Would you forgive him?

Would you forgive him?

After all, he is a product of his environment, anti white rhetoric was probably pumped into his head on a daily basis growing up.

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Which episode of The Wire is this?


What movie? Seen this unsettling face posted here before

American History Amer

Would you forgive Danny for being the other side of the same coin? Ultimately, both sides need to learn to forgive to stop the killing.

He was the Kill Monger of American History X. The skin head was T'Challa. Black Panther is fucking ripoff of this kino. Fuck.

won't happen
segregation is best for everybody

That's the new wave of SJW's way of thinking.

not an argument
thinking you can override an entire people's mindset is far more delusional
why make people on multiple slides continuously compromise when you could just give everybody what they want

>he blew smoke in my face
>so i'll murder him


That's the face I made when I was what ed furlong looks like now

Racism can be overcome. Who is racist against Irish and redheads these days (in america)? It used to be such a big thing they were part of the anti-discrimination leagues.
My great granma was hillariously racist against redhead, to the point of being angrily disgusted for an hour every time she would as much as see one on tv.

>Who is racist against Irish and redheads these days (in america)?
Since when was redhead a race?

me desu, Boston fucking sucks because of those nepotistic drunk shitheads. That being said I agree with you because America for the most part is way too mixed up to be able to segregate again.

>he doesn't know
They were considered even lower than blacks. It was an actual thing. A redhead child would be hated by his own family just for having red hair.

>Boston fucking sucks because of those nepotistic drunk shitheads.

same could be said about the blacks and vato’s who act like thugs all over boston

You still haven't explained how redhead is a race. Comparing someone to a race because of a quality doesn't make that quality a race.

>he doesn't know
Yeah... I kinda did...

Yeah but the niggers in Roxbury and spics in wherever the hell there are Mexicans in Boston don't run the show. The Irish and Italians do. If I was in a car headed towards a cliff I would be angry at the driver not the guy passed out in the back seat. Atleast the ethnics have whores with fat asses and big titties.

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I didn't say it was a race, just that idiots thought it was. That's why I use racism instead of discrimination. They literally thought redheads were a different kind of human beings. People are weird like that.

>They literally thought redheads were a different kind of human beings.
But they are. Everybody else, when not masked with fragrances, smells like the kind of food they eat. Redheads smell metallic, like blood.

im just gonna say it... was this scene really necessary?