I like Emma Watson. Fight me, why don’t you

I like Emma Watson. Fight me, why don’t you

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Everyone does, don't be a fool

#timesup for you disgustingly evil white men. Emma will destroy you all.

I don't like anyone, ESPECIALLY you.

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she's a cute, what's not to like?
all the actors i like watching have stupid opinions, all the people i know in real like have stupid opinions. doesn't bother me any.

eyebrows give me a boner

Fucking this.

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I think Emma goes above and beyond having stupid opinions.

Her entire personality is DAE feminism? And she looks withered, like if the spark of life had been sucked out of her.

maybe so.
but like i said, it doesn't bother me any.


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Literally the worst Emma.

You CAN’T refute this.

she's had a Lohan-esque meltdown but the media doesn't cover it

I'm italian tho


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This needed to be posted

pls Emma measure my dick with your mouth

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cute choppy bangs

she'll be the first to be nailed to a cross and raped by mudslimes soon, I'm sure, watch it on cnn

False. She’s worse than Emma Roberts but superior to Emma Stone.

roberts is the absolute worst

i like her legs!

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i like her feet

So did Harvey Weinstein.

i want to worship them!!

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I met her at a club/bar when she went to Brown years ago. She has the body of a 12 year old boy and was really plain jane honestly.

Damn. What went so wrong?

You didn't leave your house since you dropped out of high school. Stop imagining social situations you never had.

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not the user you replied to, but i haven't left the house since i dropped out of middle school and i need a friend.

then leave your house and remember just bee yourself.

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She's a bad actor

>bling ring
>perks of being a wallflower
They were all fine movies and here acting in them had a range from meh to pretty good. Nothing outstanding yet but she'll get there.

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>fight me
you're not a 14 year old girl, quit saying that.
but 11 year old emma was prime

Yeah but they're good in spite of her, not because of her


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Yet she wasn't bad in them and the characters she was supposed to play were believably displayed through her acting.

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that lucky sonuvabitch

I do too. I bet most of her issues were caused by being molested by Weinstein, and a loving relationship with a good man will set her straight.

For me it's the bridge of freckles across her nose.

>Her entire personality is DAE feminism? And she looks withered, like if the spark of life had been sucked out of her.

Her body is meh but she has a very cute face.

She hates you OP
She hates all men
She could've chosen to stay pretty and be a top tier waifu. But she chose to become a retarded men-hating SJW instead. That thing comes at a price, OP. Especially if you have the hypocrisy to talk about feminism after getting fucked in all holes by Harvey.

You're a dumb bastard, user. Whiny too.

>Especially if you have the hypocrisy to talk about feminism after getting fucked in all holes by Harvey.
There is a cause and effect relationship here.

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man faced kikes

hes not dumb hes right and smart fuck you faggot

no doubt there is but she didnt have to suck jew cock now did she? instead of naming the jew shes #metooing like a dumb CUNT

>no doubt there is but she didnt have to suck jew cock now did she?
Given her case she may actually have been forced by her parents to fellate Weinstein to make them rich when she was still a child. It probably deranged her.