Friday night

>Friday night

Why are you here?

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you know why

Tired, feet hurt, and gf is in jail. Also, can't stand people.

My gf broke up with me last week. That's why.

Why do you have these? I can't be on Sup Forums for five minutes without some homo blogging about his girlfriend.

What happened?

>and gf is in jail
What happened mate?

I'm just popping real quick.

Just got done with work.
Introvert, had to deal with a bday today so social batteries are drained.
Worn out.
Just wanna veg out with some TNG and Arkham Knight.
Also this. What happened, dude?

friday nights are overrated and the bars are crowded desu
a dude who knows whats up goes out to get shitfaced on a monday

based gf's

Rub your feet with your knuckles

Near the end of the relationship, she starting growing more and more religious. I'm religious too. Decides that she needs to be alone to give her undivided attention to God.

Decided I didn't fit into that equation.

For Sneed.

Girlfriend has plans, and I really don't want to go out and have women stare at me. I'm not some pussy-slayer, but life is a big test, and my fidelity can only be tested when I'm in a relationship. Any non-virgin knows how much more attention they get when they're in a relationship.

Staying up till 4am (UK time) because I have a train back home at 5am since I'm coming home from uni.

Nothing major - DUI. In the clink for a month. Hopefully it gets her to quit cause it's a major strain to the point that I never want to be around her.

ok, it's fake, I knew it

Trump outlawed cucking :/

This actually happened, user.

This. It's like the fucking Bat Signal. And every thot sees it as her duty to potentially ruin your relationship or strain it greatly.

Thanks mate. I can work the ball with my thumb and get a few pops out of it. When it stops popping usually feels better.

>Hopefully it gets her to quit cause it's a major strain to the point that I never want to be around her.
If it's that bad then sounds like she needs therapy. Which probably won't happen until she hits rock bottom. And if it's gotten to the point where you don't even want to be around her it's probably time to break up with her.
t.child of alcoholics

I believe you, and I also believe her reason is bullshit and she'll hook up with some other guy right quick. Stay strong.

DUIs need to land you more than that man. Its so fucking dangerous and for some reason everyone does it. I've had two relatives killed but them.

Oh. I don't know. We had two long conversations before we stopped talking. She seems very genuine, and I'm happy that she's doing what she's doing.

I don't doubt she might hook up with someone else though. I'm trying to move on so if that happens I won't care.

Because I am camping by myself in the middle of nowhere. I have internet connection via phone but limited battery power for the next few days. Would stream something but need to reserve power. Lurking Sup Forums briefly right now to experience kino vicariously. Pic related is view from my campsite during daytime.

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Not the user you're replying to but I agree. Had an ex's dad tell me it's no big deal. Lost most of my respect for him after realizing he was serious.

Despite what anonymous would have you believe there are genuine women out there. I hope your ex does get closer to God and I hope you have the best of luck in your future endeavors. Keep your chin up my man.

I wish I was camping right now. Springs up here are disgusting though.

I hope they take her to a male prision for misconduct and she gets raped to death by niggers

Thanks, user. It's been tough. It honestly never occurred to me that it if we broke up, it would happen like this.

I'm moving on. But at the same time, I'd like to think we'll get back together when we're both in better places. One day. She's that one girl who checks off all the 'ideal partner' boxes.


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Maybe in churchlandia usa


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There are more consequences - suspended license, fines, she'll be on house arrest for 6 months after she gets out, and I believe an interlock on your car (which you have to pay for).

Yeah I know man. Didn't want to break up right before she went in cause I didn't want to make it any worse on her.

Why are YOU here?

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That's not a very nice thing to say.

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Fuckin nice dude. Enjoy the weekend.

Here for you

>But at the same time, I'd like to think we'll get back together when we're both in better places.
Please don't put too much hope in this. I had a gf like that once. Thought we were perfect for each other. Got back together 3 times over 5 years after the initial breakup. None of them worked out and over time we came to realize that we just weren't right for each other, despite our similarities. If that's what you truly want then I truly hope it works out for you. Just be sure that when it happens you two should try to be completely honest about the breakup. Get rid of any ill will either of you might be harboring because it will just fester into resentment if you let it. Good luck, user, and I hope it doesn't take her too long to get closer to God.

I get you man. You don't want to kick her when she's down. Hopefully it is a wakeup call for her and she cuts back. If not, losing you might be what she needs to get her act together. To hit "rock bottom" because some people suffering from an addiction like that won't accept they have a problem until they do hit rock bottom. Just from your few sentences it sounds like you are extremely unhappy in this relationship. You shouldn't stay with someone whose presence you dread. It seems you care about her a great deal though. So I don't really know what to say aside from until she gets help you both will continue to suffer. I'm sorry man. Alcoholism is a fucking bitch.

oh shut up nappy monkey

I watched a few movies with my daughters, then retired to my room, or "the stinky room" as my daughters call it. Listening to 70s funk and rock, having a few beers and wondering if I want to mow the back yard tomorow or wait for the rain to pass. yeah I'm old, by your standards (37). But I like this board, I've been here since I was in my late 20s. I just like to hang around and see your opinions on all the new movies.

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i'll be there tomorrow

based dadnon, keep on truckin


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you just know

Thanks dude, I appreciate your thoughts and perspective. To one degree or another, I've known it needs to end for a while but that's a tough thing to do when you care about someone. I think hearing someone who agrees with me will help. Glad you made it out (re: alcoholic parents).

im mapping for warcraft 34

I went to a bar yesterday, didn't have much fun there

I'm content with staying home tonight and having horrible taco bell farts

i never thought it would happen to me, but when it happens to you...blahblahblah. Theres a reason these are all common themes in fiction.

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God i wish i were you. The sheer lack of social pressure on people who settle down and are in their 30s is mind boggling. To just chill at home on a Friday night knowing youre exactly where you need to be...

sorry I should have said story telling, not fiction

Had a teacher in high school who I would make fun of for being old and having a gut. He would reply "For whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee".
I'm now older than he was then and have developed a gut...

she could just be dumping you in a very lowkey, kind way
who knows, use a .22 to just be sure

No problem, user. Maybe you guys can try again after she gets healthy. But yeah, if you're not happy it's not good to stew in it.

About to head to the strip club and converse with strippers using Sup Forums memes while they try their hardest to sell me a dance.

My favorites are pointing at their ass or tits and saying "You're a big girl", asking her "What is that, a scar?", Telling stories and ending them with "He was a good friend.", When they airdance in front of me, I say "Yes, Yes, HOWEVER" before turning them down. I also tell some girls that the other girl on stage is the dullest dancer in the history of strip club dancers.

This makes going to strip clubs alone much more fun.



It's spring break and I'm on a trip with my parents without much do to. Get to see gf in a few days


I don't have a day off and I have to go to lab tomorrow morning. It took me 3 hours to get to it and it is too late to sleep now so I am here. I am ashamed to admit that shitposting on Sup Forums is the only thing I am looking forward to in life