ITT Oscar winners you’re not the slightest bit interested in watching

ITT Oscar winners you’re not the slightest bit interested in watching.

I’m just gonna say the last six ffs.

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I think the only oscar nominated film I've seen from the past eight years is Mad Max: Fury Road, and it was feminist propaganda. I saw King's Speech too, but I fell asleep in the middle of the movie.

I watched this trash yesterday, Despite never even watching brokeback mountain because of the gay shit, and knowing this was about gays, I didn't think it would be super gay, just nigs nogging.
there was 1 gay part, then the last fuck knows how long was just 2 fags talking.
i skipped the whole shit. It was trash, don't waste your time.
some decent cinematography scenes in it, but mainly just a pure pander to the oscars.


all of them.

>it was feminist propaganda

what do you expect user.
Do you expect the oscars to actually award the greatest films, actors, directors ect of the year.
it is all a publicity, backhand money making shill shitbusiness.

How the fuck did LotR, FotR and 2 towers not earn a single oscar, when the weakest of the trilogy, RotK earns a shit load.
Because it was all bullshit.
The oscars have probably always been bullshit.
It's no difference from any award show. Just the oscars are more jewish than say, the mercury prize.

Look at it this way, bob dylan "earnt" a nobel litrature prize, for poetry when his lyrics are trash.
the dalia lhama "earnt" a nobel peace prize for fighting tibets occupation, yet left the country, is responsible for vast deaths and religious persecution, and embezzed all the charity funds from free tibet campaign.

It's all corrupt.

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>why Is all this togging? Wen do Dey start shooing bad guys! Bad movie!

I never watch movies that won best picture. they're all shit

Moonlight was good. 2016 was just a weak year for movies. As was 2017. Shape of Water is objectively worse than Moonlight.

It was fun propaganda and the ending basically implies the women are going to fuck up their society by letting in all the diseased and irradiated refuse from the outside, while wasting all the fucking water, and Max was getting the hell out before the whole thing turned into Zimbabwe.

But the car chases were fucking cool.

>a movie about gay niggers is good

Can't even say one fucking word anymore, Christ.

>literal what low-budget movies win best picture
>popular high-budget movies win best animated feature

Why is that, Sup Forums?

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I might be the only one here , but I thought Spotlight was a great film.

>saying yikes

dont do that

Moonlight felt unfinished. There was a defining aspect of the lead that was clearly established during his prison stay, but we just get a fast forward past all of that. Baptismal water scene was pure kino, though.

I have no idea who won what or even what were the nominations.
Normally I'm mostly interested in the animated category and a few years ago it was disclosed that the old fat cunts of the academy don't even watch them and just award Disney.

It’s been a disaster since Crash.

TWBB is the only good Best Picture winner in the last maybe 20 years.


It's kino if you're a loner or a robot.

If you're a normalfag or afraid of gay people I can see you not liking it though.

The Last Emperor may be the last true best picture.

There Will Be Blood didn't win Best Picture.

Since crash I have no problems with the following movies being best picture

(TWBB didn't win Best picture BTW, No country did)

The Departed
No Country
The Hurt Locker
12 Years a Slave

That was one of the best oscar movies of recent years though. Sucks you have shit taste, go watch Black Panther again.

I saw it at a nice theatre before it was nominated for shit and loved it. You're all a bunch of contrarian fucking retards.


Too strong, good is the right choice

The Departed was good, The Hurt Locker is pretty great, and No Country for Old Men gets better every year that I get older. Slumdog Millionaire was shit on its own but was amazing compared to the other nominees, so it won with me.

What needs to happen is that movies loved by audiences need more nominations. That’s why Fury Road and Dark Knight brought attention to the Oscars.