
Why is this show so hard to watch, they spill so much spaghetti it's unbearable I can watch Seinfeld without a problem though what gives

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Hi shill

Fuck off

>shilling a show thats been off the year for over ten years

are you ok?

This was The Big Bang Theory of its era. It was before being a geek was cool so instead it was about a snobby pseudo-intellectual, but deep down you know it's the same shit.

Found both annoying in the original run difference was seinfeld clicked a year or two after it ended, frasier did not.
Maybe from seeing him in cheers first, maybe from it still being a standard sitcom just with annoying people who were still redeemable and mushy i dont know.

It's top tier comfy

Do youprefer 'propagandist'?
fuck off

oh kill yourself you insufferable cunt no one gives two shits about what you think
what does propagandist even mean in the context of frasier?

take your meds

op you better not make fun of frasier on my tv

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Shill is mad (and fucking stupid)

>This was The Big Bang Theory of its era.
It kind of was but that just goes to show how good the 90's were

>still trying to push this 'meme'

You might as well say "I didn't understand the show"

The audience was the father.

I can't watch most sitcoms because 80% of the humor revolves around characters embarrassing themselves, and this triggers my own feelings of being humiliated in the past

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>tfw your boss is coming for dinner

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If it's any consolation, no one else remembers all those embarrassing things you've done. Most people only remember things related to themselves.

rationally I know this, but I still shudder and cringe whenever I think of or am reminded of embarrassing shit I've done

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>Why is this show so hard to watch
Because you're a brainlet and a pleb

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>watching episode where Martin has a heart attack
>mfw if there's ever a renunion Martin will be dead since mahoney died

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Yeah I know that feeling. It's tough to not be consumed by regrets from the past and worries about the future. If you aren't learning something from a memory or enjoying it, just try to let go and focus on something else. Take note of what the carpet feels like if you aren't wearing shoes. What does your chair cushion feel like? Are there any ambient noises? Taking stock of where I am helps me snap out of it. Dwelling on shitty memories is the self-pity equivalent of masturbation.

>mfw still no sticky

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No sweat dude, if other people's spaghetti makes you uncomfortable then this definitely isn't the show for you. Different strokes for different folks.

But I love it

I started watching again after he died, it only made me sad

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why are plebs on Sup Forums hating on Frasier?

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What the fuck are you talking about dipshit

Are there any more guides like this, i have the star trek ones of DS9 VOY and TNG. I find these very fascinating.

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Youngfags should be executed

Kek poofter from tumblr desperate for attention.

Is there a TOS one

youngfags are scared of things made before 2007

Guidefags should all hang

Only boomers and betas watch TOS unironically

You have shit taste.


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kill yourself