Wow she is so beautiful

wow she is so beautiful

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based Tessa Thompson

Attached: Tessa_Thompson.jpg (350x417, 20K)

Pig face

Broomhilde the Valkyrie.

>actress goes on about how her character is bisexual months in advance
>movie doesnt make reference to this in any way once


And that's a good thing.

Watch annihilation if you haven't already OP. My movie of the year so far. +1 if you've had a psychedelic experience

As far as nigresses go she's on the less annoying side. Okay actress too. Better than enduring Octavia Spencer being a sassy black duckface

what race is she?

i want to rest my benis on her lips

She's cute more than beautiful but her sex appeal is undeniable. Plus she has one of those tight athletic butts I'd love to lick.

Hela's better.

This movie made me realize white war paint on super cute caramel brown girls is my fetish and its woefully underserved.

American mongrel

Attached: LinedTenderAardwolf.webm (560x720, 436K)

one of her tits looked weird in Thor.

Dumb bitch shouldn't dress like a tart of she gets nervous when people see her saggy tits.

Back the fuck up. Don't hate on that angel.

I would not say she is conventionally attractive, but fuck i find tessa hot.



She's a shitty actress, is racist for taking that role, and hypocritical. But you know this...

Who the fuck dresses like this for a press-conference?

i thought she was kinda cute in annihilation

is she on drugs? what's going on?

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Is she making her jaw like that ironically or unironically?

Fuck off shill

Any woman that is post-sexual revolution

X-D Is this one of those faceswaps with a potato?


she actually isn't awful for, what looks like mixed race. but why was she a viking?

Her head is shaped funny


>wear that stupid shit
>constantly worried her tits will pop out

She probably saw a guy aiming his camera at her rack and instantly tried to cover it. She realized she'll look like a retard for covering it the entire time so she instantly looks to see if there is any security to stop him Then it hit her she can't just opt out of the event to report it and that cameras are allowed, so she just pretends as if all is normal.


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She is absolutely awful

Iceberg theory, bro.

I don't care.