Red alert! red alert!

>red alert! red alert!
>cut to a close up of a weapons rack
>security guys start grabbing rifles off it one by one
is there a name for this kind of shot?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>nameless security guys get killed by the monster

Attached: 1518443042803.jpg (793x786, 54K)

>nameless security guy gets very slowly run over by steamroller

Attached: dunce.png (658x901, 64K)

Yes, it's called _____ah-bloo-bloo______

is there a name for this shot?

Attached: bait.jpg (1920x1040, 211K)

>movie deliberately hides the monster as much as possible because it creates effective atmosphere
>Jaws only did it because of budget shortages, accidentally creating a trend in the process
Love this shit.

Attached: d1e.jpg (600x600, 40K)

>military are completely laughably incompetent at combatting a monster/alien threat

Attached: squashs.jpg (399x400, 13K)

>nameless security guys aren't shown escaping the facility before it explodes
>nobody asks what happened to them

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>hero warns the authorities about the monster
>they believe him and take prompt, effective action

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>tfw he was an Army veteran and was just trying to make ends meet for his young family
Why does hollywood treat private security in such a disposable way?

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What about the shot where there's a single guy grabbing those rifles and GIVING them to other guys one by one?

Nice quads, but that isn't what I'm talking about. That's what the hero does when he arms up. I'm talking about that singular shot of NPC guards grabbing guns off a rack. It's in every fucking movie but tvcucks hasn't bothered to name it.

Boi don't even get into helpful guy.

>helpful guy quickening the gun grading time for the squad
>really just trying to create a wall of flesh between him and the enemy

somebody needs more make a tvtropes page for this

it's called a rack n go


Only kino described ITT

The first time I noticed this scene

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Everybody has budget problem and hiding the monsters is cheap for everybody.
You may hear lots of zeros in modern movies but they do it for budget problem too

>in English, doc

i know what you're talking about op but for the life of me can't think of any examples. closest i can think of is in the warriors when the baseball furies are all grabbing their bats

Happens in King Kong (2005/6) and Master and Commander iirc

This is the only one I can think of but it's a thing

1:41 that is

Sounds like the start of "The One"

I can't think of any movies off the top of my head but examples happen in Mass Effect 2 (when the collectors board your ship), the 1st episode of Elfen Lied (when the girl breaks containment) and one of the early episodes of Space Battleship Yamato when the robot escapes.

>it doesn't matter they all die anyways

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All mass-quoters should be rounded up and fucking shot I swear to god you people are scum and I will find you

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Turns out only anime and games do this shit

>computer gets hacked
>sirens go off, lights flashing red
>men (and women) run to a several monitors stacked together
>lines of green code on a black background start scrolling past on the screens
>a pixelated skull appears in the center and laughs in a computer generated voice

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it's the "conditioning you to see guns being taken away" shot

Master and Commander is an anime?

>evil monster escapes containment
>barreling down towards security guard
>guard opens fire, killing the monster
>he doesn't get a promotion
hate this shti

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>mum just walked in on me cumming to sissy hypno porn

name five kinos that do this, or give three links

>Sir, I think we are being hacked!
>Status report!
>Outbound connection detected! Our encryption key is being tested!
Giant countdown window pops up on the Main Screen
>Synthesized voice anouncing: "Warning. Time until main system being compromised: Five minutes"


I fucking hate that this crap turns me on. Wish I could just be a regular bi dude but nooo I have to have this embarrassing fetish.

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checked, are you a cute feminine boy

Sorry pal. Narrow waist, barrel chest, and balding. Life is a joke, and I'm not laughing.

>Good morning Doctor.
>How is The Thing today?
>it's...not cooperative.
*Doc and the guard both swipe their cards
>an impossibly thick, colorful, and vault door slowly opens

unlucky, maybe consider killing yourself

Now we're on a whole new level, brother

Nah dude. I still really enjoy sucking and fucking, no homo

Ironic that actual malware is scarier than this


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yikes. my quest for the perfect feminine bf continues

good luck user

>ship gets hit
>synthesized voice: "Warning: container integrity down to 40%. Core melt down in exactly 2 minutes 30 seconds"

>computer voice keeps giving updates
>someone tells it to shut up

>open task manager
>svchost.exe: 99% cpu

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>machine/vehicle breaks down
>guy kicks it from frustration
>it starts up again

it's just your homies mining crypto

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I post on pol for hours every day. I think my computer is actually being monitored. I went to open up my built-in webcam the other day and it took a good minute for it cut in when it use to do so immediately.

Name ONE american made british spy parody comedy film released in 1997 that does this?

>intruder alert
>red spy is in the base

are there any movies where the nameless soldier/security guy is competent? I can't think of any examples currently but it's my favorite subversion of a trope. Also nice when the nameless soldier is on the bad guy's side and pose an actual danger to the heroes.

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>Also nice when the nameless soldier is on the bad guy's side and pose an actual danger to the heroes.
this always come across as weird and awkward, like they just forgot to introduce one of the villains.

I think it's just conditioning. You've been watching stormtroopers and other endless goons not manage to even be slightly competent and that's what you've started to expect, so when you see a competent one you confuse it with a minor villain.



replicas are literally cloned soulless husks controlled by the baddie(s)
which is where the name comes from

>Main Character thrown in a cell
>Leader won't listen to him about impending threat being more dangerous than he realises
>Sends his security team to combat threat
>They are all wiped out in obligatory radio screaming and then static scene
>Cut to shot of main character in cell
>Suddenly door opens and leader is standing in the doorway with a pistol
>"We need your help"

The Incredibles do this - Syndrom's mooks are reasonably competent.

In Amazing Spiderman, the police do an amazing job at fighting the Lizard. Unfortunately, they're not the protagonists, so they lose eventually.

>Bad guy kills one of his henchman for literally no reason other than to show his dominance to the main protagonist

this is so ubiquitous that it's not even worth mentioning dude

It's called "Rack And Loaded".

This happens in the 3rd X Men movie too

Literally every other Stargate episode

why did the evil corporation give their sentient sex dolls the abiltiy to kick off heads

In English doc!


Halo 2's first mission.

basically happens in LOTR though it's more stylised.

>it's a heroes gear up with weapons and armor
>I Stand Alone starts to play
>there's more than one hero

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Is it possible for the "defense" side to calculate how long the hacking is going to take

They are hacked by an insider

>protagonist has a hard day
>shows him in really hot steamy shower resting head on wall

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This is exactly the scene OP describes.

It's also been used in Futurama and Family Guy

I have actual nightmares about people finding it.

Had a nightmare last night that Marylin Manson was working a ticket booth at a movie theater, thought I was recording the movie with my phone, checked my photos and found my sissy hypno.

>american military is completely laughably incompetent

wow it's just like real life!

The combat drop in Aliens

Or the opening to Halo Landfall

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Gear-Up shot I guess


Based ah-bloo-bloo poster

Helper frog is much better than pepe. But I'm worried about when he'll become irrelevant just like pepe before him.