Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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>fucking the little sister of an unhinged psychopath that happens to be your boss
what do you think


Did Tony have some sexual thing for his sister? What was his problem?

Manny was a good guy, a loyal friend, good looking, Cubano, I'd rather have my right hand man protecting my sister and them having a family than some random thug off the street, and even worse it looked like they were in love

It's like in Medieval times, the King gives away his daughter to the most noble man, usually from a powerful or noble house, and they join houses

Every dude with a little sister has a sexual thing

I don't even have a sister and I have a sexual thing


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Manny treated women like shit. Tony knows this. Now that guy is banging Tony's sister and you think Tony would be okay with this?

>comparing spic drug dealers to nobility


And that's a good thing.

Manny for pulling that shit during such a tumultuous time, knowing full well that Tony had already warned him not to fuck with his sister.

He didnt deserve to get shot for it, but it still a terrible play.

Fontana was in the wrong. He had an insane obsession with his sister.

Jonny Fontana?

yes, he wanted to fuck his sister, it was the same in the original Scarface

Attached: scarface-1932-06.jpg (570x364, 27K)

Nothing wrong with that, he just needed to act on his feelings instead of taking them out on miami-dade county

Tony is wrong to kill his fucking friend like that but that's obvious
He was only wrong due to his stupidity
Tony was like a force of nature, he was always gonna do what he wanted to do
Tony explicitly tells Manny NO because he knows how he was with women as seen at the resort when he hit on the lady by literally flicking his tongue out
>hey lemme disobey boss what's the worst that can happen

wildcard answer, I like it.

tbqhfam Manny did fuck up, but he was always kind of a bitch, although he certainly didn't deserve to die.

in conclusion only Tony holds the ultimate blame here. nothing his sister or Manny did warranted murder.

When you come from where he came from and is in the position that he was your whole existence depends on your respect. Not to mention that your typical americano view overrates life. Put anyone in a lawless environment and you'll see the petty reasons they kill people over.

sure, i can believe that. still doesn't excuse bad behaviour

Manny introduces toni to the money counters with the camera lens clock.

Manny is hitting on women while angel is getting his arm chainsawed off.

Manny marries his sister in secret while knowing Tony has issues about that.\

Manny is head of security and runs the system that failed tony in the end.

clearly its tonys fault for hiring such an incompetent to be his number 2.

Shes disgusting

>He didnt deserve to get shot for it
Spotted the cuck.

Is that fucking the girl from star wars?

Is that fucking user the faggot?


I don't know, I don't keep up with her personal life so I don't know if she's turned lezbo or not

Whoever gives her coke.