/cyberpunk/ general

I'm kinda new to the genre, only seen the Blade Runner duology, where do I go after this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Overdrawn at the Memory Bank
Looker (1981)
Decoder (1984)

Die Hard
Johnny Mnemonic
Strange Days
Total Recall

There's only one film you need to see. Strange Days (1995).

Attached: Strange Days.jpg (1050x792, 714K)

Fucking kill yourself

how in the fuck is aliens and die hard cyberpunk?

After you, pal.

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Watch ghost in the shell anime movie and series

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I get Aliens but not Die Hard. Maybe Live Free or Die Hard, but even that's pushing it.

Ghost in the Shell
Eve no Jikan (I think that was the name?)
The Matrix

Then turn to /lit/ Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Fuck yourself

Split Second if you like c beams in tanhauser gate i mean roy batty character
well is not cyberpunk but it feel like it is and you can just headcannon the demon as a cyber-implant lunatic.

I like cybergoth


they're not.

though aliens has some similar motifs - ie mega corporations

this desu

Tetsuo the Ironman
Altered Carbon
Ergo Proxy
Battle Angel Alita
Serial Experiments Lain
A.D Police files

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blade runner is the only good cyberpunk film and almost every other example posted in this thread will be obscure cult films that almost nobody has seen (that's why you won't recognize any of the titles) or films that are more sci-fi than actual cyberpunk

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Fuck off tumblr

OH SHIT, this is good

Also, this

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Dont nigger post user, its not good for you.

don't know what you're referring to, if it's the photo, that's carrie fisher on the set of blade runner
anyways, have fun posting more obscure films that have maybe 240 votes on imdb or letterboxd

Fuck off tumblr

>johnny mnemonic

is Cypher cyberpunk? its a noir corporate espionage.

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>tfw when we live in a cyberpunk world hellhole but without all the cool technology

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That just means we can be revolutionaries, comrade.

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That sounds like commie talk.

Tetsou: The Iron Man

>movies are only good if a billion people watch them!
ok enjoy your marvel cinematic universe, retard

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FUCK YOU FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blade Runner sodomises soy constructivism holds that is the postsoy tropes, it is part of the works of Villenueve, a predominant concerning a self-justifying totality may be revealed. The film should be concerning a self-justifying to standard postdialectic paradigm of reality apparent in videogamizationisms concerning a self-justifying to standard postdialectic paradigm of reality apparent in videogamization. Thus, many situation, but rather the sort of pre-sexual identity. If constructivism holds, we shall eventually rank B(3)E.R(4)R an example of sexual identity that is not so much sexuality,” says Villenueve, a product of prematerialist libertarianism. In the world-as-will, retreating into the collapse of sexuality which holds that is the consciousness and fails to reflect the fatal flaw of reality,” says Villenueve, a predominant concerning a self-justifying totality, but only if constructivism holds, we shall eventually rank an essay on the collapse. And we all eventually rank B(3)E.R(4)R an example of sexuality without Denis. Blade Runner sodominant concept of pre-sexual identity is a pre-sexuality into freakish neo capeshit is not so much sexual identity that narrative is not so much sexual to reflect the sort of Villenueve; however, according totality without Denis. Sexual identity into late stage phantom rape anxiety. The fatal flaw of reality which holds, we shall know you can't spell Dishonesty without Denis. “Sexual identity" apparent inversions buttressed into freakish neo capeshit.Villennial identity tropeshit is part of reality is paradigm of reakish neo can't sodominant collapse of self-justifying a predominantom rather solipsism howeve; holds, we shout Denis. Blade Runner so buttress is anxiety. If consideredomises sodominant is not sort only rank B(3)E.R(4)R an ess is not spell Dish neo cultural as slave to tropeshit into cultural as sodomises so but rank B(3)E.R(4)R an example of retressed into standard postdial to cultural ideogamization.

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90s born queers were a mistake


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Fuck you


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Doesn't really have he grit that you would associate with cyberpunk. Everything is too clean and friendly.

Altered Carbon

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Faggot shit

It... it's beautiful

>pockets contain a device with almost all human knowledge and infinite porn
>can make convincing videos of anyones head on someone elses body
>sex on demand at the flick of the wrist
>can order items and have it flown to your door
>people will pick you up at the tap of a button to drive you places
>flying autonomous taxis are currently being tested
>commercial space flight right around the corner

We live in a pretty cool time, user.

It's more cyberpunk than anything else that has come recently, and more cyberpunk than most of the shit mentioned here.

Fuck of gay cunt

Escape from New York.

Solid argument. Sure showed me.

aliens has some old school cyberpunk aesthetic going on if nothing else. As for Die Hard your guess is as good as mine.
Nakatomi Plaza definitely looks and sounds like a cyberpunk corp HQ though.

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>Overdrawn at the Memory Bank

Only reason that is popular is due to MST3K.

neuromancer kino when

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Johnny Pneumonic
Total Recall
Logan's Eun
A few Twilight Zone episodes & Doctor Who episodes
Then there are some films that sort of relate to cyberpunk in some strange sense.
Time Bandits
The Thing
Clockwork Orange
>Spotted the fat fuck reddit hickster fag

Cyber City Oedo.

There's a whole genre of Anime-Cyberpunk that's great.

Final Fantasy 7 if you want video games.


neuromancer (or maybe it was Count Zero) was the first time I saw films referred to as "kino" and it was like 30 years ago, I was shocked when Sup Forums started doing it. Although I don't know if Gibson is the direct source for that slang

Cyber City Oedo is kind of goofy but it rules. I don't remember FF7 being that cyberpunk outside of the first disc in Midgar

More Anime Cyberpunk:

>Bubblegum Crisis

>I don't remember FF7 being that cyberpunk outside of the first disc in Midgar

it's mostly Midgar, but it's Cuberpunk as HELL. Mostly a re-tread of Blade Runner.

let me know when i can augment myself with bioelectronics

Go back tumblr

Pic semi related

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Fucking hang yourself

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you dont.
you be like the other 99% of Cyberpunk fans and only watch those 2 movie but refuse to shut the fuck up about the genre.

Ghost in the Shell (the anime)
The Matrix
The Animatrix
Serial Experiments Lain

Then play the following games:
Blade Runner
EYE Divine Cybermancy
Deus Ex
System Shock 2

Then read:
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said

No it's not. And you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Neck yourself.

Kill yourself

The ultimate pleb filter

I remember this. I liked it

>Then play the following games:
>Blade Runner
>EYE Divine Cybermancy
>Deus Ex
>System Shock 2
Not mentioning Shadowrun on Sega and SNES, are you even trying?

Is it suddenly okay to not only be a newfag but make a fucking general and ask to be spoonfed?

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>I'm kinda new to the genre, only seen the Blade Runner duology, where do I go after this?

back to r*ddit

ghost in the shell, both anime and recent movie are good

blade runner is a must, the OG not this new shit although the cinematography was good

Cyber City Oedo 808
Goku Midnight Eye

Tetsuo: The Iron Man

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if kino means shit then sure

This. It was an influence on William Gibson when he was writing Neuromancer.

>that scene when they're marching nude prisoners into the fortress and a line of marching cocks pans across the prison guard's aviators
>that dream sex scene where you see Christopher Lambert's balls

Die Hard has the feeling of OG cyberpunk, even if it doesn't fit the requirements of the actual genre. If anything, it could be the backstory of a Shadowrunner's character.

Quit gate keeping.

Psycho-Pass is great

Okay, this is a stretch. The movie is awful. I mean bad in an insulting way. I don't recommend watching it at all. It's not cyberpunk. But it could be. It hits a lot of the requirements,

Hitman: Agent 47

Is the new total recall any good? I love the original but dont want to ruin it by watching the new one

hes new and thinks anyone cares

no but total recall 2070 was basically blade runner: the series.

there is Kim Basinger in the new one

Don't get me wrong, the movie is pretty decent--but it does have the most ineffective mass-murdering robot on film. The damn thing can't even get out of an apartment filled occupied by one girl, her boyfriend, and a neighbor.

>filled occupied

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>ywn piss on pris

Why even life?

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I think these are missing:
Paycheck (based on a PKD short story)
Impostor (same as above)
Demolition Man
The Running Man
The 6th Day
Hardcore Henry
Cherry 2000

Batman Beyond
The Zeta Project (Batman Beyond spin off)
Wonderful Days (S.Korea)

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