Opinions on comic book Movies

Opinions on comic book Movies

>Fantastic Four
Never should have been made into a movie, the idea of the team is goofy and only worked as a 1960s comic. Could have been made into a Cartoon for little kids.

Stop cock sucking the Phoenix Force thing its a cop-out. Should have made Apocalypse larger than 5'10"

>Dead Pool
Continue as is.

>Avengers Heros
Don't make another goofy movie like Thor 3 just because Dead Pool and Guardians was successful. Leave the comedy and goofy shit to those two movies. You're making comic book movies a parody of itself.

Leave this hero alone for a while, we had 3 really good Chris Nolan films. Over saturation wont make Batman feel special.

Attached: wolverinemfw.png (733x547, 400K)

Bring back Raimi


Forget Andrew Garfield happened. Please dont do another venom movie just yet.

>Fantastic Four
>Never should have been made into a movie
don't be a stupid bitch OP

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A guy thats is super stretchy.Yeah thats real great to try and make a serious movie out of. Maybe you liked the comics but it is trash as a movie for adults in modern times. Should have left it in the past.

>Never should have been made into a movie, the idea of the team is goofy and only worked as a 1960s comic. Could have been made into a Cartoon for little kids.
Fantastic Four are a great team and would make for a great movie if done well.

Also as far as Marvel super heroes go, they have the best side characters. Silver Surfer, Galactus, etc.

Silver Surfer Galactus movie would have been amazing is done right and was an avengers movie prior to Thanos.

Not to mention Dr. fucking Doom.
Stretchy guy powers are fucking great. Reed's main contribution to the team is his mind, though. Also, if you think those powers make for a shitty hero, check out Plastic Man from DC.

>another capeshit thread

>Never should have been made into a movie, the idea of the team is goofy and only worked as a 1960s comic.
You are so fucking dumb. Read Hickman’s run you faggot

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>Never should have been made into a movie, the idea of the team is goofy and only worked as a 1960s comic. Could have been made into a Cartoon for little kids.

how many examples are there now of light-hearted comic book movies? your opinions are dumb

>he doesn’t like stretchos
You are so out of your element, it’s not even funny any more

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>he reads comic books
>he reads capeshit

Holy shit, grow up. What printed tee are you wearing?

>people on Japanese cartoon image board acting superior
Never fails to amuse.
venom t-shirt. I’m 22 and making 80k a year, I’ll wear whatever I want

The golden age was '90s-2000's. We in cringe territory now.

The first fantastic four was actually good. People didn't like it because people actually had standards back then. The first fantastic four is as good if not better than the current marvel movies of today.

This. Incredibles is fantastic four done right.

>he thinks money is the measure of a man

You're on an anime message board talking in reddit memes about kids' funny books and lying about your life on a Friday night.
Also you have shit taste, you fucking Pleb.

2018 cant handle uncle ben

>he doesn’t think money is the measure of the man
>he thinks I’m lying
Must suck being a poorfag

this was the big original, really. The first ensemble cast, big superhero bash that wasn't Batman or Superman hogging screen time and punching people through walls. But honestly it would have fallen apart without...
>Wolverine spinoffs
some sucked, they're largely non-canonical but either way it's all the sweet cigar chewing, Tim Allen grunting Wolverine action you craved since the Saturday Morning cartoons.
>The Hulk
Just pick an actor and stick with him, will ya?
I haven't really kept up past the Garfield reboot of the series. Nothing really felt right after the pure kino of Raimi's 3 heavenly visions. I think it should have been put to rest when it became clear Raimi wasn't going to play ball with the studios, sometime around Spiderman 2 when Octavius invites Peter to his house for coffee and latkas and Peter visibly wretches before crossing himself and leaping out of a high rise window. It was pretty clear at that point he wasn't interested in a relationship with the Studio bosses.

Presses enter key twice, should never post again.