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What's the matter? Never heard of the iron spider?

cgi fucking suits

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>when all of your budget has to go to paying your bloated cast and marketing

How do they keep geting away with this?

Jesus Christ

Why does Spiderfag's suit need to be CGI? Looks like a floating head with AIDS.

Attached: 1492447473998.gif (200x150, 2.59M)

I swear the CGI in these movies is getting so much worse. It was at a point where I almost didn't notice it anymore, and now they're not even trying to hide it. Everything except the faces is CG. Looks like a fucking video game.

It's gotten to the point where CGI from over 15 YEARS ago is better than current day. It's incredible how much it's regressed.

And I don't get why, it can't be only to save money

Compare that to Avatar or Warcraft

Attached: warcraftstill3.png (1916x964, 2.04M)

It's not all CGI.

Attached: iron-man-wears-his-armor.jpg (817x1222, 247K)

>OwO whats this

Why is it so shiny?

Disinformation and exaggeration. One is made for a videogame within a game world so he won't look as bad as MCU Spidey. If you copy pasted PS4 Spider-man into a movie he would look like a PS2 graphic.

Funny how a pic from a shit paparazzi looks better than a billion dollar production.

>amazing spider man still has the best suit

Attached: amazing-spiderman-suit.jpg (1800x1200, 698K)

Will he ever be topped?

Attached: Jones.jpg (500x375, 48K)

I've seen Iron Man cosplays that look better than this.

Stop shilling. They paint over the practical half with shit CGI. They've been doing this for years. They do it with Black Panther too.

Attached: iron-man-new-suit-for-avengers-infinity-war-2018-sr-2560x1440.jpg (2560x1440, 2.04M)

who cares; the result is atrocious

I forgot about Black Panther. They actually made a real suit and decided to CGI over it to "have a better look".
My God, cinema is dying.

You can tell that's not Robert Downey Jr. cos he's not wearing high heels.

Exhibit B. The stuntguy's top half was CGI'd over.

Attached: Captain-America-Civil-War-Trailer-TeamIronMan-970x545.jpg (970x545, 104K)

>RDJ height: 1.74 m
>Tom Holland Height: 1.73 m

I hope Tom Holland has stopped growing. RDJ would probably be very upset to be the smallest manlet in Marvel.

Attached: big shoes.jpg (500x748, 83K)

Yup. Instead of making a suit that just works on camera they made with a helmet and torso that looked too blocky so they shrunk the helmet with CGI and gave him a more V shaped torso with CGI.

Do you not see the bloom on the left picture my guy

this spiderman in these movies feels hollow as fuck.
what is it Im not getting?
got zero issues with the actor btw

additional thought. maybe its that nowhere in the film or these trailers has Spiderman looked intimidating

It's funny they even did CGI for the Iron Spider suit simply resting in a display case. What a shame. It could've potentially looked dashing with practical effects but I guess they can't afford costume designers.

Attached: Spider-Man-Homecoming-and-Infinity-War-New-Iron-Spider-Suit-Cropped.jpg (1400x700, 49K)


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manlet detected

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looks feminine

and that's his "official" height. I am sure he stood on his toes or w/e to sneak in 1 or 2 cm

Probably not

Davy Jones and Planet of the Apes had the best CGI

Attached: Maurice.jpg (1600x900, 348K)


>a film predominantly with CGI characters with 15% of the budget Infinity War has looks far better
what are they doing at Disney?


>movie with care, time and effort
>Disney capeshit everybody eats up no matter the quality
What do they care desu

so do you

>What do they care
to laugh

because they dont have to pay the cgi monkeys to stand around and quip

Oh what could've been

Attached: spiderman.jpg (655x608, 465K)

Is this the first practical suit since the first movie?
Pretty sure they've been using the original suit and digitally replacing it with the upgrades until now.

no they always do this.
they even did it for the quipbot

Attached: 1510715791374.png (460x687, 485K)

That's what i mean.
They have a guy in a practical suit and they CG over it.
In the first movie the practical suit was the same as the CG suit but they changed the CG suit in the sequels while still having the real performer wear the same suit as the first movie.

>based on comic books for children
>looks like a video game for children

I fail to see the issue. It was never meant to be realistic. If you want a comic book movie with some semblance of realism go watch the nolan batman trilogy. I'll be here enjoying the MCU for the fun, quality kids movies that they are.

Attached: STUNTCOCK.jpg (480x360, 13K)

its not a practical suit in this movie.

But that's exactly why. One of capeshit movies biggest selling points are usually their all-star cast, while dramas and action flicks usually have 2-3 big actors, movies like avengers have 7-8 or even more. And with every consecutive movie, their paycheck only grows. We're probably at the point where actor paychecks are double or triple the size of the cgi budget.


yes it is all cgi.

This NOx10 skit is cringe as fuck

>IronMan Jr
Fuck this movie and fuck what they're doing with Spidey

>gold eyes

Why does spidertwink need a iron man suit? Part of the appeal of spiderman is that he's a normal and relatable guy who happened to get superpowers. Iron man is basically pay to win or using godmode. He's a shitty role model and I hate all this capeshit crossover and cinematic universe bullshit that only exist to suck the money out of plebs.

If capeshit wasn't such a money grab maybe we could have decent reboots

shut up shill


Literally the most soy-filled meme in recent memory


Attached: Iron.Man.BluRay.1080p.x264.5.1.Judas_4.webm (1000x416, 2.95M)

>that bulge

>60 fps
the point still stands even at 20 fps, but cmon, its the ps4 lmao

>tfw there won't be enough screen time to go around for everyone and it will be shit

jezz...good times.

Explain to me why Tony Stark doesn't make high tech suits for all the otherwise useless members of the Avengers like Captain America, Black Panther, Hawkeye, ScarJo etc?

Thats the official height. RDJ is more likely 1,67m or about 5 6 in burger

because he's gay for peter

Apocalypse, even when it was a turd, was better than Ultron.

Dark Phoenix will be likely better than Justice League and Avengers 3, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Well when you put it like that...

>Dark Phoenix will be likely better than Justice League and Avengers 3, and there is nothing you can do about it.

>Kinberg directing
>Starring Sophie Turner

No it won't.

On one hand, I guess it looks bad. But on the other, I can never pace these shots in any kind of realistic setting anyway. It's like, everything looks so obviuosly CGI my brain just shuts off. It's like, the point of CGI in these movies isn't to make things look realistic, it's to have some outlandish shot or effect and you're supposed to, I don't know, just accept that?

Which is fucking terrible and a travesty, don't get me wrong.

I didnt say it was going to be good, user

Ok but am I the only one who thinks that Iron Man gets more handsome and Spider-Man gets more ugly in every movie?

This, I just don't care even if I know its bad.

I always wondered this.
Iron Man 3 shows that he has lile 500 suits he barely ever uses so it's not like they are hard to make or too expensive.
Why not give everyone a fucking suit?

Black Panther suit is better than Iron Man's suit, the nigress who made it was stated to be smarter than Tony.

ScarJo can't get one because women can't operate machinery

>Instead he gives it to the human holocaust, a guy who has already superlevel strength and can predict the danger before it happens

Is that reviewbrah?

> Can't tell left is miles beyond right in terms of shading and rendering
> Doesn't understand how real-time rendering (right) works
> Doesn't understand VFX at all

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Can it shoot laser beams and fly?

Damn RDJ is still rocking them stilts.
At this point he could just fucking own it. So you're a manlet, so what. Lot's of people are.

No, it just blocks all damage and turns it i to a vydia-tier special attack, robing every fight of any possible tension.

one of the things pissing me off about this movie right now is nobody is wearing their fucking helmets. this is stannis charging into blackwater tier.

They have a practical prop so they can get light and colour values from on set, as well has have the physical dimensions so nothing weird happens like someone's head or shoulders have to be contorted or have their moustache removed in post.
It's the same reason there's practical heads for Hulk and Groot etc, it's not just for eye-lines, it's to make sure the CGI creation can actually fit into/next to real people and things, and see how it would look under the lighting conditions.

to help the CGI artists get the reflections right on the cgi suit

It's the inside beauty that matters. Spidey might be ugly but he's beautiful inside.

Are you sure Holland isn't even more shorter than that? When they are next to each other, RDJ looks a lot taller than him.

Attached: rdj and th.png (1064x444, 998K)

>CGI from a movie from almost 12 years ago will quite literally never be topped
>it was only as good as it was because Hollywood still thought effort was needed to give them the edge and get big box office numbers
>CGI has only gotten worse and will only get worse as audiences get dumber, international box office becomes more important, and quick turnover to more profitable home media (if not outright concurrent release with theatrical runs) becomes a more worthwhile prospect for them
Worst timeline.

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>Why are you standing on your toes, Robert?

so the good stuff they save for psyops is more convincing by comparison

are you stupid, user? RDJ is having his retard shoes there.

Good CGI. That Dreamworks face though...

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Snoke >

RDJ is taller, are you blind or morons?

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