Turned into a hippie

>Turned into a hippie
>Transformed into a dick
>defended kathy griffin

What the fuck happened

Attached: jim-carrey.jpg (1000x563, 379K)

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No canadian is worth giving a shit about.

He killed a person and is afraid the court will take all he has.

>Murdered his way younger girlfriend and got away with it

Extreme fame fucked him up.

He has even said as much in interviews. Being famous is isolating. If you couldn't leave your house without a hundred cameras flashing in your face, and couldn't have a normal conversation with an ordinary person anymore you'd go a little crazy too.

but hes so deep and woke! you just don't get it, hes on another level

Ah that's a fuckin shame, just play some world of warcraft and fuckin get over it

kathie griffin literally did nothing wrong
this is just Sup Forums central, does no one remember Bush term?


she failed at being funny, literally the worst thing a comedian could do wrong

in no reality is that a solution to any problem. take a long hard look at yourself mate

Maybe move to a less flashy place?

She held what looked like the President's decapitated head. Whether you agree with him as your President or not, disrespecting him is disrespecting the democratic process and should be treated as such.

His new persona seems disingenuous.
Like he just picked out the hippie personality from a catalog or something.

He dated a deeply problematic girl and used to play mind games with her. Got her addicted on several drugs and gave her STDs. Then he broke up with her and she killed herself with the drugs he provided. In the suicide letter she relates him directly as the cause of her mental distress. Now the family is suing him.

>That question has no meaning.
>There is no meaning to this board, no meaning to anything.
>We are existential spirits existing as one in a body unified by similar cellular structure and an endless need to attain the most desirable cellular structure despite our sameness.
>What? Stop. Moguls? Moguls?! More like modular quarks!
>we can’t see the quarks but I know a hadron when I hear it speaking and you sir, or xir, are a hadron!
>for the love of lions people, humans, hadrons, guns do not belong in schools.

living a live of fame would be the second worse thing I could imagine to happen to me, after immortality.
These fags must know the risk, he could have just bowed out like a man after doing a few successful gigs and movies, living off the money for the rest of his life.
Like rick moranis. You don't here him cry about it.

funny people/actors do that often. thats why they make jokes a lot, to make up for their lack of personality. same with robin williams. they just don't know how to turn off the "i have to be funny" switch unless they replace it with something else, name religion or spirituality.

people change



Here's how it is. You aren't going to like it, but it's true. We own celebrities.

They have received, for having worked for a few months of their life, enough money to ensure that they will never have to work again for many, many lifetimes over. Not only should they dress up in whatever fucking God-awfully-imaginable outfit that they're being paid exorbitant amounts of money to act in, they should also tell every single person who has a conversation with him or her, or asks for him or her to appear in a picture with them without the faintest hint of irony, that they are grateful for the opportunity to live a care-free life, thanks to the support that we, the public, have given by watching films they have appeared in.

The problem with most of you narrow-minded cunts is, you put these creatures of flesh & blood on such a high pedestal, that you are completely blinded from the overwhelming, disgusting truth. Some professions are horrendously, abhorrently overpaid.

To anyone who says otherwise, you really ought to fucking kill yourself because your reality has been so grotesquely-distorted that death, I imagine, might actually be a relief for you.

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Carrey is on baby's first nihilism, which is pretty hilarious. He says he doesn't exist but then suddenly he does when he want to claim the accolades of the oh so amazing performance he gave during Man on the Moon.
This to me it's just his way of removing himself from any responsibility, like he did by saying "Andy possessed him" and he "had no control".

Jim Carrey has mental illness. He masked it with is sperging comedic style which took off and made him insanely popular. He started getting older and started losing the pieces. Sort of like Robin Williams. Comedians are often the most miserable people.

Oh fuck off.

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Exclude Cobie Smulders and ill be inclined to agree


this post said everything we need to know about jim carrey

we can let this thread die now

Poor fucking baby. There are plenty of places to move where people won’t give a fuck about you. This faggot likes the attention.

Rick Moranis got out of movies because his wife died and he wanted to be in his kids life.

If she survived, he'd probably have been doing entertainment for awhile longer.

Yeah it's fucked up. I used to be the funny guy and the constant pressure turned me into a creatively bankrupt neurotic.

Pretty much agree. Celebrities are fucking spoiled children that don’t know what to do with all their money and time.

He probably has a lot of dirty secrets and the truth is probably close to coming out, so he's putting on this "crazy" persona so when the real truth comes to light, he'll take the blame and won't incriminate his partners or his masters.

He fell in deep water on set and almost drown. When he screamed for help everyone just stood around and laughed at him because they thought he was doing a bit. He was almost Redd Foxxed.

Obama hanging out with his buds he funded?

Get over yourself. You sound like a fucking fedora tipping pseudo intellectual.

Nobody here worships celebrities or thinks they are worth the money they are paid. Just like most normal people, everyone just enjoys watching movies and tv shows for whatever various reason. 90% of the dumb shit posted on Sup Forums is just people joking around or trying to get a rise out of retards like you.

Regardless how you think, celebrities are still human beings. Yeah we don't have to respect them for being paid millions of dollars to play pretend with their other rich drugged out friends, but it is interesting to look at them and how they act like its a national geographic episode. These people live fucked up ridiculous lives. Full of drugs and partying and having every bit of privacy anyone could appreciate ripped from them. The only people who idolize them are inbred house wives and teenagers.

Figure your fucking life out.

well he killed his ex pretty much, but nobody gives a shit about that

Are you sure you're not confusing reality with the shitty plot of "Number 23"?

That sounds like an excuse for him to get pity. Plenty of actors move to europe to escape paparazzi and Hollywood is decent enough to live in and not get harassed to badly. There's security and servers that are told to act professional or they'll get fired. Bottom line Jim Carrey is a spoiled faggot and you shouldn't pity him.

And these are nobody crazies who unfortunately have access to the internet so they can post retarded shit and annoy everyone, compared to a well known comedian who should have known better than be involved in such a tasteless politically inflammatory "thing" and be surprised when she gets shit for it.
Nice "whataboutism" though.

What the fuck was his problem?

Attached: Orson-Welles.jpg (364x450, 36K)

>men betas will never understand

You haven't heard of this?
Here's him carrying her coffin.
Her name was Cathriona White. It was after this that he started the whole crazy shtick.

Attached: 2D460BBE00000578-3267402-image-a-77_1444491507746.jpg (962x641, 124K)

he's white but has the features of a black man


delete this immediately

Fuck that roastie cunt.

The French.

well sure but hes a cunt too

>it's not ok when it's Trump's head

Cash flutters in the vault tray before it is drawn into the tube.

Japanese robots.

Jim Carrey was always a bit of a dick. Sorry you took so long to notice.

This guy contributed a lot probably.


He went down a slippery slope since the Trueman Show. Like look at his movie choices. Bruce Almighty, that movie where he can't say no, 23, and so on and so on.

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But I like canadians. They're what happens when the british, and the french have a kid, that has to sleep in the bunk bed over the US.

holy shit other people have done this?

>>Transformed into a dick
He was always a cunty retard.
