Why was soviet cinema so much better than the crap produced by hollyjew capitalists

why was soviet cinema so much better than the crap produced by hollyjew capitalists

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Because if the movie was bad, they'd get Gulag'd.

because they didnt let all of the jews leave, they kept some to make kino

it wasnt

They weren't. Soviet cinema was shit and almost all projects were ceased by the soviet police and all that made it into final production had immense pressure on the filmmakers, who were constantly told to switch things and had their resources cut.

There was no art under socialism, only propaganda.

>Soviet Union is anti religion
>Makes the most religious film ever made

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>Soviet cinema was shit and almost all projects were ceased by the soviet police and all that made it into final production had immense pressure on the filmmakers, who were constantly told to switch things and had their resources cut.
[citation needed]

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Soviet cinema is trash. I am still mad 2 years later that Sup Forums memed me into watching Come and See.

Tarkovsky himself talked about it, along with Andrei Smirnov and many others. I mean, if you actually like those authors I'd imagine you'd be familiar with this common knowledge.

Tarkovsky was ridiculed in the USSR, if it weren't for western culture he would've never been praised for his works.

[citation needed]

>10 minute take of a camp with the wind blowing into it
>5 minute take at someone walking
>Most were in black and white because they couldn´t afford too much color film because they were poor as fuck
>"I-It was better than Hollywood!!!"
Fuck off you lazy asshole, Hollywood became shit when it was flooded with commushit Jews spreading their socialshit agenda. The American industry was great at the 40s, 50s, and 60s, all of that because conservative ideas and capitalism were implemented at the time. Nobody but pretentious """""filmmakers""""" wannabes remember soviet movies and faggots like Tartovski; now fuck off

Because kikes and capitalists are degenerates who only care about making money to indulge in sodomy. Yeah but it's socialism that's the problem amirite Sup Forums

ah i see you are from r/the_donald

please kindly return there so as to not embarass yourself any further- the good news is that there is no karma system on this website so you making a fool of yourself won't be linked to your reddit profile


Defending socialism isn't cool when you're older than 15, user.

>"Bo hoo hoo, you are Sup Forums!!!"
>"Bo hoo hoo, muh Hollywood doesn´t have communist ideas!!!"
Fuck off, nigger

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so what was this "immense pressure" he was put under besides denying screening of the films
and where was your citation for soviet film being shit if master craftsmen like him were able to beat out hollyjew crap
>reddipol user has schizophrenia
no surprise there


>"Y-You have schizophrenia!!!"
Not an argument, try again

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>spoonfeed me!
Could you get btfo any harder?

The few good soviet movies would've been much, much better had they been made outside of the Soviet Union, also we could've had many other projects that were redlit.

If you need to know the pressures of working under thought police go take a history seminar, jesus. I'm not dealing with your self imposed ignorance.

>implying propaganda can't be art
Riefenstahl, Eisenstein, Kalatozov would like a word with you

>There was no art under socialism, only propaganda.
Fuck off, Reddit


Leftists are literally retarded.

Not all Soviet/ Eastern Bloc movies were propaganda, you fucking retard. You know nothing about what you're talking about.

No, not all of they were, but the ones allowed full creative freedom were those belonging to members close to the council and if they have liberties other creators don't then it is propaganda no matter the content. Fuck off.


Everything was better pre-1965

>No, not all of they were, but the ones allowed full creative freedom were those belonging to members close to the council and if they have liberties other creators don't then it is propaganda no matter the content.
Once again you don't know what you're fucking talking about. Directors were only censored in certain cases. Also "if they have liberties other creators don't then it is propaganda" isn't the fucking definition of propaganda. Most movies didn't have any propaganda features.

They were censored all the fucking time even on small details. I'm not just talking about movies, I'm talking about all kinds of art under the USSR.

What I'm saying that the good soviet movies were not a soviet merit and probably only delayed and messed production for unnecessary reasons.
Teenagers keep romanticizing a police state.

Because they produce art for art's sake instead of for things external to the practice IE. money. That said communism is cancer.

Don’t cast your pearls before swine. His assertion that all creativity was suppressed was backed up with a few words on how screenings of Tarkovsky’s films were not as widespread as they should have been.
Citation needed. Here’s where you rush to Wikipedia. Off you go, based retard.

Yeah, censorship existed but it was directed more towards ideologically dissident stuff like A Tanu. It wasn't nearly as all encompassing except in Stalinist times as you seem to believe.