Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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Anakin for letting himself getting manipulated into a seething mess and Obi Wan for accusing him of dealing absolutes while dealing with them himself.

George Lucas for ruining one of the greatest franchises of all time with three shitty prequel movies.


Anakin was a mass murdering lunatic. Obi wan was trying to stop him. I'm pretty sure Anakin was in the wrong.

I thought it was Anakin, but after The Last Jedi, I changed my mind, Obi-Wan was definitely in the wrong.

>Obi wan was trying to stop him
No, he was trying to arrest/kill him. He even says his allegiance is to the republic. He doesn't even try to understand why Anakin did it.

He wasn't a good friend.

let her go anakin

Fuckin slut shouldnt have been slutting it up around the fuckin galaxy in a crop-top.
Thats probably more than half the reason Ani was worried about losing her.

>why he did it
There's no justification for mass murdering innocent kids.

>go to the kindergarden
>slaughter a dozen children
>wtf the police didn't even try to understand me

>He wasn't a good friend.
>hey bro I know you've been killing kids bro...
>... Ah fuck it bring it in man come here

Obi-wan had nothing to do with Padme friend-zoning Anakin. By claiming to be the better dancer, Anakin brought his doom upon himself..

I mean... they would have been killed anyway by the Clones.

What if they've been brainwashed by an anti state organization and cannot be unconditioned?

Depends on your prospective

Put them in holding cells.


it's not like anakin wasn't involved in the coup

He did it to save Padme. Nobody else wanted to help or even believed him. He was brainwashed by Sheev, who told him to do it to become strong enough with the dark side to save her. He might not have been lying, either.

for the republic, FOR DEMOCRACY

>Nobody else wanted to help or even believed him
He didn't tell anyone that padme was in danger. Mace believed that Palpatine was the sith lord when Anakin told him, and confronted him. Anakin then helped the Sith lord instead of Mace.

>only a sith deals in absolutes
how can you unironically write this and not see the irony?

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The younglings

He did as much as he could without flat-out saying Padme was his pregnant wife. He asked for help from Yoda who just told him "lol let her die".

>Anakin then helped the Sith lord instead of Mace
Because Mace was breaking the Jedi code. He was doing the same thing he did to Dooku at the start, which Anakin believed to be wrong. He also told Mace that he should stand trial and even shouted that he needed him. And the nigger still tried to ice Sheev.

I'm pretty sure George saw the irony. People say it's a bad line but it's actually pretty clever. It shows just how out of touch the Jedi are and how Obi-wan fails to understand Anakin on every possible level.

>"don't kill them"
>"what should we do sir"
>"torture them"

they both were wrong idiot

The highground

>heroes on both sides
you just might be right.

this. the roasties are always at fault

Anakin, he let Obi get the high ground

His mind was clouded, Mace was right
>stand trial
>literally the most favored politician that was just elected leader if the free worlds
Yeah man trial would have went well
>dead jedi all over the room
The law is only universally applicable to generalities


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Mace might have been right but Anakin still had better reasons to go with Sheev than Mace. To him Padme's death seemed inevitable, and Dindu was about to kill his only hope for saving her.

>muh younglings

consider the following:
>be a toddler
>can't even articule a fucking word
>some random Jedi guys tell your mom you are force sensitive or some shit
>your mom gives you away like nothing to those guys
>nobody asked you if you wanted to be a virgin monk for the rest of your life
>your new "family" is filled with autistic guys who just talks about the force
>accept to be miserable for the rest of your life
>based Annie comes and takes you away from your suffering
>this is supposed to be "wrong"

negroids shouldn't be allowed to become Jedi, same with aliens (excluding qt twi'leks)

So because Mace is breaking the Jedi code, Anakin slices off his arm, and allows a Sith lord to murder him?

No, because Mace is damaging Anakin's already shaky trust in the Jedi, and attempting to kill the only person who, in his mind, can save his pregnant wife from certain death.

is it possible to learn this power?