up and down, at the moment is pretty schlocky but quite enjoyable. Closest i've come to dropping it was with the Brodies family shit.

It's really just pretty cool that a tv show has survived multiple seasons set in different countries. I hope they keep going. It really does have it's highs and it's lows, but having a tv show discuss online shilling, present israel and america as it does and portray the muslim world that way is good to see on Sup Forums.

I wonder why Claire Danes and Mandy Potemkin don't share screentime anymore, did they write themselves into a corner on it, is it a decision to spread talent across different aspects of the show, or do the actors hate each other? Homeland writers who clearly post on Sup Forums, if you're reading this, please share the onset gossip and keep up the shitty and also good job.

What season should be the last season I watch if I decided to watch this?

Just watch the first 3 seasons and then stop

This season is notably better than the last two, but that's not saying much. I just wished they kept the idea of the new president turning into a power hungry tyrant.

They wrote two seasons

Why do people say this when season 4 >>>>> season 3? It makes far more sense to stop at season 1 or 2, or keep going with at least season 4 if you've bothered with season 3.

I like how they just embraced making it over the top. It's great.

>the FBI standoff with those redneck dudes ending in them all getting massacred

Seasons 1-3 are some "is he a terrorist or not?" plot. While seasons 4-onward turn into a more realistic 24.

This is completely wrong.

They ruined based Quinn


It's been shit since season 2. Why are you even watching it still?

It became a "Hillary won" fan fic