ITT: childhood crushes

ITT: childhood crushes

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even if she was a bitch even more so actually because she was a bitch

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No ass.

too much ass

>>Not a big fat nigger with implants
>No ass
Best ass in my opinion.

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mein brother

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She suffers from acute chronic Nasitol

uhh that's a child you pedo

I love how you people assume I like huge fake asses when I point out a bitch has a flat ass.

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She is not flat, her ass is exactly as big as it should be when compared to her body. Any bigger would look unnatural.

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My first movie crush

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No contest.

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Guarantee she could beat the shit out of everyone ITT myself included

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Who this?

my eternal crispy bacon-fu

Carrie Fisher. She looks a little different now.

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She's a girl, all i'd have to do is pull her hair.

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She sure does.

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based spongebob sniffposter

How can other Emmas even compete?

Does she sing, too?

The KStew of the 90's.

They can't.

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Spy Kids

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Ehh, yeah?
Well, not when dancing like that, she just pretends to sing in most of her dancing performances.

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esto es el fin puta blanca

what movie is this from? it reminds me of a film ive been looking for for ages about (if i can try to remember) a boy with a bow and arrow that shoots a firing arrow onto a rich, teenager older girls lawn, they go to the tennis courts, run through fields... etc. i wish i could remember anything else about it

checked, and also


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Anyone got links to some Rough Latina x White Lesbian Raceplay?

Many a nut was lost to this scene.

Fuck yeah, i love that video...

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>give her your guns to get to her buns

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I think she got me into both MILFs and thick eyebrows on chicks.

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Wow, she was even hotter than she is now.

I have a jew fetish because of her.

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>tfw no make believe gf

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they're both pretty ugly

Well, it's the truth so why not?

>posts pic of Elton John
>slips by most pleebs


No, i'm not into fat asses.

Favorite childhood movie too.

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Which of these girls did you crush on as a kid?

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I think it is the Wonder Years

>it's a Nigel gets stung on his dick and Sidney has to suck the poison out episode

>no extended cut with Pierce fattening her up

such a missed opportunity

imagine the smell

La Goblina maliolente de los duendes

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>kim possible will never sommersault onto your d

Why the fuck do I find this mouse attractive? I think there's something really wrong with me.

kim possible obviously

You are delusional. She's a millennial gender-queer. Any man under 75 but over 30 could destroy her in seconds.
Millennials? That's a different question. Many have Mr. Burns level of weakness.

Technically 31-36 year olds are also millennials though they deny it.

Looks like an ape

>"Alexa, save a picture of a gravestone to my desktop"

only something wrong if you don't act on it user ;)

Found the limp wristed faggot


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dem budding titties

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like the tv show? nah not it. i want to say it was a singular title, and maybe the title was the name of the young boy protagonist. im out on a limb here though, all i ever remembered were those iconic scenes of shooting the arrow at the girls familys house and she comes out and the boy wants her to come with etc etc. and shes a tennis player. and older.

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gabrielle from xena

Still makes my dick twitch.

For me it’s Hannah from S Club 7.
I wouldn’t recognize a single song from S Club 7 even though I saw every episode because I put it on mute every time I fapped to TV.

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patrician choice user

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Is that Ben Shapiro in drag? The fuck?

>turn on the telly
>switch to MTV (back when they still were showing musicvideos)
>pic related is on
WELP, time to rub one out.

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the original vlogger

what a cocaine goddess

Season 1 Monica and Rachel

I wish I could've saved her

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That’s a bad photo, she’s slimmed down since then.

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hell yeah

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El atrocidad


>yfw she voice acted in Sonic 2006

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>you people
Who you callin "you people"?
also, kys my man

that camera man was doing god's work

carter from sg1

I never understood why everyone was drooling over her
I never felt it, I was never a Wow player either

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>still curvy
>nice ass
>knows how to dance

its not rocket science, catposter