Let me guess... good guys will win

let me guess... good guys will win

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I will laugh my ass off if the Russos kill off Spider-Man and Black Panther instead of cap and Tony

Only in movies.

Cap dies 100%

God this just looks horrendous.

Who hurt you user?

Chris Evans deserves better.

no you wont you cocksucking lier
you will probably smile but will not laugh


Is that a bait? Its a two parter so obviously they will lose/fail the first one so they can win the second.

not the first movie
second movie they will 'avenge' earth and start rebuilding. new avengers, new cap, new iron man, etc.

i hope when cap is dying and tony is beside him crying (like he did in tropic thunder), cap will say, 'i'll finally get that dance with peggy'
tony, 'go to her steve. she's waiting for you'
and it'll fade to that dream cap had (age of ultron) where he walks towards peggy and they embrace and start dancing.

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i hope all those fuckers will die and that big purple guy dance on their bodies

shut it down

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So ((((they)))) used the trailer template again. Do ((((they)))) have a single creative bone in ((((their)))) body? When will this shit end?

>good guys will win
>in part one of a two parter
God you're stupid

if cap dies his last words will be "I can do this all day"

that woudl take balls to kill black panther

Why do you guys think Black Panther and Spidey might die?

I'll let out a chuckle but certainly not a bellow or even gale of laughter

is it suppost to look like they are getting chased out of the jungle by a mob of angry spear chuckers?

it's a 2 part movie so they fucking lose

>Peter dies or gets trapped in another time period
>Post credit scene, Young Wakandan named Miles takes on the 'Spider-Man' mantle


donald glover was miles uncle in the spider-man movie

stop giving them ideas damnit

Yeah great idea to kill Spiderman and Black Panther when more movies are coming.

Major spoiler: Ant-Man lives

>intentionally cutting off money branches from the money tree when those two money branches (Spiderman, BP) have proven to be extremely successful.

Same goes with Cap and Iron Man. They aren't going to die, they will just make it look like they're going to die. The only characters who have a shot at dying at the C-rated side characters like Hawkeye, Black Widow, Vision, etc.

>Implying he wasnt keeping Wakanda a secret and Miles was so smart he got chosen to work there as a young scientist

Someone tell me how useful is black widow green arrow or cap is against le grape man

They'll lose in this one and win in the second one

Cap is the main character so he'll either win or sacrifice himself to help the other's win
The other two are useless

Isn't this supposed to be a two parter? Probably not in this movie, otherwise Thanos coming back will be more of a sequel than a second part.

There are no good guys in Marvel.

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