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so how the fuck am i supposed to take thanos seriously if this guy is strong enough to fight him?

Seriously what do you capeshit fags find interesting about this shit?

"it's a fantasy movie user, just enjoy it lol"


Its like a 3 second clip. Might be more to it.

i figured he has the power gem while doing that.

Thanos' fist should have went through this guy like butter. The movie is confirmed to be garbage from that 3 second clip.


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>That one part in Avengers 2 where Capt fights Ultron and doesn't get torn to pieces.

>tfw absolutely don't give fuck about MARVEL since Age of Ultron was such a trainwreck
>month before it's release Infinity War hype gets to me and I'm gonna pull the trigger



How do I get hair like that?

just wax it backwoods

Thanos literally went to grab him and Cap is using all of his strength just to hold his hand back. Thanos is barely trying, was just surprised Cap could do even that

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Tell me about cap, why does he wear the beard?

So he has his marriage ring and tries to kiss him?


Wait so do I gotta read a book or some shit? How do you know that from the trailer?

Looks like he's trying to pull the gauntlet off

This is why Cap is the best.

no its ok Thanos is clumsy he will drop it by accident himself

Virgin Stark vs Chad Rogers

Because that's clearly whats happening there

Do they get married though?


Why the fuck doesn't Tony give them all suits?

Thanos is holding back

>Thanos beats Thor who got powered up ezpz
>1v1 me faggot

>memed into reading the comic
>there's no actual plot, just Thanos using god powers to kill everybody for shits and giggles
>damag done by Thanos is undone making everything that happened pointless
This is Marvel's ultimate lead up? Really? The whole thing is written like 10 year olds idea of what cool is.

he wouldnt be special anymore



Wh*te """""""""""""""men"""""""""""""""""

No, Disney fucked it up, but the catch 22 for that, is they wouldn't have had enough funding and resources to build it to what it is today.

So this faggot has only two stones? Are they not even planning to make him the god-like being from the comics?

I don't get why people are surprised by this... Thanos reach for cap with his hand ( I mean when I reach for my mouse I don't put my strength into it ) .
For Thanos it's the same, he thought that simply waving his arm would be enough as I don't expect my mouse to fight back and he's surprised by the resistance.
I don't think Thanos use his strength to grab something because you know, he know his own strength like everyone on earth when we try to grab an ant.

He's going to kill Vision and trick Doc Strange and Adam Warlock.

He dies in the comic, you know this right?

like poetry

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Adam Warlock won't come until GOTG3

How else Thanos is going to acquire Soul Gem?

>thinking white cuck men can compete with big purble alpha men

>So this... is the power of America.


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It's in Wakanda that's why Thanos attacks

Because he won't be special after that and he loves being special

Won't there be like two-three movies between this Infinity Wars and the next? Is GotG3 in the lineup there?

It's always like that. No one really dies in this shit.

>muh death of superman
>so dramatic, so sad!
>lol, he's alive!
It's like some Dragon Ball shit. They always resurrect them or replace with other characters wearing the same costume.

Various apes on jewtube and social media etc. are mad Captain America wasn't cucked by Thanos...


I thought Black Panther was supposed to bring us all together?

Give them an inch...

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this is going to be absolute dogshit and i say this as a marvel fan

Stop chimping out, Jamal.

There won't be Infinity War part 2, they changed it simply to Avengers 4

if you're really marvel fan then why it will be absolute dogshit?

because the cgi looks terrible from the trailer and i very seriously doubt that they can juggle screentime between the ensemble properly

>Superman's deathlike manner set into motion a series of resurrections in the DC Universe. Green Arrow, Barry Allen, Jason Todd, Donna Troy, Elongated Man, Hal Jordan, Metamorpho, Batman, and others have experienced comic book deaths and resurrections. These events have been attributed to the door between life and death being kept open since Superman died.

whats your opinion on Thanos lore change?


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>because the cgi looks terrible
Looks just as terrible as every other marvel flick desu.

How many stones does GrapeMan have now? How many more does he need? And where are they?

>Doctor Strange has one, Vision is literally Steven Universe walking gem and last on is in Wakanda.

just google it, Loki, Collector, Nova Corps, Vision, Dr. Strange and Soul Gem in Wakanda

>White male leading African army
Cant make this shit up

pffff hahahahahaha
america never change bro never change!

Why don't they just take their 3 stones and fling them into the Sun?

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redpill me on why blacks dont like trailer

why are half the gems found on Earth?

Marvel didn't bother establishing other planets apart of GOTG and Thor

So the ENTIRE Thanos arc is in 1 movie?

Basically, he only appears in post-credit scenes as cock-teaser.

This shit is legitimately making me laugh my fucking ass off.

they actually do like it, they just find it really intense

These guys love Cape trailers, last one I remember them hating was Batman v Superman. 3 of the most popular capeshit trailer reaction channels are black Tyrones, including these guys, and there’s a bunch of other black reaction channels who get extremely hyped while watching.

>black get popular for chimping out
color me surprised

there's 6 gems

there's a really good article about this kind of thing, structural conservatism in super hero narratives. nothing can ever really change, everything has to be back to normal by next week etc

>In his 1972 essay ‘The Myth of Superman’, Umberto Eco describes the strange temporality that characterizes long-running comic-book narratives. Such stories constitute a sort of anti-narrative: events ‘happen’ only so that they may quickly be reversed, so the original status quo of the fantasy (a superhero, typically a white male in his mid-to-late twenties, operating in a world that is basically exactly like our own) never comes under revision or reconsideration. Thus, Superman loses his powers, but quickly gets them back again; he dies, but comes back to life; his earthly home Metropolis is destroyed by robots, but gets rebuilt between issues; Lois Lane discovers his true identity but then for some reason or another she forgets it; they get married but then the universe is destroyed and history starts over from the beginning; and so on and so on. Such stories, Eco notes, take place in a sort of eternal present, ‘where what has happened before and what has happened after appears extremely hazy’. Generally speaking, events beyond the character’s origin story do not have consequences that ‘stick,’ either for the individual or for the larger society in which they live. Superman cannot use his superhuman abilities to invent free energy, launch all nuclear missiles into the sun, or abolish capitalism, any more than he can settle down with Lois Lane and become a father who will someday be replaced by his Super Sons. For Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, the Flash, and all the rest to make permanent, transformative difference in the world would dislocate the comic from the original point of entry to which it must always return, so the stories can remain endlessly available to new readers.

oops forgot link lol


man, fuck Russo and their Cap boner

this one fucking scene killed the entire continuity.

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>Haven't been interested in Marvel movies since Winter Soldier
>Toys spoiled what is probably the coolest moment from the film, but still want to see it with the Marvel trademarked bad CGI

I'm conflicted

this is some unemployed bum who finished college with a useless degree trying to sound deep without doing any actual research
Eliminating nuclear weapons is literally the premise of Superman IV, inventing free energy is literally the premise of Iron Man 2 and The Dark Knight Rises, and "abolishing capitalism" is a worthwhile goal only if you're a retarded western millennial who thinks communism is cute.
Like I understand the complaints about the comics because they're for retarded manchildre, but all superhero movies tried to do more with the heroes

This would've been 10x better. Cap last man standing.
'As long as one man stands against you, Thanos, you'll never be able to claim victory'

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I think I prefer the film version. He looks better when he isn't angry or smiling like an idiot.

Someone post the laughing version please

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umberto eco has been very influential, very important thinker. and it is a 45 year old essay. his criticisms have been incorporated now to some extent, more to movies than comics maybe. but you kinda missed his point that even if the heroes do end nukes or discover free energy, it doesn't stick permanently. the free energy is destroyed, there's no big change to the world it goes back to being the same
>abolishing capitalism" is a worthwhile goal only if you're a retarded western millennial who thinks communism is cute.
nice how you think those are the only two options. weird you're in love with a system based on giving random people pieces of paper to do something for you. where you have society without real social bonds and everything, even family is a business transaction where you question whether it is worth your time to go to a family reunion. where increasingly you can buy anything no matter how degenerate, and these things called banks can print and manipulate money as much as they want and get bailed out by taxpayers. and where literally everyone but Joe Bumfuck will be (((medicated))) on psych drugs at some point in their life, if they don't self medicate with weed/beer/otc

Hey man, he built a suit for Hulk, he can't just make suits for everyone.

>African nation has the soul gem

why would you use reason on Sup Forums user ?
stop it

what are the circumstances that lead these two to be in such close proximity?

they showed the entire wakandan army and shit so i figured they'd all be shooting the shit out of Thanos.

also the new cap shields look dumb as fuck. please don't let that be the vibranium ones.

i like how the ripped up metal looks on tony stark's suit, and i was surprised (pleasantly) to see a man in actual good make-up (not CGI) talk to Dr. Strange.

overall will watch can't wait.

no where at all in that video did they get 'mad' about anything related to 'cuck'

you Sup Forumstards completely lack critical thinking

Why the fuck isnt there a bunch of vibranium impact absorbing iron man suits?

By not being autistic and being able to read facial cues

Hes eyes turn yellow, he has the soul stone

"Just let me touch your beard, it looks so soft!"
"Come on man, look at my face! I can never grow one like you. It's all purple and curly. "
"No, you said the same thing to Thor"
*webm starts*

That part is so short I hardly even notice it

>On Sup Forums
> doesn’t know who Umberto Eco is

it is because sales dropped off and fans screamed for him to come back.
it is like you dont know how comics work.

Not him but the actual american capitalism is not the only type of capitalism you know?

>No one really dies in this shit
Except Uncle Ben and Bruce Wayne's parents except when they don't

>army of tribesmen firing their """ADVANCED VIBRANIUM SPEAR RIFLES""" into a horde of enemies with barely any effect
>when one good 155 barrage would have done the trick

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Captain America has superhuman strength and Thanos can only exert as much force on him as his weight because otherwise he'd lift himself up in the air. Thanos seems about twice as tall as the average human in that scene so I'd guess he weights about 1.5 metric tons max.