How come porn isn’t allowed for discussion on Sup Forums? Think about it, porn is just adult FILMS, right...

How come porn isn’t allowed for discussion on Sup Forums? Think about it, porn is just adult FILMS, right? And Sup Forums is the television and FILM board, right? So when you think about it, SFW porn discussion should be completely allowed. Even a weeb retard board like /jp/ can understand this

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Other urls found in this thread:

The same reason why sports and news shows aren't allowed on Sup Forums you cowardly mobile poster too scared to post on Sup Forums

>why isn't porn allowed on a blue board
good question
please stop being so painfully new

please stop advertising race propaganda here.
nobody wants your disgusting bestiality shit here.
This is not a place for your jewish tricks you scum
banned isn't good enough, you should be sterilized and shipped to africa for a tire necklace. have you considered suicide seriously in the past OP? would be great if you could save us all some time and blow your head off on a livestream now instead of when our president is re-elected.
wait I guess that would be porn...just drink everything under the sink and stop posting anywhere ever.

this shits has been terrible ever since lansky stopped directing it himself

get used to it, sweetie. The whites are moving out and the blacks are moving in. By 2050, the world will be dominated by blacks

>porn isn't allowed on Sup Forums
this thread will hit 100 replies while I've seen several film based threads gets deleted pruned immediately recently

Take your degenerate garbage shilling to /gif/


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porn threads are unironically the best threads on Sup Forums.

Yeah, not blacked ones though.

"Oh my god so... I was like.. coming home from a party... And like my parents weren't home... And then like there was this black guy at my house doing the like... Repairs or something... But like I had a boyfriend.. but like I knew he wanted me... So like...."

Why are the women so retarded.

Wisdom is realizing that porn is detrimental to your health.

All porn is bad, my friend. Porn is a mechanism made to control and destroy masculinity, effeminate and pacificate males. Ask yourself - why is it free and so easily accessible? Easily accessible from young age high speed internet porn is highly addictive and rewires dopamine reward system in young males when their brains are developing and are highly elastic. Masturbating to porn at least one time a day can lead to further addiction and strange fetishes, even ones that do not match your orientation.

Addiction to porn can cause several mental disorders such as social anxiety, depression, phobias, general anxiety, unproductivity, memory and concentration issues, feeling of being drained from energy. It also lowers your testosterone and prevents you from getting a real female. And if you by miracle get one, you embarass yourself because you probably cant get an erection or cant cum. Why? because your penis is desensitized - real vagina is way softer than your firm grip. However, quitting porn will slowly "rewire" your brain to normal and heal your penis. It may take from 3 to 9 months to heal completely, however first subtle effects are seen just after a few days.

>Pornography viewing and sexual offense are inextricably linked.
>There is a connection between the consumption of violent pornography with behavioral aggression and the incidence of rape.
>The presence of sexually-oriented businesses significantly harms the surrounding community, leading to increases in crime and decreases in property values.
>Pornography engenders greater sexual permissiveness, which in turn leads to a greater risk of out-of-wedlock births and STDs. These, in turn, lead to still more weaknesses and debilities.

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Because Sup Forums is a safe for work board. How hard is it for YOU to understand that?

Shut up tradcuck. You lost.

not an argument, actual cuck

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Jokes on you, I had strange fetishes before I started watching porn. But porn did make those neural pathways stronger I guess.

Thank you, based anti porn poster

I can't believe there are still retards spouting this baseless pseudoscience. None of that is true.

>having this saved on his PC
Eww, you really are a tradcuck. As in, you pretend to be a trad but you're nothing but a cuck.


How do I get rid of my desire to fap to interracial and cuckold porn? I try to resist but the urge always overpowers me. I don't know what to do.

That's how hot whores are.
Thank a Jew when you see them.

This so much, I don’t get why more people don’t quit porn
I’ve tried fapping to porn recently and it just feels hollow and shitty. It’s always a bad fap.
Just cut porn, it’s garbage

Maybe you just have a low sex drive

Calling women females is the biggest virgin indicator in the universe.

Because its subversive. just look at /gif/ literally every thread turns into black on white spamfest. Same thing will happen here.

im trying to stop the same thing
just know you regret it every time and that it's a lie based off your insecurities

Has to be all those jews eh?

Interesting how you b-lined to jews when i used the word "subversive"

What the fuck is this

Well of course, those dirty fucking kikes are subversive are they not? I mean, it's not like you use the same descriptors over and over again.

emma watson wore it in a movie
some guy won an auction for it and cums on it every day

Stop fighting against the urge, which makes it taboo and therefore arousing. Admit clearly to yourself that you don't want any of that in real life and that it is just porn and fantasy. Enjoy it under those terms and you'll probably lose interest after a while. It stems from loneliness and insecurity and that sadness and jealousy turns you on. Same for me, comes from my dick size insecurity and permavirginity.


The problem is how much focus you're putting on it. Every time you act like it's something you desperately want but you have to stop yourself from having you've already lost.

Not a red board, retard.



I love these armchair psychologists everywhere

Heil Hitler!

what part was inaccurate

Resident Evil:

Teen Titans:


Scooby Doo: (Same story but futa)

Sonic the Sissyhog:

Hey Arnold:
>Rhonda needs money and has to work as a street walker to help her family out (Make sure to leave a review if you want to see a chapter 3.)

>Rhonda and her boytoy force Phoebe into a threesome

Mortal Kombat: (Futa)


King of the Hill:

Note: None of my stories feature niggers

This. Porn faps always leave a bad aftertaste for me, like eating shitty fast food, where you feel full and shitty and unhealthy afterwards.

>he still watches 3DPD porn

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>Note: None of my stories feature niggers

Why would someone be scared of posting on Sup Forums?

>prostitutes are being paid for having sex
>pornstars are being paid for having sex on camera
Remember that

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Why are you so triggered user?

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All fapping feels that way



Nuke America.

I'm a 28 year old virgin, jerking off to porn is my only release. No point stopping now.


Making porn should be just as illegal as selling sex.

>posts two africans kissing

So marriage should be illegal?

Absolutely based

If you can't feel this you will soon. As a male addicted to pron, how can I stop it?

Good goyim. Feel useless and powerless. Keep fapping to porn. Very good.

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How much money do you have?

Why do kike faggot mods leave garbage like this up for so long?

Literally just stop. It's the same process as quitting alcohol, cigarettes, or any other drug. You just gotta soldier through it, and it's not gonna be easy.

hol up

Fuck all

I've tried this

Dropping porn is harder than dropping cigs

No, not as long as they do the filthy deed in the privacy of their own bedroom.

Joining a gym and getting fit helped me, you gotta have something to do that is physically engaging, to take your mind off of it.

So fucking prostitutes and filming porn in your bedroom should be legal?


>using virgin as an insult
Roastie detected

You stupid fucking newfag.