Do people actually find this faggot funny?

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british humor is an acquired taste

He was good in very specific moments in The Mighty Boosh where he could play off the nerdy guy.

Yes ive even been to his standup a couple of years ago.
Was pretty funny and actually rates higher imo than some other more celebrated standup acts.

he was funny with russel brand lmao

You don't like Noel? Pleb

Who the fuck dislikes Noel Fielding?

People that aren't into random humour? Literally the only people I know who like him are teenage emos


I like Alexandra Daddario

I love british comedy a lot more than the average person and I fucking HATE The Mighty Boosh

>dude sing a song about what i am talking about lmao

He's not all about random humor. To dislike him you can't take the writing of his characters as basis as we can assume most aren't written by him, you need to dislike his performance and I think he's delivery is pretty funny.

Britfag here. When I was in highschool my scene/emo gf cheated on me by letting this creepy old fuck give her anal. I wish I was joking.

Will people on Sup Forums ever stop thinking London = Britain?

Nobody gives a fuck what you think, tripshit.

>He's not all about random humor

He's completley about random humour. You could write the scripts for his shows entirely by pulling words out of a hat.

>responding seriously to tripfags


>tfw when I look like noel fielding

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I never found him funny in anything I've seen him in, I just write him off as "not for me". All I ever see him do is come up with a random string of nonsensical ideas that have little to do with anything. He gets away with it with a cheeky wink and a smile because he's popular with women of all ages for his looks. I just don't see how what he does is considered comedy when you can get the same general performance from a hallucinating tramp at 3 in the morning

GOAT taskmaster player

I hope we can all agree that Julian Barratt on the other hand is a fucking G.

His segment he directed from ABCs of Death 2 was a shining moment in an otherwise very mediocre anthology.

What if you put a jam sandwich on a shark

It's like a balloon being popped by a transexual aeroplane


The other guy was better on Mighty Boosh. And by other guy, I mean most of the other cast too. He's still not as bad as some other so-called comedians from the UK.

I'll agree there he seems like a pretty cool dude


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'hey guys' *starts snickering to himself* 'what if I did this character th-that' *chuckles* 'a-a sexy sexual pirate' *at this point the laughter is unbearable* 'that is gay and...and...' *tears start streaming down his face* 'HE HAS CRABS FOR HANDS' *entire studio breaks into laughter, people start killing themselves to be spared from the pain of laughing for days on end, britain is engulfed in rivers of blood from people coughing up lungs*


There was a couple laughs in his adult swim show. Just seemed like it wasn't very consistent imo.

Tired: Britain
Wired: England

bouncy bouncy

howard was the best part of mighty boosh

give me 1 (one) example when he tells a joke with context and a punchline.

Do people actually find this faggot funny?

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In IT Crowd, but yeah, reviewing his shit he really is randumb.
But his delivery is nice, he know what he's saying is retarded and gives a coy, almost shy smile after he says those things, like he's almost ashamed of it but cannot contain his childish amusement at retarded things.

his standup was so bad that it made me instaclose on his opener. i liked some of what he does in the mighty boosh but its all XD retard humor

he did not tell any jokes in the IT Crowd. He just came out of the back room occasionally to leer and attend funerals or dinner parties.

provide evidence. literally any evidence.

poast kino Fire emblem music:

Speaking of this song, was Fates any good?

Obligatory post of Amstell BTFO of Fielding

Sorry, wrong thread

Is that a wig? Who's this degenerate poof

>In IT Crowd
Not his material.

Fielding is far too off the wall to be funny on his own. Mighty Boosh had enough control from Barratt to tone down Fielding's "zaniness".

>Sup Forums calls The Mighty Boosh random
>80% of the jokes are related to music
>they still make threads about Limmys Show because it's okay when he does it

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Absolute Reddit.

no I think you're thinking of Ricky Gervais mate

To be fair I haven't watched Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy so maybe he is indeed garbage. But on other people's shows I think he is great.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Noel Fielding.

I find you funny

You're mixing up random humor with a non-sequitur.

Like for example, thinking the joke in the simpsons
is just random would be making the same mistake. The joke makes sense and is actually quite layered (Bart would obviously never speak like this, bart is parodying old-school sitcom housewives, 4th wall break joke for filler conversation used to start a scene) but doesnt immedietly click in your head so most people will mistake it as just le randumb humor. They do the same thing with limmy.

nice blogpost little buddy but if the joke is that something is random then it is random humor

It's a line from The Great Gatsby you fucking brainlet.

First two seasons of Mighty Boosh are kino
>m-muh random humor
that's not an argument!

Good post, user

no it isnt, that is a rumor started on reddit.

I suggest you go back there.

Here is a copy of the great gatsby to scan through in the mean time so you can try and fail to prove me wrong.

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Limmy is actually funny tho and not some pretentious pansy boy fuckwit


noel is great but Julian is where it's at

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Autistic man-babies and literal children?



if the concept of paraphrasing isn't outside of your grasp just visit"says to mable"&oq="says to mable"&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l4.3721j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

and you will get it! good luck : )

I don't think that Noel is funny I just think The Mighty Boosh is

Fair game, I actually like Julian Barret to be fair

>linking google

All of the links lead back to the same meme reddit page

It isnt in the great gatsby

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Mindhorn was kino.

Fuck I loved this film, watched it couple weeks ago. It went very much under the radar when it deserved much more