Who was in the wrong?

Who was in the wrong?

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yeah this

Stark is a bitch, plain and simple.

Both act retarded for writers to pull the conflict out of thin air

>muh compromising morals to avoid the real evil
>muh he killed my mom

literally a bitch the whole movie

Reminder if the Avengers were under the Accords during the first movie, NYC would have been nuked and by the time they were deployed/approved the Chitauri would have probably conquered most of the continent.

>be tony stark
>single-handedly cause the catastrophe that causes an uproar against heroes in society
>agree to get cucked by the un instead of dealing with your guilt head-on
>captain rightfully rejects un intervention, realizing a bureaucratic process is inherently exclusive to the type of threats the avengers have to deal with
>throw a hissy fit
>ruin life for everyone
>become a bootlicker

Both were retards of the lowest mental caliber in this movie but because they didn't act seriously angry at each other nobody complained

Making the Avengers into government weapons is a really bad idea. If any US President in the last 60 years had the Avengers as a tool at their disposal, half of the world would have undergone regime change.

Just imagine if Iron Man or the Vision were Bush's plaything during Iraq, or LBJ in Vietnam.

The Avengers were better off independent where their only agenda was literally just saving people.

Tony was a cuck


you for posting another capeshit thread

Especially with all the Jews in politics.

And in the case of the marvel world, literal fascist new world order bringers

Stark, he was a bit of a dickhead to just disregard Cap for the UN of all shit organizations. They made him look stupid just to get around their clumsy writing though.

It was absolutely Tony. I'm shocked that EVERYONE in this thread is so right. You usually get some Stark cucks too.

>thinks the avengers should be government tools to be used by any shady deep state shit in a suit
>Thinks the avengers should be constrained by meetings and paperwork before they're allowed to save lives
>Thinks a mind rape victim should be held accountable and imprisoned for crimes he didn't want to or had any choice in committing
>Thinks said mind rape victim also shouldn't get a lawyer and basically get fucked in a scapegoat kangaroo court
>Also supported the execution of said victim by a special forces squad with orders to kill on sight
>Chimped out and tried to kill the guy for doing something he had absolutely no choice in and feels horrifically guilty about

Yeah I think Tony might be wrong guys.

dunno why but kangaroo court always makes me laugh out loud

Cap for keeping the death of Tony's parents to himself.

all superheroes would be arrested or sued into oblivion if they existed so "what if real world stuff ummm happened with muh super serious super heroes" might be the most idiotic plot device that hack writers use.

>arresting the hulk
>sueing the hulk

I'm going to play the devil's advocate here: yeah, Tony feels bad for that little Ultron debacle.

He didn't seemed to be aware that Shield was previously infiltrated by Hydra, so he has no real reason to distrust the government.

All of them when they blew up that airport

They were organised by a government department as independent agents in the first place. They were allowed to continue to operate independently for a few years after SHIELD dissolved because of the reputation and world support they had. However very quickly world government decided the situation needed to be controlled.

I'm not really seeing anything particularly out there about that idea.

>billionaire businessman
>isn't aware of widescale bureaucratic corruption
>his company hasn't/doesn't abused said corruption

13th post best post

Doesn't even have to be HYDRA. Should be blatantly clear why making the Avengers toys of neocon warmongers might be a bad idea

tony had an understandable motive but cap was in the right

>I'm shocked that EVERYONE in this thread is so right.
Yeah, me too. Times are changing, The left has been outed as just as insane as the far right. People are becoming more reasonable.

not to mention the whole fucking movement to ban heroes was the result of an experiment that EVERY other Avenger would have tried to stop.

This. Like with many things, the Accords sound like a good and common sense idea on the surface and when referred to in vague terms as "oversight" and "accountability" and the idea of the Avengers as something entirely independent of any nation is quite a bold and scary concept, but with any scrutiny or analysis the arguments in favour just fall apart.

The directors for being hacks. The audience for being shit eating faggots.

>I'm an intellectual


guy had a robot costume teams up with a ww2 vet on steroids

It's really okay to watch something exciting once in a while if you have a stable life.

I actually felt like Steve was in the wrong.

>children's movies are exciting
Are you a mom or a neckbeard?

yeah it would be impossible to sue publicly known figures like tony stark or captain america. Hulk would have been killed eventually anyway if it was possible.
>bbbbuttt my heroes
grow up. they are fantasy character that don't work when you try to add in some real world stuff into the story.

Cap was wrong for thinking their power shouldn't be regulated and you are all narrow minded retards for seeing this. Imagine a nigger like Killmonger who had the powers of Scarlet Witch you think he should be free to do what he wants?

Stark, giving power to the Nato, EU or UN it's just stupid and won't resolve anything


>this movie is actually too deep for DContrarians

Moved the goalposts a tad there user

>Thinks a mind rape victim should be held accountable and imprisoned for crimes he didn't want to or had any choice in committing

I don't know. Letting Bucky off scott free just feels wrong. And he did kill Tony's parents, so there's at least some understandable precedent for Tony to want him dead.

I'm perfectly fine with watching capeshit as a social activity, but how could anyone ever think of them as exciting.

mister Thor you are sued!

they like superheroes so they try to justify why they would be allowed to exist even though in reality no would want a bunch of lunatics running around with super powers doing whatever they want.

asylum/treatment in a rehab facility under heavy supervision

>Tony in the Age of Ultron

Bro we gotta get prepared for the ALIENS THAT ARE GOING TO KILL THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.

>Tony in Civil War

Bro some black kid DIED. We gotta stop EVERYTHING.


What would the regulation do? If he starts attacking people, then others put him down. If he's under control, what difference would that make to his performance or abilities in the field? If he fucks up like scarlet witch did, the only difference is that it's the UN printing out sorry notes instead of the Avengers PR team.

does he have any money? I guess he would just go back to asgard and stay there


nope. try again

You're the kind of boring cunt who can't enjoy action movies because the characters do unrealistic stuff and lets everyone else know that fact, aren't you.

Yeah. That's accountability and imprisonment. I like the sound of it.

>someone puts a gun to your head anc makes you do things under duress of death
>yeah idk he should go to jail lol

>Thinks the avengers should be constrained by meetings and paperwork before they're allowed to save lives
>dude fuck protocol, rules, and checks and balances lmao
Spotted the manchild.

As someone pointed out earlier, according to your sound logic New York would have been nuked in the first movie.

not really, certainly not accountability as he isn't being judged for any specific crime. if by imprisonment we mean a scandinavian type of rehab complex, I guess. he would of course be able to leave eventually unlike what would happen if he was imprisoned for the supposed crimes, and he could be used progressively in avengers missions should the need arise.

All sounds really good and reasonable when it's in vague terms. But what checks and balances would even make things better and not worse?

False dilemma.

>action movies
>not kid movies
either way thats not what the topic was about so try paying attention.

Tony was wrong about the Accords and becoming UN lapdogs (not that you can regulate super people to begin with) but he was right about killing Bucky and fighting Captain for it.

The only reason all these things are dumb is because humans are the first one to go
>no uh you cant do things in a way I dont like
Then cry
>oh no bro please do something
My ideal version of this is all the avengers retiring and then livestreaming themselves watching a movie or playing boardgames whenever there are crazy ass terrorist events and consistently refusing to use their powers for anything but personal gain.
Thats what I'd do if I had powers.
Humans are more ungrateful than fucking animals

You for watching this garbage.

>Literally so autistic and literal minded that he couldn't understand my post

This is embarrassing for you.

I'd establish my own small caribbean dictatorship desu

civil war was the last mcu flick i watched. holy shit was this awful. did anyone even try acting in this??

Legit the storyline to Ultimates

In what way? In Avengers 1 the UN told Fury to call off the Avengers and ordered a nuclear strike of the city. If they'd been playing by the rules of the Accords, they would have done as they were ordered and the whole city would have been nuked without even stopping the invasion.

Marissa Tomei was good but she's hot as fuck so it doesnt count

you got BTFO so try again tomorrow maybe i wont be here to destroy you again

That guy's just saying whatever he thinks will make you stop arguing.

Destroy what? You never even provided an argument lmao

she was alright. Chris Evans kinda tried
everyone was fucking garbage. I kinda enjoyed the previous mcu movies too but this was really the last straw. If they aren't even going to try to make a good movie im not going to waste my time watching it

hahaaha you're so pathetic, you can't even undestand that you lost.

>There are people who trust the government

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100% Tony.

>"I don't want to be responsible for innocent peoples lives while being a vigilante, so I'll just give that responsibility to a one world government so I can keep a clear conscience"
>"I'm here to help catch Zeemo. But I just saw a video of Bucky killing my mom 40 years ago and have completely forgot about Zeemo. I'm now untethered and I must kill Bucky even if it means attacking my ally, Captain America"

why do dceu faggots still try lmao

Tony, in the comics & the movie

I'm really glad the movie wasn't as blatantly a columbine metaphor as the comic was.

>not making a thread about the actual Hero vs Hero Kino
Plebs, all of you. At least there wasn’t some contrived reason that relied on the characters acting retarded to justifywhy they had to fight. And the fight was actually Kino, unlike the shitty airport fight or the tag team final battle only soy eating faggots could enjoy.

Now, who was in the wrong here?

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Literally both. The only difference was Cap was a bit less wrong than Tony but both were retarded in the film.

>there wasn’t some contrived reason that relied on the characters acting retarded to justifywhy they had to fight

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I don't know.

To me it just sounds so much better than the nothing the other post suggests.

stark was in the wrong, but it was in his character to act the way he did, unlike another capeshit versus movie.


he only implied that holding him responsible for the crimes would be inhumane, I doubt he had "let him go away free" in mind.

I wasn't suggesting nothing. Bucky gets the treatment he deserves in Wakanda. Curing of his programming and rehabilitation/rest.

The UN wanted him tried for his """"crimes"""" and the best deal Tony could get would that he'd still be serving his prison sentence but it'd be in a psych ward like those murderers who plead insanity instead of a normal prison.

>At least there wasn’t some contrived reason that relied on the characters acting retarded to justify why they had to fight.
That entire fight only worked because both characters were being extremely retarded. Batman for not having those traps instantly douse Superman in kryptonite gas, not making kryptonite bullets, and wasting half of the stuff on a massive spear that only would have come into play if Superman was lured entirely into the trap and ended up where it was. And Superman for not just pinning Bruce down and explaining that his mom was kidnapped. He tries 2 times to reason with Batman before getting hit with weapons that don’t even hurt him before resorting straight to throwing him into a building and bullying him around.

So you're completely ignorant of geopolitics/history

Tony was completely in the wrong, in the MCU every governmental body is or at one point has been infiltrated Hydra or Terrorists (Shield, Vice President, World council ect). The government was willing to nuke New York and allow Hydra to win.
Also almost every evil is a byproduct of Tony (so visions hypothesis only rings true for him) or the government.
Iron man villains 1 through 3 caused by Tony
Ultron caused by Tony
Zemo caused by Tony
Vulture caused by Tony
Avengers 1 caused by the Gov
Captain 1 & 2 caused by Govs
Hulk caused by Gov
Ant man caused by Gov

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Not even that, because Bucky had no way at all to consent to his activities

Tony is always in the wrong

Stark, easily.

>Now, who was in the wrong here?

This is harder but I would say Batman but just a little bit. He had legit reasons to fear the man of steel though.

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