What a fucking show. Season 2 in a month. Thank you based HBO

What a fucking show. Season 2 in a month. Thank you based HBO.

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the sex scenes were disgusting and honestly offensive.
>dude they cowboy in black is the good guy from the beggining!
>do you get it? it's cuz a good man turning bad is epic and awesome and being evil is cawl!!!1

westworld is a series being a 10 on episode 1 and slowly deteriorates into a 1 by episode 10
like there was some mathematical algorythm to do just that

>the sex scenes were disgusting and honestly offensive.
>the sex scenes were disgusting and honestly offensive.
>the sex scenes were disgusting and honestly offensive.
why are you punishing yourself by coming here user ?

can't wait to hate watch this again. it's so fun. also shrinkray threads

Hope it has better pacing. S1 got boring in the middle

It will never be as good as season One.

HBO curse, season 2 will be garbage and may end up killing the show

Plz no

I feel you are right though since Nolan wrote himself into a corner they can't do the inverted timeline bullshit they pulled for mememento Dunkirk or this.

Sadly the best we are gonna see is cowboys vs samurai and maybe them escaping into the real world to reveal its a barren wasteland because muh environment instead of blaming over population.

Fuck HBO for cancelling carnivale and rome

just get rid of this bitch and the show'd be 10/10

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What's your point here, that character arcs are inherently bad? That a character has to be either good or bad and can't change over time or else risk cliche? Do you even have a point? I doubt it, based on the way you had to resort to greentext child babble.

She is the best character in the show

t. brainlet

Feels like it's been 10 years since season 1

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yeah i couldn't believe how shitty it got compared to how great the pilot was

Using the frozen time period of the park as a way to disguise the fact that half of S1 was a flashback running alongside the modern-day stuff was genuinely a good twist, and Ed Harris wanting to give the robots free will because he fell in love with one is certainly a much better motivation than "dude money and sex lol".

They were so focused on the setups and twists that they forgot to make the show actually entertaining.

you left out your lmao you underage redditor

>just get rid of this bitch and the show'd be 10/10

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It will probably be way worse than season 1 as we're beyond any subtlety that was there, but fuck it. I'll watch anything with Ed Harris in it. Even sat through Pain&Gain for this asshole.

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Did you even watch the fucking Randy Orton movie WWE released a few years back?

I find it overrated just like Game of Thrones.

That's What I Am? Yeah. Kinda cheesy but not even that bad desu senpai

Do we hate Westworld now? Its popular right, so we hate it now?

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>another ten episodes of Johnathan Nolan bending over backwards to force his script into some shitty le epic twist

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the two retard technicians can go too

I agree, everyone blindly trusts her for no reason at all and she is too invincible

I think Walking Dead perfected that algorithm years ago

Ep1 is 10/10
Ep2 is 8/10
Ep3 is 4/10

and each episode gets exponentially worse than the last to the point where the show implodes in on itself into a bottomless well of retardation and idiocy

She was so fucking annoying. Who the fuck cares about your feelings, bitch? Sit down, you are a fucking robot.

Stubbs and Elsie are obviously still alive, right?

>Sat through Pain&Gain
What do you mean, that was a great movie.

That's a linear decrease though not exponential

the most unrealistic part of this show is that the futuristic fantasy land takes place in the fucking desert

>Stubbs and Elsie are obviously still alive, right?

They're both returning in Season 2

clearly you havent watched past ep 3


Totally authentic op, definetly not a shill

I watched the first six episodes before I decide that it's absolute garbage with very high production value.

>no Hopkins
I don't know if Ed can carry the season by himself, lads

no, the most unrealistic part is that a fantasyland has robot hookers whose cup size ends at B and equally flat asses