Can moeshit be properly translated to a live-action film?

Can moeshit be properly translated to a live-action film?

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Other urls found in this thread:愛-奉文-x-聖子

>3d women

2D girls:
-can never hurt you

3D girls:
-will always hurt you

I never asked to be born.

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In Japan, yes. It happens all the time actually. In America, no. Not to say America is literally incapable of it, but moe culture doesn't exist there so there isn't an audience so they won't do it. It's similar to how acting styles in general are different, America would see uguu kawaii shit as fake, overacted, and off-putting.


yui is fucking shit

This. Hollwood pig disgustings cannot be moe. They're incapable of being cute at all.
They're only capable of being hyper-sexualized and vapid.

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What about Lady Bird?

Fuck off and no

Just watched this. Some movie about girls playing mahjong

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What about it? I remember a rancid-looking redhead, but don't remember any moe?

>3D moe

Yes, assuming they hire qt grills in the correct age range and not a 30 year old who pretends to be 14. So basically, no it can't be done.

pic very related

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real women are fucking awful. I don't even watch anime anymore but their bodies are so disgusting I can only fap to hentai and have 0 desire to communicate with these so called members of the human race. fucking cunts

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god i wish i were gay

Literally impossible.

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I need moeshit to watch, any recs?

why is she so perfect bros?

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I'm powering through Tamayura at the moment. It's disgustingly moe, at least to me.

Perfectly brain damaged

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Look at your keyboard between T and O

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A cute girl feels the urge to do cute things with a cute girl.

Unable to do cute things, she is gifted with by cute ex machina with the cute girl's thing. Never minding the strange thing, she immediately does cute things, and is overjoyed to find out that cute girl wants to do cute things as well.

But, the next day, when she recounts the previous day's cute things done with the cute girl, she only looks at her with a uncute expression. After some investigation, she finds out that the cute girl she did cute things with is not the same cute girl she originally wanted to do cute things with. In fact, she doesn't want to do cute things in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who wants to do cute things with the MC's own alternate universe cute self, who too is blissfully unaware of her desire to do cute things.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their cutest, most private things in order to equip the other with cute things they need to do cute things with their other cute selves. While the two do cute things with their alternate universe cute girls, NOTHING ensues as they begin to feel desire to do cute things with each other instead and question the NATURE of MOE.

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Already a thing.愛-奉文-x-聖子

Which Hollywood actress would you cast to play each character?

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No, actual little girls look like mongoloids with fucked up teeth and no ass

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They aren't little girls, user. All of the Keions are at least 15

None because they're too pure.

Moe isn't about little girls, moron

Layena Grace

I'm not sure how I feel about these choices

Sophia and Dafne are dead on in my opinion.

Maybe replace Brynn with the girl from the newest planet of the apes

The kind I watch are

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but who will play Ritsu and Azusa? that's two of the main cast right there

Miname-ke and what other show(s)?

Mills would be a great Ritsu. she has a spunkey personality and would be great. Azusa could be done by an asian loli. Lily may be the one for that, i haven't seen her acting chops though

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I can perfectly see a younger Elle Fanning as Mugi

I can dig it, the question would be will she be able to act out the personality which differs a lot from her normal roles

I will agree on Mills, Azusa still feels like a crapshoot.... no one in Hollywood that would perfectly fit that role. Maybe give the younger lucy liu twintails and call it a day?

Man i saw a film today where they dressed up a 17 year old as a 12 year old loli, and it was so hot. She was like an irl oppai loli

There are no Hollywood actresses that are Piper Perri and can act, user.

Is the reverse possible?

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*blocks your path*

she has fat titties in Love, Simon it's kino

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>he finally realized his dream of becoming a cute anime girl

> America would see uguu kawaii shit as fake, overacted, and off-putting.

Because it is.

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Idris Elba unironically

That was a good movie, not moe tho

Absolutely not.

How do you even make a full length movie about a slice of life moeshit show where practically nothing happens?