Thank mr moviepass

thank mr moviepass

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The moviepass shill is one of the most tenacious.

thank mr moviepass

many thx

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I used mine a lot October - December, but I've been slacking lately with the cold. It doesn't help that apparently the theater I like to go to only played Death Wish for one week.

*shilling intensifies*

It’s just moviepass

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At my theater if you use MoviePass you are expected to tip the ticket taker.

fuck that

It is what it is, dude. Most people will waste it. It's only good if you see enough trash or enough indie movies. Also, you need to be Chad enough that no one will stop you if you break the no singles policy.

Do Americans actually do this?


It's an (((economic weapon)))

like bitcoin

Just a heads up, moviepass will soon require that you collect a saliva sample every 10 minutes throughout the movie and at least an hour after so it can track changes in hormone levels throughout your movie-going experience.

>It's only good if you go watch movies.

No fucking kidding.

Can you substitute semen for siliva?

No. They're working on a persistent blood monitor like some diabetic people get, but you have to pay for it yourself.


You're oversimplifying what I said. Everyone thinks "Oh, I love movies! and they're so expensive! that seems like a good deal!" But look at . How many people actually watch that spread of movies? A normie's 2018 film schedule might be something like: Black Panther, Infinity War, Solo, Incredibles 2, Jurassic World, Wreck-It-Ralph 2, and one other movie like Mission Impossible or Fantastic Beasts according to taste. That's not enough in most of the country, and only enough in big cities if you snagged the $90 deal.

Sounds like you're admitting to being a normie. Fuck off.

Sounds like you're illiterate. Read a book, nigger.

>If I say nigger I'll definitely fit in!

I'm sorry but gay retards aren't allowed to reply to my posts. Please delete your post.

You just have to see two movies a month, not even, just 13 movies in a year

tbqh famm

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I know that doesn't sound like a lot, and it's not if you're really into film and have a place near you that actually shows good stuff, but most people don't watch 13 movies a year and not just because of costs.


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I've used mine 56 times since I got it in September. I'd say it's been worth it.

Movie pass costs $10 a month. Your average movie ticket costs more than that. Just by seeing a movie a month (there's got to be at least a movie a month you want to see) you're saving money.

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I once watched ~1 movie a day one summer to buff up my kino credentials, it was a great summer to catch up on all the best of film

There's one of those shitty giant cinema complexes just down the road from me. I use my movie pass to rewatch the same shitty movies over and over again. I'll go see the same movie every day for a month so I can learn all the lines. Then I'll just repeat them out-load to myself. When that gets boring I'll just keep changing seats throughout the movie. If there aren't many people in the theater and I spot a couple, I like to do "laps" around them by trying out ever seat in a wide circle around them, and I keep making the circle smaller and smaller until I'm sitting right next to them.