
Is there a more bullshit, more reddit concept than 'overacting'?

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Whats an example of overacting that everyone seems to agree on? i kinda feel tard acting is like that, sean penn and leo tard acting..

yeah, this one

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You can tell god tier actors because they will play a character larger than life but still make it believable and not cringeworthy.
Oldman as Norm and DDL as the butcher are perfect examples. A bad actor would make those characters retarded, a decent actor would make them boring but those 2 made them unforgettable.

Emilia Clarke


I feel every time some says a movie has "bad phasing", it's the same as saying "the movie didn't perfectly follow the three-act structure".

Nicolas cage

Justin Timberlake in everything

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one of the biggest complaints plebs have against classic movies is the so-called "overacting"

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This is the ultimate example. The Sopranos could have been so fucking bad if it weren't for James Gondolfini's performance carrying the entire show.

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Exaggerated acting that doesn't seem fluid and realistic is pretty much the idea. Anything that seems like the individual is trying too hard and coming across as nothing but dishonest. Sometimes this can work if the tone of the movie is ludicrous.

tl;dr overacting is overcompensating and failing at it noticeably enough to derail the viewer from the what they would expect the character to be acting like.

What the fuck is phasing.

You're talking about pacing, right?

holy shit I guess it is real

Hey look I can make stuff with my face lol ima actor now


the IM MOVING MY EYEBROWS school of acting

she doesn't need to contort her face that much unless she's in a theatre show


Multiple examples from one man, but the “overacting” is actually the best part of this movie.

>second scene second camera angle
looks like the guy is looking past her that whole time

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yeah it doesn't work at all in that movie, but his over acting works fine in other of his.

he was alright in the first season, but after that he took a nose dive into the overacting pool and never resurfaced. every scene where he has to yell is fucking godawful, he has the worst angry yelling voice ive ever heard.

in a similar vein, using "melodramatic" as a negative criticism of something

Most movies with Eva green.

Gary is so scary in this movie.

>"No post on Sundays"

Lets post more examples of great acting.

Man if I was the director I would have told her to tone it down

joe bernthal is the current king of overacting. guy is just ridiculous and not a natural at all, everything he does feels so obviously calculated.


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Really gotta agree with this. Sopranos was largely (heh) carried by him. Not sure it would have really went anywhere without him.

boardwalk empire is an example of a show that does not work that well because steve buscemi cannot carry a show. he's a great supporting actor but he is not lead material.

This guy in War Dogs

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Benjamin Sisko

I disagree. I also agree with the OP. Bad acting from star trek look to troi, she couldn't keep her accent half the time and she would frequently drop character and act as herself literally. DiCaprio can act but I only ever saw it in 2 movies, inception and catch me if you can, he didn't act in django but in that movie he didn't have to...

Gary wasn't overacting, his character was doped up on those drugs.


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Paulie's great for sure. The whole cast is mostly great desu, but they needed James' performance.

I also hate this jewish manlet

he's fucking godawful. he plays the same """intense""" character in everything. he even walks like a retard


To think that the guy who played Jackie Sr. was going to be tony. Gandolfini looked like a towering shlub but he was loaded with charisma, just like Tony.

look at his face, he can't even hide his disgust

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Helena Bonham Carter

every single movie, every single scene she's in.

So true. A lot of the side characters are interesting and have great stories on their own, but the main character that brings them all together is so meh he drags everyone else down