Just started S1

just started S1

when does it go to shit

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FIRSt 3 seasons are ass then it’s good up to like season 11 afternwhich it gets really hit or miss there are gems and stinkers all over the place with this fucking show.

whats wrong with the first 3 seasons?

it's shit

Season 15 is when it got less than average for me.
It's all still watchable.

7 years later

are they ass or are they shit? make up your mind

>FIRSt 3 seasons are ass

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Never but Sup Forums contrarians will argue with this

It was always shit. But i'd say it really sucked by about season 4.

there are good episodes all over the place...very inconsistent show imo

right at the beginning

Season 3 unironically.

these intros with Matt and Trey are pure kino

The only people who hate season 1-3 got into the show when it became about politics and shipping.

The first five season are best, I wouldn't bother watching after chef dies.

The first 4 seasons are amazing and cozy as fuck. The comedy itself was pretty shocking at the time it came out but it's tamed now. Still can get a chuckle or two though. The problem I have with the later seasons is that I now start to notice all the things they shit on which personally turns me off. during season 18 or whatever it was, they dedicated the whole season on a Game of Thrones and console wars parody During the time, that's all I ever fucking heard about and was tired of it. That season left a bad taste in my mouth. With the old episodes, they were a capsule of their time and not very relevent today, You don't hear about pink eye or alien anal probes which makes those episodes more fun for me to watch. Not sure if any of this makes sense but i'm just tired of "let's see what's going on in the world this week so we can make fun of it". I just want episodes where it's the boys doing something not connected with the shit we hear about every fucking day. Yes I know South Park has always been that but due to social media and the web in general, we have to hear about 10x more often than we had to in 1997. I'll say this though. newer episodes are funnier.

the first three seasons feel so different, it's almost like a different show. then 4-8 are still pretty good and sometime after that it just becomes the "parody of current events" show that it still is today

after they killed Chef

>On the DVD commentaries for the third season, Parker advised viewers to "throw away your season two DVDs. I don't like those shows."[4] Parker would later say the same about the third season: "If I had to permanently erase anything from the library, it would basically be anything before season 4. It's just embarrassing to watch. Okay, we were, like, 26, 27. But it's like, 'Really? We thought that was funny? We thought that was well-written? Oh my God, this is terrible.'"[5]

post imaginary world episode is when it really goes to shit

This desu

i love those guys

Yeah but Imagination Land is kino

season 4

The show is good all the way up to season 11 - episode 7

If i remember correctly this is when matt/trey took a mid season break for whatever reason and when they came back the show was utter garbage. I think this was around the time they were writing their musical as well so a lot of the writing was probably given to their staff as they worked on the musical. The show has been shit ever since.

To add to this, i would equate this exact break of season 9-10 in the simpsons when a lot of the original writers and staff left,

Not relly


Its shit

Ah yes. This is a common theme among creators. They always say their recent work is better than what they originally did in the start. They'll go as far as to say what they use to do was bad. Can't wait until season 35 and they'll talk about how bad season 20 was. Whoever takes this shit seriously should be casterated.

1-3 is golden age and timeless classics
4-6 is prime
7-10 was decent
11-15 were mostly misses and some hits
16-20 were 60% hits with 40% misses

2007 is when it got bad

None of the seasons before 20 are really politics heavy since they wanted to avoid doing bush jokes when it was popular and there are only a handful of episodes with ‘bama. I don’t know where your getting shipping from I’ve never seen people shipping in South Park outside of this degenerate sewer.

When the show ends and the early stuff is more remembered they will change their tune.

South Park was more of a cultural phenomenon in the early seasons and is just a niche thing now.

1-2 kind of crude but fun
3-5 instant classics
6-8 still great
9-12 getting a little too up it's own ass but still many great moments
13-19 pretty much garbage but every season has some gems
20-21 a return to form, despite being completely different than what came before it. Absolutely hysterical

fuck mike judge for that. tons of beavis and butthead episodes never getting released because he thinks theyre bad.

You actually enjoyed Cartman relationship drama?

Why do people keep lumping 1-3 together? 3 is noticeably different than 1 and 2. It goes 1-2, 3-6, 7-8.

To this day the early stuff is still iconic and remembered more by fans. You always hear about Chefs Chocolate Salty Balls, Mr. Hanky, Pink Eye, Starvin Marvin. When's the last time you've heard about Imagination Land or Tranny Garrison.

season 3

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Political stories are only recent because it's so easy to make political satire now, after season 10 though it was mostly episodes based upon recent events.

They made fun of the fanbase shipping with Craig and Tweek but Cartman and Heidi caters to that audience.

because 1-3 is the perfect package. Those are the best seasons. Simpsons' third season is also much different than 1-2 but it's still part of that early classic era.

Sorry, I meant to lump seasons 19-21 together. 19 is hilarious. Cartman relationship stuff is the weakest of those 3 seasons. Season 19 is particularly great.

Like The Simpsons, it's golden for the first 9 seasons. It starts declining after that but only gets really bad around season 15.

Being topical isn’t necessarily political, and the tweekxcraig episode was funny. Cartman and Heidi was lame though I agree.

1-4: mostly unwatchable
5: good
6-11: great
12-15: good not great
16-today: way too inconsistent, you can skip them

He was married to a slut with trash tattoos and a niglet son? He seems like a good kid but why did he commit? Was the pussy that good? Now he's married to a model looking chick with skrillex hair and a young blonde daughter.

>1-4: mostly unwatchable
>5: good
>6-11: great
How does it feel to have the complete opposite opinion than everyone else. Season 5 was just good but 11 was great? What drugs you on?

>let's beat the same joke to death in every episode
>>we're going to save the world.. of warcraft
>>get out of the closet tom cruise
shit writing tbqh, they come up with one joke and repeat it 10 times an episode

its the same chick...and the niglets still there

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1 - 2 were best.
3 had too many 'gimmick' episodes, but still they were at least decent.
I mean 3 had the whole meteor shower trilogy, the chinpokomon, Tweak v. Craig, Jakovosaur, etc.

They weren't good episodes. It was really surprising to me how much different 3+ was compared to 1 - 2.
1 - 2 was crass with subtlety and clever site gags and writing.

The best episode in the show (Korn halloween) is in the 3rd season

I don't know why everyone pretends to like 1-3, they've aged terribly. 4 had a few good eps I guess, but a lot of mediocre ones too. 5 was better but not quite great yet.

6-11 is where they hit their groove. 90% of the eps were excellent during that stretch.

Are you unable to form your own opinions or do you always parrot an artists critiques of his own work like a faggot?

Well they're wrong, and I'm not surprised that the people capable such garbage as the past few seasons have been are capable of trashing far superior work like seasons 1-3, the show's best period.

>it's a "I don't know why everyone pretends to like x" post

Shit opinions are still shit.

About to start start season 21 so wish me luck. No way it can be worse than Vidya of Thrones or Politics & Cartman relationship.

i stopped watching consistently after the warcraft episode. pretty much everything up to it is funny, and occasional hilarious. as everyone else has said, the show morphed from being shocking because of the novelty of 8-year old kids that swear like sailors to just...something that isn't very different from the rest of the cartoons out there.

it's interesting how the characters evolved. stan became the voice of reason and logic, when he was actually a pretty bland character to begin with. kyle went from sidekick to morality play. cartman was always the focal point of most humor but in the early seasons it was because he was emotionally unstable, not because he had a napoleon complex. kenny knew way more than any kid at the right to, especially consdeirng his upbringing.

the first 5ish seasons are by far the funniest. there were still pop culture references back then, but they were rarely the focal point of the episode. putting the kids in random situations and letting htem be themselves was what made it tick.

If you like season 1, it stays good/gets better till maybe season 8 or 9. Then you've got about 3 or 4 "good" seasons that were funny because of topicality at the time. There are gems to be had in the turdpiles of seasons 13-19 (probably 3-4 episodes that'll compare to the first 8 seasons), but not great overall. Season 20 was a pile of dogshit. Just garbage. 21 had one episode that even comes close to anything they'd made in the past, while being topical: Hummels & Heroin.

Seriously though, South Park should probably die. It's not funny enough anymore in the ways it appealed to me in my adolescence that would appeal to a younger audience, and it's not pithy or worthwhile as a social commentary anymore for the long-time fans. I mean, I actually got the "cultural references" as a kid as well. But I just don't imagine 13 year old viewers watching a bit about Terry Schiavo, and even knowing what that shit is about.

about season 5

the first half of season 10 but then the second half was good, after that it's hit or miss. the past 2 season are the only ones that were shit all the way through

Maybe season 14? It goes really terrible 18-19 but slowly gets better.

Season 2 is great

But they are so wrong. Season 1-5 are my most rewatched episodes ever.

what the fuck how can anyone be more wrong. the first 4 seasons are gold because matt and trey actually wrote their own material instead of relying whats on mainstream news as a source of inspiration. the showed used to be less preachy and instead was centered about the nativity of childhood

>people are now going through south park the first time
Anyone else find this weird? When you were younger and south park just started it was kinda just there. It was an inherent TV show that everyone watched because it was funny. Now you guys are analyzing and detailing it. Its kinda surreal

What. Really? I'm missing episodes from by Beavis and Butthead torrent?

>wtf these episodes arent even about DRUMPF what were we thinking!

First 10 are gold.11-14 are good but it slowly cuts away from kids just doing shit to whatever the fuck was in the news that week.

And as such it's hard to get some references seeing as the episode isn't new to you.

I mean I still love South Park I just think classic South Park was better with Mr Slave and Big Gay Al and Pip and all those fucks.

21 > 19 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 20

Imaginationland. Every single season up until then had at least a 1/1 ratio of great episodes to meh episodes. Season 12 is when it started to be a lot more about pop culture considering almost every episode that season was referencing something else.

trey thinks every episode they do is the worst one ever right afterwards

We can all agree that this was the moment when the show changed forever, right?

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S1-3 are shit if you aren't 12. Its best between 4 and 12

That's funny because no 12 year old nowadays would watch the early seasons so way to contradict yourself.

Goes to shit at the beginning of season 4, season 3 was pushing it though.

Just finished episode 2 of season 21 and I'm confused. Since when the fuck are Tweek and Craig gay? Did this happen in one pf the episodes of the past 3 seasons that I may have skipped due to it being trash or they just now did it for this episode? Also the episode itself wasn't funny. The whole episode was basically
>Trump stop tweeting
There are no witty gags and is a poor follow up to the first episode.

I truly think its overrated. To everyone, it's life changing. To me, it was just a normal episode.

>Since when the fuck are Tweek and Craig gay
Tweek x Craig S19E6 and it's kino

Try parker and Matt stone hate seasons 2 and 3

That's why they have shit opinions.

Seasons 1-3 are obviously amazing, anyone saying otherwise is obviously too young to understand the cultural impact those shows had. While that started to fade slowly over time, the show itself got more polished and even funnier over the next few seasons, until around season 8 or so where it has been slowly dropping in quality since - but still a good show. Except for some episodes which are truly awful.

Scott Tenorman Must Die was the last good episode of SP so around season 5. After that it becomes the Trey Parker opinion show and ends every episode with his libertarian hurrrrrrr I'm in the middle so I can never be wrong about anything shtick

Shit gets old really quick

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its the moment cartman became today's cartman yes.

they had a similar moment with wendy when she sent the teacher to the sun on a rocket but it failed to carry forward.

Well that's partly because the chick who did all the girl voices in the first season killed herself