We rec 90's action movies

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Are you the MEW poster I ran into in this exact same way a few weeks back? Is there two of me?

Surviving the Game

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Judgment Night.

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Formerly Quick


This looks like a fun B movie

What happened to action thrillers? The closest to that 90s vibe was Jack Reacher. You'd think there would be more considering they'd be relatively cheap.

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i can't recommend Hard Target enough

a lot of people will call it so bad it's good but it's exactly what it's trying to be

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Great films

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Studios probably think they don't have the potential to make enough money

Lethal Weapon 3 and 4

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>Worst Leathal Weapon
at least you tried

I didn't just try faggot. Those are literally 90's action movies and I recommended them. I literally accomplished the goal of the thread instead of just whining about other people's recommendations and contributing nothing. Eat shit for life.

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The irony of it was... it was Geena Davis's long kiss goodnight... to her career!

She was hot in it too, at least she went out on top.

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>That's a duck, not a dick.

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I used to have to go to bed early as a kid. A lot of the times halfway through a movie. And then my dad would tell me the latter half of the movie over breakfast.

> He did a jig at the end!
> She crushed him in a factory and it was lights out!

He would tape movies for me too and erase the parts that were too adult for me. Dad censorship. Robocop was one of the most heavily censored movies. This was back in the time where Back to the future was gritty to me.


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This is the most heart warming thing i have read today, I dont know why I find it so cute and pure, but i do.

Jesus, I wish one day i can do this with my future children.

lay off my boots

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There're too many movies so I made a little personal chart.

Feel free to add more to the list though

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No Hard Target?

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Thats not even his best Hong Kong era movie anyway. The Killer was obviously-
Oh. Carry on then.

Macho action flicks in the 90s were considered childish entertainment by the same critics who now praise CapeShit
Unironically what went wrong ??

Yeah, you're right on this one I put it there because it popped up in my memories.

New critics.

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Face Off is the best movie Woo did after coming to Hollywood.

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This movie is literally the competently made version of Samurai Cop

More like Nu(male) Critics

Fuck. Yes. This flick will grow hair on your balls.

I still want to see a director's cut of Mission Impossible 2. He butchered the movie for the pg-13 rating and because it ran for 3 hours then the studio butchered it some more. That's why there's so many Expendables 3 style moments where there's gunfire and someone falls over but there's no impact.

Thanks for your kind reply. My parents sheltered me in a good way. But they built me up for the real world too. Not everyone has grown up with this luxury.

Underrated action kino.

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This is one of my favourite movies of all time. Ed Harris did nothing wrong.

That kino opening 5 minutes though. Hummel undoubtedly did absolutely nothing wrong.

Why is this Michael Bay's only good movie? What the fuck happened?

I hate how the movie has been censored.

It has? In what way?

Needs more Steven Seagal

Because people liked it before "Michael Bay sucks" became a meme. If the exact same movie came out right now it would be mostly hated.

It's "minor," but direct references to Allah have been cut in some versions.

In some versions they removed references to the terrorists being Islamic. This wasn't because of 9/11 though, the censorship was done back in the 90s but now I think the only version on bluray is the censored one.

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Is it a meme though? I mean Bad Boys wasn't so bad I guess, Armageddon was gash, Pain and Gain wasn't that great. The less said about Transformers the better.

The Rock is genuinely great though.

Fuck me I gotta watch that again. That part where the bomb disposal robot blows up and you see how fucked up the technicians are is horrifying.

I watched it a few weeks ago and the terrorists were screaming allah akbar and they were talking about doing it for god constantly and being holy warriors.

Are you telling me there are versions were they cut all that out? Would that even make sense?

they removed the cake scene

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Pain & Gain was better than people give it credit for, 13 Hours was intense and Bad Boys 1&2 were as fun as The Rock. I've never seen Pearl Harbour so I won't pretend to defend it and Armageddon may have been wank but what the fuck do anyone EVER expect from a movie where Bruce Willis needs to blow up an asteroid?

The transformers movies are fucking terrible, no argument there. I'd say at least half of them were just done for a paycheque or so he could get films like 13 Hours or P&G financed.


I haven't seen the movie in years so I'm not sure how wide the censorship is spread

So what exactly has been removed? From discussions held on the Blu-ray.com forum, it would appear than changes have been made to the following scenes. At 10:38, the scene in which the suicide bomber enters the London restaurant has had shots of him holding the Quran aloft removed. Then at 1:04:50 when David Suchet is talking to Halle Berry, similar material has been deleted. This includes him holding and leafing through the holy book. Finally between 1:37:04 to 1:37:11, shots of David Suchet praying are missing. The removed scene also shows the Quran on top of the radio equipment, next to him.

Got in there just before you ;)

Also Sir Anthony Hopkins called Bay genius

I just learned 'Collateral' was directed by Michael Mann and not ' Michael Bay'. How could I have missed it. It's glaringly obvious. Pain & Gain was unironically a more than decent movie and if you watch the behind the scenes stuff Bay is nothing short of amazing. His movies may give me a headache but he deserves our respect. Multitasking at its finest. Does it make for great movies? In one word: No. But they are memorable and he has more than made his mark on the art of moviemaking. Shit filters. Still have to watch Manhunter though.

He can handle huge motherfucking productions you gotta give him that. Whether they're good or not might be something else.

I'll throw my coffee in your face

I'll eat your peach for hours

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As kino as it was that was 1989, not the 90s.

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You're right. Sure does feel very 90's though.

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Great movie
Harold Faltermeyer had great gear and he wasn't afraid to share it with the world
Great ass. Not too shabby of a movie either

i still have this on tape, from back then

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90s action/adventure favorites.

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essential 90s action kino

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First transformers was good besides the awful Transformers designs
The rest were just garbage though ..:I'll give you that
People and "critics" just don't want to be one who says "yeah that Bay film was great"

die hard 3 would be a lot better with the entirety of the school plot removed

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It is impossible to not have fun watching this
Van Dammes best

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Need Keanukino to watch on Saturday night. What should I choose between Point Break and Speed?

point break is gay. speed is an all-time classic

Not an action movie


This was my first ever action movie and it still holds up today. Action from beginning to end with no pointless drama and romance to slow it down. A true classic.

It had niggers and guns. Good enough for me.

best one ITT

wesley snipes kino. straight up cracks a bitch


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I blew my load to that train scene 20x