Did I just watch 1 hour of liberal agenda disguised as a movie?

Did I just watch 1 hour of liberal agenda disguised as a movie?

Attached: dumbinium.jpg (630x630, 72K)

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No, its movie length redpill disguised as liberal agenda.

All you have to look at is the reality.
>Earth is a shithole
>filled with subhumans
>Elysium is paradise
>is ruined by subhuman invasion

Yeah but the whole movie is "hurr durr ilegal aliens are gud, they just want free health"

Matt Damon

Attached: matt.jpg (615x532, 32K)

a.k.a. a hollywood production, yes

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Yes you did. Fuck that movie.

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Yup. Saving Jodie Foster from cultural enrichment was all I could think about.

Funny how you neglected the fact they ruined earth which prompted them to flee to their new colony, but the truth would hurt your narrative.

t. does not know the definition of the word liberal
if anything the movie was communist

Jesus Christ, how does Raimi keep getting roles

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it's subversive shite. the station wont survive the influx of people
>don't rebel against your masters or youre going to ruin everything for everyone

Capitalism is a great system. Wealth inequality threatens capitalism. It causes instability.

Liberal agenda? The film about how they opened the borders and the world turned into a trash heap filled with criminals?

>the ~1 billion whites are the only people with the agency to ruin earth
>not the ~6 billion non-whites

No user, you are the racist

That's like 95% of movies user

Capitalism is intrinsically unstable. The thing which causes wealth inequality are forces which try to stabilize capitalism, because the only mechanisms which stabilize capitalism are by injecting large amounts of money into increasingly dubious investment ventures, which only provokes more dubious investment ventures.

*sheistering intensifies*

Reminder that after decades of shilling for an America half as white as the one he grew up in, Matt Damon intends to move to a ~92% white country. Good luck Australia.

Maybe if you were a brainlet

All I could help but think at the end was, how is this healing machine going to save Earth? The demand would be so high that the machines would probably be broken, stolen, or salvaged within a week of the people having access to them.

So...what you are saying is... wealth inequality is good? Maybe the Jews are our greatest ally.

Maybe but it also has great action scenes and a surprisingly awesome villain.

It is. If everyone is perfectly equal and will remain perfectly equal regardless of their actions, what motivation do they have to succeed? To work harder or invent new processes to do things more efficiently.
Making everyone equal doesn't bring the lowest up to the same level as the highest, it drags everyone down to the level of the lowest.

That's like the opposite of what I'm saying, retard.

>great action scenes
it had great tech in shitty action scenes

It's a shit movie and District 9 is overrated. Fuck South Africa, Fuck the Boers and fuck their so called Zef shit.

what bothered me even more than the obvious multikulti is the shallowness of the movie. can't even call it a story arc, it was a flatline.
shame because I really wanted the exoskeleton meme to get a better showing.


welcome to hollywood

dude can't act for shit, same as dicaprio boi, is why both will never get oscar. screencap this.

I liked the combat in the movie. It was different and entertaining. Could have done more with it. That dude from district 9 was a thug he's like my favorite bad guy. Am i thinking of the right movie?

Dude just turn off your borders! Lmao